Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1240: Than the flesh? Who gives you courage!


   A roar!

   Chen Lan's side Luo Lan, Bei Mingxiong, Bei Mingzhi and Wang Shen instinctively retreated, but Chen Zheng did not fluctuate, only raised his right hand, and gently extended a finger in front of everyone!


The vast immortal pagoda bumped into the finger that Chen Zheng stretched out, and then heard a click. Everyone thought that Chen Zheng's finger was crushed, but he could look at it closely. Still, there was a crack in the vast immortal pagoda!

   lying trough!

   Is that okay?

   Beiming Family, Undead King Family, Sword God South Family, and other creatures in Sky City are instantly dumbfounded!

prior to!

   Na Tong Tian Xian pagoda collided, Wang Futu and Beiming Wuwu two half-track ancestors, one flesh fragmented, one directly destroyed only Yuanshen!

right now!

  Tongtian Immortal Pagoda was hit again, but was blocked by a finger, and the person who blocked the Immortal Pagoda was unharmed, but the Immortal Pagoda was fragmented!

   This comparison!


"How can this be......"

  Nanjia old sword god's throat agitated, his eyes seemed to stare out, his mouth stunned.

He knew what happened yesterday and knew that a mysterious young man was coming, but at this moment I really saw this mysterious young man. When I saw the mysterious young man blocking the Tiantianxian Tower of Luotian Taoist ancestor with one finger, the Tongtianxian Tower It's broken, he couldn't believe it, because he couldn't explain it!

   Yesterday this young man was a mortal. At this moment, this young man seems to be an eighth-order heavenly immortal. Although the mana has recovered a lot, the eighth-order heavenly immortal is a fart in front of Daozu!

   The eighth-order heavenly immortal is still just a ants!


   But why an eighth-order heaven immortal resolved the means of bombardment in Taoist realm with one finger!

   "He... he doesn't seem to be a mortal, he's a fairy!"

   "Is this the reason why Dazu Xian Pagoda can be blocked?"

   "Tianxian...whatever, this is definitely not the root cause!"

   There are many creatures in the sky city who met Chen Zheng yesterday. At this moment, some people saw that Chen Zhengxiu was already a heavenly wonderland. After a moment of stunnedness, various speculations began. However, this speculation also found that the explanation is simply unclear. Even if Tianxian goes against the sky, it cannot be the opponent of a Taoist ancestor.


what is this?

   These creatures are also crying in their hearts at this moment, eager to know an answer and a truth!

   "Thank you senior!"

   Beiming Wuwu Yuanshen recovered, and now respectfully worship Chen Zheng respectfully. Wang Futu, who was shattered in flesh over there, didn't say anything, but he also held a fist at Chen Zheng. The two of them knew very well that if it was not for the mysterious young man to show up, the two of them and the Wang family of the Beiming family might be gone.

   "Tongtian Immortal Tower in this seat..." Luo Tian Daozu, the old man in the purple robe, stared at the fragmented Tongtian Immortal Tower for a moment before whispering. After whispering, his indifferent eyes locked Chen Zheng: "Yongye Xianwang sent me to the astral world, one took over the astral world, and the other was to kill you! Although the body of the Yongye the fairy can't come to the astral world at will, but I am like this The lower-level Taoist ancestor can come to the astral realm, and is not subject to the laws of heaven and earth! Then I am a Taoist ancestor with complete physical strength, so I will definitely kill you!"


  Luotian Daozu raised his hand!

   I saw a fairy light hit!

   The fragmented Tongtianxian Tower heals instantly!


  Santa's move!

   returned to the top of Luotian Daozu!


  Fairy burst!

   Luo Tian Dao Zu's flesh soars instantly!

   In the blink of an eye, it is already the immortal body of Qianzhang Dao!


  Luotian Daozu stepped on it!

   The sky city oscillates!

   Between the terrified souls of the sky city, Luo Tiandao's hands were sealed, the fairy light rhyme flowed, and connected with the fairy tower above the head, forming a huge golden clock!



  Luotian Daozu suddenly moved!

"The body of the Taoist ancestor and the fairy tower are linked to the golden road. The golden bell is not extinguished, the physical body is immortal! Unless the third ancestor of the third ancestor comes in person, all means under the third ancestor of the third ancestor will not be hurt. This Dao Zu is nothing! Chen Zu, this Dao Zu is now ruining Sky City and trying to slaughter Sky City's souls. What can you do to stop this seat and take your special flesh? Huh!"


   Cold hum!

  Longtian Daozu, who has only one thousand feet, moves again!


   Wherever I went!

   Everything is crushed by the connected Admiralty!

   There are some weak creatures, too late to flee, and they were crushed into powder in no time!

   "Kill! Kill him! Kill all the people around him!"

  Nanjia old sword **** roared wildly, and his face was so crazy that he didn't care if Sky City would be destroyed. Now he only needs Chen Zheng to die!



  In less than six breaths, one-third of Sky City was regionalized for powder. At this moment, whether it is the Beiming family, the Wang family, or other forces, almost all are at large. They all fled into the sky and escaped from Sky City!

But they are also very clear that if no one can stop the Luotian Taoist ancestors at this moment, then everyone will die, because the golden bell of Luotian Taoist ancestors is in full swing, the sky city will be sealed by an enchantment, and they will at most break away Sky City, but can't really escape!

   "Dare to ask Chen Zu, what can you do to stop this Dao Zu!"

  Luotian Daozu sneered, the body of the thousand feet with the Admiralty of the Admiralty moved, the area where the Wang family and the Beiming family were instantaneously turned into powder, all the matter was wiped out!

   "Unfortunately, no one in my Wang family is a Taoist ancestor, and no one has refined the ultimate way to kill the heavens!"

   King God gritted his teeth!

  In this situation, no matter whether it is the Wang family or the Beiming family, it is impossible for someone to be able to stop Luo Tian Dao Zu, then only look at Chen Zu! If Chen Zu can't stop the golden bell, the Beiming and Wang families will surely be destroyed! Maybe he and Wang Futu’s ancestors can escape, but they can’t reverse the situation, and they can only watch the clan turn into fans!


  Chen Zu can stop this trend of Admiralty!

If Chen Zu used the mysterious magic weapon in Yuan Tian Gong to deal with the anti-god and the dark shadow, it should be able to suppress this Luo Tian Dao Zu, but Chen Zu didn’t seem to intend to sacrifice that magic weapon at all. No fluctuations!

and so!

  What is Chen Zu thinking at the moment?

The thought of Wang Shen flashed in his At the moment when the Admiralty of Luotian Dao was less than ten steps away from here, Chen Zheng shook his head gently and smiled: "After the era restarts, it seems that it is still the first Once someone took the initiative to compare itself with me, it's just that you, the most important Taoist ancestor, is really too much."



   After a smile!

  Chen Zheng flesh out like a torrent!

   "Hum! All the means of attack under the third Taoist ancestor, the Taoist ancestors can bounce back, Chen Zu, you are too naive, you dare to take the initiative to kill, you are looking for abuse!"

  Luotian Taoist sneer is extremely disdainful!



   His smile froze!

   At this moment, a very splendid scene was reflected in his pupils, that is, he was a golden bell with a secret method linked to the Tongtianxian Tower, and suddenly fireworks exploded at this moment!



   Only listen to a loud noise!

  The body of the thousand feet was hit by Chen Zheng and was slashed!

   One of his heads was blown up into the sky!

And then!

   He heard an extremely disdainful laugh!

   "Compared with me? Who gives you the courage!"

   (End of this chapter)

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