Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1247: New to the universe


   What kind of stuff is that?

  The little doll of chemistry shows uncomfortable color.

"Infinitely close to detachment or already detached, but it has not been forced to enter and exit other reincarnations at random. The black iron block is similar to the Princess Yuyu shuttle, but it is not a person but a heritage secret. If I don’t guess Wrong, the leader of Shinto League is one of Rong's chess pieces."

  Chen said with a faint smile.

"The Shinto League leader... The Shinto League is the top force in the universe, and the Lord of the Thousand Kingdoms is not afraid to provoke the Shinto League leader. Not long ago, the second disciple of the Shinto League leader was still frantically pursuing Lord Daisy. ..."

  Luo Lan heard the Shinto League and opened her mouth subconsciously, but when she felt the indifferent look staring at the Dahua Xiaowa, she immediately kept silent.

   "Dai Sisi? Listening to the name is that kind of voluptuous woman in the Western Regions. Chen Zheng you guys all take the East and the West. It is really extensive enough!"

  The little doll made a sneer.

   "Dai Sisi, my life and I, have only discussed the meaning of life a few times."

   Chen Zheng looked right.


   The little doll of Chenhua gave Chen Zheng a white eye, and the lotus seeds of Chenhua flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart.

   "The Great Universe...Once that barbaric chaotic galaxy, right, once an extremely primitive world of thousands, dare to call it the name of the Great Universe, and the courage of the creatures in the Star Realm is really big."

  Sin God Beast Eclipse mentioned a sentence.

Luo Lan couldn't refute this point, because the evil God Beast Eclipse was right, the universe was initially just an extremely primitive world, far less prosperous than the bright world. Later, people from all walks of life went to the universe. It evolved step by step. It is also because of this that the major forces of the Great Universe are extremely complex, and the creatures of the Eastern Great World and the Western Great World blend and collide in the Great Universe.

"It seems... it seems that the name of the Great Universe originally came from a temple. That temple still exists and is called the Great Universe Temple, but the original name has been forgotten. Lord Daisy has been there. The shrine was also a mysterious vision. The giant of light appeared in the world. Unfortunately, the giant of light passed away. No one knew the origin of the giant of light."

  Luo Lan thought whispering.

   "Tomorrow I will go to the Great Universe to see the dark blue, and also to see the leader of the Shinto League, and hope that the leader of the Shinto League will not let me down."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

   "Dark Blue..."

  Luo Lan heard these two words, and his eyes were full of surprise, because Deep Blue is also the master in the big universe, and is still called the master of the strongest defense!


   The second day.

   "The astral world is so huge, but the progress has not risen at all. It is really a blinding world like this. You have created a astral world, is it just a whim?"

  The seven-color divine light swept through the huge astral realm, the progress of the cantilever of the universe did not increase at all, and Chen Zheng could only shake his head gently, and the star chasing torn apart in time and space.

   "Chen Zu left the astral world!"

   "Let's go! We also leave the astral world!"

   "Go! Sky City can't stay! The fairyland creatures are terrible! Just drop a Daozu to destroy us!"

   As soon as Xingcha left, the main forces of the Beiming family and other Sky City also drove the warship away. The first is that the monks of the fairy land will come to revenge. The second is that the land of the ancestral source of the astral world has collapsed. If the astral world is huge, it will not make much sense to stay.

   After half a hour of incense.


   Xingcha passed through the bridges of the heavens, and entered a strange star field, sweeping away an empty piece at a glance, except for nothingness, except Xingcha, there seemed to be no other matter in this star field!



   There was a sudden shock in this field of nothingness, and a behemoth appeared in the void, and the giant claw that was more than a hundred times larger than Xingcha shot towards Xingcha!

   "Starry Sky Monster!"

   Luo Lan exclaimed!

   "Humph! A little thing!"

   Without Chen Zheng's shot, the evil **** beast eclipse on the little demon girl's hand flew out, the flesh like a chick instantly swelled, and the body of the **** **** bird exposed, this one big mouth and then a swallow!


   Howling horror sounded!

   At this moment, it was visible to the naked eye that a giant beast that was about the size of this star field was forcibly swallowed by the evil **** beast. In just a few blinks, it was swallowed clean!

"It's cool!" The Scarlet Bird swallowed the starry sky monster, pawed his stomach and nodded with satisfaction, then shrunk into a chick, returned to the little demon girl's hand, and then frowned slightly: "Eat is full. However, it is a pity that foreigners are strong and do a good job, which is at the level of the ancestors, so they can only be used to fill the stomach."


   Luo Lan opened her mouth, and she had nothing to say.

   Lord of life, Master Dai Qisi, is at most the level of the ancestors, and even less powerful than the ancestors. If you face this magical chicken, wouldn't it be the same as the starry monster just now?



   The Lord of the Divine Kingdom in the Great Universe adds up!

   I'm afraid it's not enough for this chick!

   "Who killed the star-eating monster!"


   There is a wave in the void!

   A huge face emerged!

   The next moment was staring towards Xingcha!

   Then just stay!


And then!

   The huge face was instantly destroyed!


  Luo Lan was puzzled, she really didn't understand it, the deity with that huge face was absolutely tyrannical, but why did she glance at Xingcha here and slipped by herself!

   Could it be!

   That huge face is to know Master Master!

   "Why did that guy look familiar just now, but he can't remember who he is, does Chen Zu know that guy?"

  Sin God Beast Eclipse thought about it.

   "I don't know him, he may know me."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly, the seven colors of light in his eyebrows shot out, and swept across this void starry, and when he wanted to sweep the entire universe, a strange scene appeared!


   A divine light interrupted the seven-color divine light!

   Then there was a cry!

   This cry is like ignoring the laws of heaven and earth!

   seems to spread throughout the entire universe in a flash!

   And it is still directly imprinted in the minds of all creatures!


  Sin God Beast eclipsed his brow.

   "This cry... why there is an unspeakable sadness..."

  Luo Lan whispered, looking sad at the moment, his eyes were already in tears.

   "Who is this again?"

  Chen Zheng's eyes moved, looking towards the galaxy in the southwest direction. The people around him did not know, but he knew very well that the cry came from the galaxy in the southwest direction. Another point is that listening to the cry, a vague figure appeared before him, and the vague figure stretched out his hand to grab him, as if desperately wanting to grab his hand.

   And also at the moment when Chen Zheng subconsciously reached out to grab the ambiguous figure, the cry and the inevitable figure disappeared at the same time. Immediately after the galaxy in the southwest direction, a bright **** just broke out!


   The bright divine light condenses a huge beam of light!

  Look at the moment!

   The huge beam of light seems to penetrate the entire universe!

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