Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1256: It’s been hundreds of millions of years

In an instant.

   seems to be back to earth.

   Take a closer look.

  The shuttle shuttle flew across from above.

   "Qiancheng Province, this should be just a coincidence."

  Chen Zheng smiled, wondering how he might be unfamiliar with these two words. During that time when he was in charge of Tiandao Palace, he could hear these words or shout them out every day.

   The main lord of Tiandao Palace is called Yingyu, and Yingyun is also the daughter of Hongmeng.

  Chen Zheng walked aimlessly, and came to a school in front of him. There was a stone tablet in front of the school. The words of the holy word were written on the stone tablet.

"Tianxian? Are you the new teacher to apply for? The palace master has been waiting for you for a long time. You must not be angry anymore. When the palace master gets angry, it will rain all over the city! Don’t make the palace master angry again! By the way, I’ll tell you a little bit in advance. This time the test questions prepared by the palace master are related to the refiner. You should be a bit good at the refiner!"

  A middle-aged woman saw Chen Zheng, walked up like a natural lover, and took Chen Zheng into the palace with one move.

   "Refiner...I have studied for a while."

  Chen Zheng nodded.

"Have you only studied for a period of time? Is there a hundred years? If you don’t have more than a hundred years of refining experience, I am afraid that you will not pass the palace master’s assessment? You look very young, but should you be at least two hundred years old? , The Palace Master is already urging, I will take you to the Palace Master now!"

  Middle-aged woman seemed a little anxious, and asked Chen Zheng while skimming towards the depths of the academy.

   "It will be hundreds of millions of years."

  Chen Zheng nodded.

"Hundreds of millions of years? Fuck! You kid can really blow, is it a problem if you are two hundred years old! Well, don't blow, what is your name, if your name is too strange, I'm afraid the palace owner will not Satisfied. By the way, my surname is Du, just call me Sister Du."

   The middle-aged woman listened for a moment, then stared at Chen Zheng for several times, then shook her head and asked.

   "Chen Zheng."

  Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Chen Zheng? Are you a child next to the Chen family? The palace owner has a good opinion of the Chen family. Your name is quite normal. I hope it can be added to the palace owner. Um? Some are too late, it seems that You can only use runes!"

  The middle-aged woman said, her face sinking, she shattered a rune, and the fairy light flashed, and the two were forcibly teleported.


   When the two appeared at the next moment, they were already in a large hall full of various refining materials. As soon as they appeared, they stared at them with seven or eight eyes, and then heard a chuckle!

"Vatican Palace Master, this is the teacher you want to apply for, a waste fairy! The Vatican Palace Master, Vatican Palace Master, if you want to refuse me, just say it, why should I find a Celestial Being an excuse! Why am I also a golden fairy, Isn’t my golden immortal refiner better than a heavenly fairy! Lord Brahma, I was the only goddess, but you treated me like this, it really made me sad!"

   It was a young man in white, who glanced at Chen Zheng extremely disdainfully, and then shook his head at the woman in a purple dress holding a cat in her arms.

   "Master Wu Di, Wu Family, Nanzhao Province, why are you here?"

   The middle-aged woman was shocked.

"I came with the Holy Word Order, I was going to apply to become a teacher of the Holy Word Academy, but the Vatican Palace said that I had recruited a powerful refiner teacher, and refused me on this ground. But I did not expect that Everything is just an excuse for the Lord of the Vatican Palace. If the Master of the Vatican Palace said that the teacher is better than me in refining, I am convinced to take it by mouth, but I am not convinced of this fairyland kid."

  The boy in white chuckled.

"Du Liniang, if this time let the son of Wu Di bring the Holy Word Order back, according to the rules, this Holy Word Order is equivalent to two Holy Word Orders, you should know that Dacheng Immortal Mansion will be opened again. The Wu family came to the Holy Word Academy to borrow Taoists with the Holy Word Order. If you borrow two Taoist soldiers from the Heavenly Emperor Realm, you must also borrow from the Holy Word Academy!"

   At this time, an old man beside the white man said coldly.


   Sister Du frowned, glanced at the purple-dressed woman, and at Chen Zheng again, and only shrugged. She was just a deacon in the academy, and she couldn't make a decision. However, if the Holy Word order is rejected this time, then the Wu Family's Holy Word order will indeed be used one for two next time. But if Wu Jiazhen took the Holy Word to borrow soldiers, the loss of the Holy Word Academy would be great.

"Vatican Palace Master, several of our elders agreed that Master Wu Di was qualified to be a refiner in the Holy Word Academy. As for the little brother in the Heavenly Wonderland, his level was still a little bit worse, so he asked the Fan Palace Master to use the Holy Word Academy The interests are the top priority, make a decision before thinking clearly!"

   Several elders of the academic palace exchanged their eyes at the moment, and one of the elders said in a deep voice.

   "We... have we seen it before?"

   Ziyi's beautiful eyes looked at Chen Zheng several times, and suddenly opened her mouth to ask.


   seen before?

  What does this mean?

   Sister Du, a few elders in the academic palace, white-boy and old Wu, he heard this sentence, and he was stunned. The white-boy looked at Chen Zheng, and the cold light flashed in his eyes!

"My son learned the refining skill for ten years with the master of refining who came from Taishang Tiantian Workshop. Although it was only ten years, my son has long understood the refining method of Taishang Tianfang Workshop, too. Fang recognizes the No. 1 refining sect in the heavens and the world. How many years have you learned too much from young refining?

The young man in white thought, and asked with a cold voice, said that his right hand was raised, grabbed the refining materials in the hall, and at the beginning fired a real fire, secretly urging the secret method, less than ten breaths of time, I saw the fairy light flashing, A sword magic weapon takes shape.

"Almost ten breaths, I made a fifth-order fairy sword with Ziyun refined iron, this is my level! If you can exceed my refining skill level around ten breaths, not only do I admit defeat, I am like a king Climb out of the Holy Word Academy, you dare to gamble with your son!"

  The boy in white is holding a sword and drinking coldly, the tip of the sword is pointing at Chen Zheng!

  Chen Zheng, as if he didn't hear it, looked at the cat in the arms of the Fan Palace with a faint smile.

   "Why don't you even have the courage to gamble with your son?"

  White man sneer!

   "That...Chen Zheng said that he had been refining for hundreds of millions of years."

   Sister Du gritted her teeth.

   a word!

   Everyone was shocked!

   But the next moment is all kinds of laughter!

   "Hundreds of millions of years?"

   "Haha! Hahaha! Mrs. Do you also believe this? What is this boy doing, he can refine hundreds of millions of years, and you also believe such a lie!"

   "Ridiculous! Hundreds of millions of years! How old are you to live!"

   Not only the Wu family laughed, but also several elders in the academic palace laughed. In their eyes, the kid in front of him was purely a liar, and Mrs. Du was also a mystery. Anyway, he would be deceived by this kid. It is really shameful!

"Your cat is not bad." Chen Zheng looked indifferent, commented on the cat in the arms of the Fan Palace, and then glanced at the refining materials, grabbed a piece of dead wood in the corner, and then wiped it at will. , The dead wood turned into a side seal.



   Xianguang masterpiece!

   Daoyun circulation!


   Above the Holy Word Academy!

   There was a sudden thunder!


   The terrifying lightning pierced the sky!

   slammed towards this refining temple!


   The people in the hall were full of horror!


   "This... this is Heaven Tribulation, Dao Heaven Tribulation, how is this possible!"

   " turned into a Taoist weapon!"

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