Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1266: 1 Slap fan back!

Does    mean?

   Whose voice is that?

   doesn't seem to be the voice of the half-faced woman before!

  Why did Qitiangu Zhongdacheng Xianfu suddenly disappear!

   What is the stone-like thing floating in front of Chen Gongzi at this moment!

   Could it be that there is no inheritance in Dacheng Xianfu!


   What is that lotus seed!


   The lotus seed flew into Chen Gongzi's eyebrows!

  By Xitiangu, Xiu Xiu blinked, his face was full of doubts, just saw the fairy light flash, Dacheng Immortal Mansion disappeared out of thin air, leaving only Chen Gongzi and others.

In Qitian Valley, Fan Qi, Chen Huang, Ba Xia, and Liu Tianhe who seemed to have regained consciousness, all looked silently at the stone tablet suspended in front of Chen Zheng. Everything happened too fast, plus what was heard in Xianfu. Amazing, several people still seem to be thinking about something.

   "Another block diagram."

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, grabbed the suspended stone plate, and suddenly a huge breath was released, but the breath was closed at the next moment, and the stone plate also flew into his eyebrows. .

  The stone plate is nothing else, it is the Taixu boundary map. There are a total of 13 boundary maps in Taixu. Chen Zheng got four before, and the one obtained today has already got five.

   "Go back."

  Chen Zheng turned around, then casually disappeared without a word.




   Where is this?

   "Qiancheng, Liuying Province."

   Chen Huang whispered, glanced at Qi Tiangu Chen Qiong, Chen Luoluo and other children of the Chen family, raised his hands to cast a secret method, and took away the Chen family.

   "Old Ancestor Chen Huang, wait for me!"

   Seeing it under the hegemony, turning into a humanoid figure, and keeping up with it.


  Qi Tiangu, the monks of the major forces of Yunxing, you look at me and I look at you, and finally you can only look at Fan Qi and Liu Tianhe.

   "Master Liu Palace...Are you awake?"

   Sister Du asked.

   "Deacon Du..." Liu Tianhe looked at Sister Du and Fan Qi again, and then shook his head gently: "Although I am sober, it is not suitable for me to go back to the Palace of Holy Word Academy."


  Liu Tianhe turned into a fairy light rising into the sky!

  Is not going back to the Holy Word Academy!

   but broke free and turned Yunxing!


  Sister Du doesn't know what to say, she can only look at Fan Qi.

   "Let's go back too."

  Fan Qi whispered, the fairy light on her body lighted up, and took Sister Du also away.

"In the end what happened?"

   "Dacheng Xianfu left Fan Yunxing, did that Chen Gongzi get no inheritance?"

"It doesn't seem to be the case. Do you still remember the voice? It seems that some people in Xianfu called Chen Gongzi as the godfather... But this seems to make no sense... Oh no matter, Dacheng Xianfu left and turned Yunxing, in the future we will be too peaceful if we turn Yunxing."

"Tai Ping? I'm afraid it won't be possible! Jun Tian Sheng Di fell down an ancestor, and also fell down a body on the Jun Tian Sheng Di old lady, and the Patriarch Patriarch ruled that Jun Tian Sheng Di recognized Chen Gongzi as the master, This matter cannot possibly pass away!"

   "Jun Tian Sheng Di will come to send people to destroy us and turn Yun Xing to no avail. If you do that, I am afraid it will cause public outrage!"

   Various sounds!


  Turn over Yunxing.

  Demonstrates Gancheng Province.

   Inside Chen's ancestral home.

   "Chen Huang sees his master!"

   The old ancestor of the Chen family, Chen Huang, looked solemn and respectfully worshipped Chen Zheng!

   "Meet Chen Zu!"

   Chen Conglong, Chen Luoluo and other children of the Chen family also respectfully worshipped Chen Zheng!

   "Let's get up."

  Chen Zheng wiped with his right hand, everyone was held up by an invisible force.

"Chen Huang thought that he would never see his master again, did not expect that his master would come to Fan Yunxing, and did not expect to be rescued by his master again. I thought that more than two thousand years ago, Chen Huang was the first in the barren city When I saw the owner once, Chen Huang was just a kid with a hairy head. Now when I see the owner again, there seems to be no change from the owner...

   Chen Huang looked at Chen Zheng with great emotion.

  Eight ancient fields?

Chen Conglong, Chen Luoluo and other children of the Chen family were shocked when they heard these four words. Although they knew for a long time that the ancestors were not natives in the universe, the ancestors never mentioned where the Chens were. At this moment, it was only then that Chen Jiazudi was originally in the legendary ancient land of the Eight Wastelands!

"You are a prince in a ruined kingdom of the Eight Wastelands, but you have not insulted the bloodline of your royal family and built an ancestor. Your bloodline has also become a big one, although it is controlled by the old lady of the Juntian Holy Land. It has been hundreds of years, but it is also a blessing due to disasters, and it is expected to impact the Taoist ancestry."

  Chen Zheng looked at Chen Huang, the scene flashed in the past, and he smiled.

   Ancestor Realm!

   When Chen Conglong and Chen Luoluo listened, they suddenly showed the color of surprise. If the old ancestors can really become Dao ancestors, then Fan Yun Chen's family is the most top family in the universe!

"The Kingdom... Alas, even if I can become an ancestor, I am afraid I will not be able to save the Queen. Before meeting the owner, the Queen was captured by a mysterious person. More than two thousand years have passed, I don’t know whether the Queen Still on earth..."

   Chen Huang listened and sighed.

"You begged me to give your sister a gossip, she should still be in the world, but not in the world of thousands. Speaking of that, she also underestimated some creatures at first, thinking that the thing in the sky appeared in the ancient land, now it is Understand, there are creatures who have disguised as the things in the sky and have gone to the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, and also took your sister away from the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands. Your sister’s blood power should still be above you."

  Chen Zheng said softly.

   " this?"

Chen Huang stunned, and then his eyes showed joy. Now he sees Chen Zheng again, and he breaks away from the control of the old lady in Juntian Holy Land. He also stepped into the ancestral realm. The only regret left was that he was originally mysterious. The captured sister.


   is also at this time!

   A quietly listening to the Pazu ancestor suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky!

   "That's... the world destroyer crossbow of Juntian Holy This is the world destroyer crossbow shot from Juntian Holy Land. Juntian Holy Land even wants to avenge the Holy Master!"

next moment!

   Pa Pa ancestor exclaimed!


  Crossbow of World Extermination!

Chen Huang, Chen Conglong, Chen Luoluo and other children of the Chen family were shocked. As soon as Shen Nian was released, he also looked up at the sky. This look changed greatly. Under the investigation of Shen Nian at the moment, there was a giant crossbow in the galaxy. Shoot towards the cloud star with a terrible speed!

  Crossbow of World Extermination!

   That is the World Extermination Crossbow of Juntian Holy Land!

   Ancestor can't stop!

   It is said that a large area of ​​stars can be torn apart with a single arrow!

   This world-destroying crossbow is really going to shoot on the cloud star!

   Turning Yunxing will burst into **** absolutely instantly!

   "Juntian Holy Land! Oh!"

Chen Zheng chuckled, and his figure disappeared for a moment. When he appeared next time, he was already in the void above the cloud star. Looking at the World Extermination Crossbow shot from the galaxy, he raised his right hand and slapped it freely. Fan-out!


   Laws surging!



   World Extermination Crossbow was originally shot towards the Cloud Star!

   Returning along the same path now under the distortion of time and space!

   (End of this chapter)

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