Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1293: I really don't like to fight and kill!

"Rain carving demon king!"

The Red Lotus demon girl was sitting on the floor and listening to her. He looked up at this moment, and then he snorted!

"Why? You are still not convinced? Your majestic daughter of the Red Lotus Demon Emperor, even put any human race kid to preach in Lianshan! This kid is just a mortal, I don't know where I secretly took some secret methods, and dare to come to Lotus. Mountain preaching, this kid must be a chess piece thrown into the Holly Ancient Forest by a certain force of the human race! You are the Holly Ancient Forest Demon King, don’t kill the chess piece inserted by this human race in the first time, and actually cooperate with this chess piece, you want to counter Nothing!"

The Diao Tau body demon clan was drinking with a deep voice!


In front of the Lianhu Lake, a group of demon clan showed a horrified color, but this time they didn't expect to attract the demon king in the hall of the demon emperor deep in the holly ancient forest! This time, Master Lianshan, I am afraid that it will be in big trouble!

"Mortal Uncle..."

Beside Niu Er, Shao Yan of the God Eye tribe screamed, his eyes full of worry.

"Why? You can't say anything, huh? Huh! When you first entered the Palace of the Demon Emperor, you almost destroyed an ancient artifact. If it weren't for watching the Red Lotus Demon Emperor once made a war, how about the Demon Emperor's Palace Maybe you are allowed to mess up in Lianshan! You will kill this humanoid boy now, take his head and this seat to the demon palace, and today the rules are broken, this seat can help you plead!"

Yudiao Yaowang drink again!

"Rain Eagle Demon King, you haven't even figured out my master's origin, just put words on Lianshan, do you really think of yourself as the demon ancestor of the demon emperor palace!"

The red lotus girl said coldly.

"History? Haha! Hahaha! What a mortal you have no power, other than a chess piece inserted by a certain human power? This kid may have a profound knowledge in the theory of practice, but his knowledge of the theory of practice can be deeper, too. It’s just a mortal! In the story of the Western Heavens Scripture Learning in Taishang Heaven, Tang Sanzang’s Dharma was a mere mortal, and he had to rely on Sun Monkeys to protect him to get the Scriptures! This kid, even a reincarnated monk of the human race, The current state is similar to that of Tang Sanzang on the way, and a little monster can destroy him!"

The Rain Eagle Demon King's eyes moved, looked at Chen Zheng several times, revealing a very disdainful look.

"Your demon king also knows how to read scriptures, and seems to have read many books."

Chen Zheng, who had never spoken, smiled faintly at this moment.

"Hey! I have read a lot of books, and I have studied the double secrets of the human race Taoist Taoist!" The rain carving demon king Yinxie smiled, his ears suddenly moved, and he suddenly showed his joy: "Red Lotus Demon King , You think you can't take you from this seat, right? Now an adult is here, you can kill this kid now! It's too late to kill the kid! Up to five breaths, the adult is coming. When the adult comes, this Not only is the kid dying, the adult will surely arrest you in the Palace of the Demon Emperor! The last time you made a mistake, the Red Dragon Demon Emperor’s merits have been resisted once. This time you make another mistake, no one will plead for you!"


The red lotus girl frowned.


next moment!

A voice responded to her!


Then I saw petals as rain, and appeared out of thin air. In the petal rain, a woman dressed in a magnificent purple robe showed up. As soon as this woman appeared, those instincts in front of the lotus lake were shaking!

"Demon King!"

Niu Er was shocked, and Shaoyan beside Niu Er also showed surprise. When he saw the woman in purple robe, he instantly thought of someone, that is, one of the nine emperors of Holly Gulin!

Qianzhu Demon Emperor!

Every time I show up!

There will be petal rain!

"Hua Qianzhu..."

When the red lotus girl saw the purple robe, she subconsciously shouted and frowned again.

"Sister Red Lotus."

The woman in the purple robe hung in the air, glanced at the red lotus demon girl with a faint smile, and then glanced at Chen Zheng's face, stunned for a moment before seeing Chen Zheng's face clearly, and then frowned.

"Thousand Bamboo Demon Emperor, the Red Lotus Demon King and this humanoid kid broke the rules. According to the Law of the Demon Emperor Hall, this kid should be skinned and cramped and hang outside the ancient forest of Holly for three days! As for the Red Lotus Demon King, follow the demon emperor The temple law should also be punished!" Yu Diaoyu Wang saluted the purple robe woman, said a sentence, then sneered at the red lotus demon girl, and then stared at Chen Zheng: "Human tribe, this is the Holly Gulin demon emperor The famous Qianzhu demon emperor in the palace, your kid is a chess piece inserted by the human race forces, I must have heard the name of Qianzhu demon emperor, if I were to die by yourself now to avoid the pain of skin cramps! Although you are a mortal, you can die There should be some strength!"

The last sentence!

Extremely taunting!

"Mortal Uncle..."

Beside Niu Er, Shaoyan heard this sentence, and his small face instantly froze! Because the rain-demon demon king mocked Chen Zheng's sentence, he had heard it in the tribe of the gods and was mocked like that! At this moment there was an unknown fire in his body, between blood and boiling blood, as if there was something to rush out of the deepest part of the body!

"Or do you not even have the strength to kill yourself?"

The rain-devil demon king laughed when he saw Chen Zheng not responding.

"I really don't like to fight and kill."

Chen Zheng took a sip of tea, put down the cup and shook his head gently.

"Haha! Don't like killing and killing? Are you funny? You don't like killing and killing, what do you do in the ancient forest of Holly, then why do you preach the rules set by the demon palace in Lianshan? Huh! I don’t like fighting, killing, killing, what are you, and you, a master of practice theory, really think of yourself as a real master!"

Rain Eagle Demon King is disdainful!

"the host......"

The cold lotus flashed in the eyes of the red lotus girl. At the moment, she whispered to ask for instructions. As long as the owner nodded, she would immediately start!


Chen Zheng sighed softly, and lifted his right hand with a cup of tea.

"Huh? Your kid throwing tea to the seat? Really laughed, this seat is also a demon king, and the demon king of the world is also the golden level of the human race. Besides, this seat is still a Taoist realm. You have no repair. For the kid who took the tea, he could destroy this seat...?!"


Extremely disdainful!

Extremely contempt!

It's just that when the last word was spoken, Yudiao Yaowang's face froze, because the moment the tea splashed on him, he couldn't feel his flesh, as if his flesh no longer belonged to him!

this moment!

He looked down!

Just a glance is completely dumbfounded!


The monster body is really gone!

Not even a monster hair is left!

Only Yuanshen is left at this moment!


It seems that Yuanshen can't hold it anymore!

"What... did you use!"

Yu Diao Yao Wang froze for a moment, and looked at Chen Zheng with horror.

"Enlightenment tea, originally had no lethality, a little bit of other things added, it seems that the effect against the demon clan is also very general."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Enlightened tea... added something..." Yudiao demon king dumbfounded, paused for a while, Shen Sheng asked again: "You don't mean you don't like to kill or kill Kill it!"

"I just poured a little How can this be called killing and killing? If I really like killing and killing, I would have killed you with a sword. I am kind, but you come as soon as you come Kill me, you're going to kill me, can't I still resist it. Everyone lives in this world, let's talk about the basic truth."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

"You... why are you as verbose as Tang Seng, you could be the reincarnation of the heavenly Tang Sanzang!"

The Yudiao demon king was stunned for a moment, and asked again!

"Your demon king is really interesting, be a good person in your next life."

Chen Zheng listened, his eyes changed, and turned into black and white. He only glanced lightly. The rain sculpture demon king Yuanshen was so shocked that he was sent into the reincarnation!

"Reincarnation eyes!"

Between the stunned Lianshan demon clan, Hua Qianzhu spoke three words in a low voice!

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