Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1297: Little fairy!


A wailing cry!

The ghost body of the Nether Tide Demon Emperor was instantly scorched!


Still alive!

There is a purple fairy mantle that envelops the Wraith Demon Emperor Yuanshen!


"What power is this..."

"Has the Wraith Demon Emperor really got other strength..."

In the Palace of the Demon Emperor, many of the Demon Clan's complexions have sunk. I have heard something before, but there is no evidence. At this moment, the Master of the Demon Ancestor personally shot and killed the Demon Emperor of the Ming Chao. Well, then there is no doubt that this is hard evidence!

The Nether Tide Monster Emperor really turned to others!

"Oh! Demon Zu! Zu Wu Qiang Liang! Zu Wu Zu Wu! How can you thunder Avenue no matter how powerful, can you kill me Ming Chao? Since I dare not to abide by your law, I go to fight the girl of Honglian Idea, I naturally have the winning card! At this step, I can’t blame me anymore. Although I have received your favor, but you want to kill me, then I can only fight back! Come on, my master, Holly Gu Lin is real 'S master, the real undead creature in the Holly Ancient Forest, wake up at this moment!"

The Nether Tide Demon Emperor Yuanshen was terrible, and after staring at the Demon Ancestor, he suddenly ejected something, which is a fairy symbol!


Xianfu cracked!


The majestic fairy light blooms!



Deeper in the holly ancient forest, in the unmanned area where the demon emperor's palace seldom set foot, the earth was tumbling for a while, and then a thing came out from under the earth, and suddenly killed the demon emperor's palace!

"That's... a coffin!"

"Isn't there nothing in the dead body?"

"Is there any evil spirit buried in it!"

In the Palace of the Demon Emperor, many demon tribes looked up, and there was a lurch in their hearts, and there was an unknown hunch, because at this moment, even a few senior demon emperors, half of them stepped into the quasi-saint level, and only took a look at that moment. The dark coffin, the Yuanshen is shaking!

There are absolutely terrible creatures buried in this dark coffin. The legend of the holly ancient forest turned out to be true, and terrible creatures were indeed buried in that unmanned area! The Emperor of the Underworld, I don’t know when it was connected with the terrible creatures. Wake up the terrible creatures today. The Palace of the Demon Emperor may be difficult!

"Huh! My master hasn't appeared yet, you are scared one by one, isn't your demon ancestor a ancestor witch, isn't he in control of Thunder Avenue, you can use the Thunder Law to bombard my master's fairy coffin to try?" The tide demon emperor's arrogance soared. At this moment, his eyes swept across the crowd, provocatively glanced at the demon ancestor, and then stared at Chen Zheng suddenly, and then showed a disdainful look: "My master is an undead living creature who has survived the era. , Even if your kid is a reincarnation of a sage, or even a reincarnation of a great man from ancient Honghuang, but it is not enough to look in front of my master! You kid, do you know what an era is, knowing that Hongmengtiandi is just one of our universe. Era, do you know that our universe has destroyed 11 epochs, and know that there are creatures that can live from the epoch to this era!"

Repeatedly ask!


"Under mass robbery!"

"From the age of destruction to our time!"

"Hongmeng is just a epoch, and the heavens and the earth have broken down eleven!"


In the palace of the demon emperor, many demon tribes were surprised. At this moment, the demon ancestor is also the ancestor Wu Qiangliang, and his brows are also raised. He stayed in the Holly Ancient Forest for so many years. The reason why he never left was that he felt something from his resurrection. Before he speculated that his rebirth was related to the layout of the saints. At this point, he understood that it was not the saints who were laying out, but those who had escaped the era of calamity.

"The era of calamity..."

The eyebrows of the red lotus demon girl beside Chen Zheng were also scowled. She was awakened by Chen Zhengdian's memory in the past life. Her past life was the maidservant of the emperor of the world. Of course, she knew that there are creatures between heaven and earth that can avoid excessive robbery. She was not surprised. She was just wondering who was buried in the dark coffin, and inferring from those things in her previous life memory, the dark coffin did not seem to be very old.

"Inside... who is buried in the end..."

Aside, Qian Qianzhu asked blankly.


this moment!

Yaozu started!

A thunder law blasted on the dark coffin!


Zimang flashes!

The law of thunder was instantly swallowed by the black coffin!


Immediately after the dark coffin released a breath of breath!



"very scary!"

As soon as this breath was released, the face of many demon races in the Demon Emperor Palace changed drastically, and he almost knelt on his knees almost uncontrollably.

"Thunder Lord's Law of Thunder was devoured..."

Hua Qianzhu's eyes widened, his voice trembling!

"Haha! Demon Ancestor! Your Thunder Law is just to provide power to my master!" The Nether Tide Demon Emperor Yuanshen laughed loudly: "Yaozu and Yaozu, I don't know, but now I know. , Your thunder ancestor witch can be resurrected, most of it is related to my master, and most of it is the power of my master who has resurrected you! So, counting, your ancestor and witch is nothing more than a servant under my master seat, you and I are at most equal!"


Lord Demon Ancestor is a resurrection of the souls in the dark coffin!

This is really fake!

Many demons heard it!

The color of horror instantly appeared!

"Holy Master, this dark coffin..."

The demon ancestor raised a brow, and now slightly lowered his head to look at Chen Zheng.

"An immortal coffin of the Daozu ancestry can't bury a big person."

Chen Zheng spoke lightly.


Taoist level?

Not a big deal?

The breath of lying trough is really not so big!

Upon hearing this, many demon emperors showed surprise, although from the attitude of the demon clan to Chen Zheng, it was already known that Chen was the reincarnation of the great people during the Honghuang period. However, if the black coffin is really a Taoist level, what is buried in it is also a Taoist level. That's definitely a big and shocking figure!


It seems that there is only one Taoist ancestor recognized in this heaven and earth, who is only the owner of Zixiao Palace in Heaven!

"It's still so crazy to die, Daozu is not a character in your eyes, you are something!" The Ming Chao Demon King heard it, stared at Chen Zheng with a cold eye, then paid a homage to the dark coffin above: "My master, this kid doesn't take you in the eye at all, you just show up to show this kid what kind of person you are!"


The dark coffin moved!


Purple Mango broke out!

Fairy light!

A figure flew out of the dark coffin!

Purple robe!

Purple eyes purple hair!

This is a middle-aged man!

At first glance, there is no evil, but extraordinary.

There is a temperament above all beings in the world!

"My name is Holly, Holly Fairy King!"

The middle-aged man with purple hair, purple eyes and purple hair said a little!


Although it was an understatement, there was an irresistible immortal power in the invisible. When the demon kings heard the monsters, they knelt again as soon as their bodies shook, and this time the senior veteran demon kings also kneeled!



This is the suppression of absolute rank!

"Hum! Did your kid see the last century fairy king, wouldn't he kneel! The fairy king is not the kind of demon king, the fairy king's weakest is also equivalent to the Hongmeng ancestor, not to mention my master Holly fairy king One of the few immortal kings under the throne of the last century! Even if you are a reincarnated Taoist, you must surrender now!"

The Emperor Xingchao stared at him with a whimper, and snarled at Chen Zheng!

"How old I thought, it turned out to be a little fairy."

Chen Zheng opened his mouth and smiled faintly.


Many demons were stunned, and the Mingchao Demon Emperor was also stunned. The middle-aged man with purple robes, purple eyes, and purple hair was also stunned. At this moment, his eyes swept, and after looking at Chen Zheng, his brows were slightly wrinkled!

"Are you familiar?"

At the next moment, Chen Zheng was at his fingertips, and a light curtain emerged, and there was a scene influence in the light curtain. There were tens of thousands of stone men, nine huge real dragons, and two monks who looked similar to Zipao. There is also a monk wearing a mask sitting on a fairy frame!

"Huh! You little thing, thought you had some way to get some stinky fish rotten shrimp out, do you want to scare my host!"

Nether Tide Demon Emperor glanced at it, although he also felt something from the image, but in his view, it was nothing more than the trick played by the kid in front of him!



He only said this!

A purple giant palm slammed down!

His primordial spirit was torn apart!

"Master...Master... for... why..."

The Nether Tide Demon Emperor's Broken Yuanshen is completely forced!

"The stinky fish rotten shrimp in your There are Yongye fairy king and Yitian fairy king, and the one above the fairy frame is the supreme supreme era of my lord fairy." Zipao said indifferently.


Nether Tide Demon Emperor shattered the broken Yuanshen!

Solidify completely in the next moment!

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