Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1303: Because the wait is worthless!


There can be nothing wrong!

That must be the eye!

The young man was not even a real fairy, but he wiped out the real fairy and even the fairy of the tribe of the eyeball at a glance. This is definitely the power of the eyeball!


What kind of eye is that eye?

"Shaoyan awakened!"

"Shaoyan awakened!"

"Shaoyan passed out!"

The remaining tribes of the Divine Eye Tribe are shocked and happy at this moment. The Divine Eye Awakens, which means that the Divine Eye Tribe has the opportunity to return to the Taihuang Xiancheng and recapture everything the Divine Eye Tribe lost!

God Eye Tribe!

Is it finally going to rise this time!

"God Eye...Hum! What about the God Eye, but it was only awakened, and it didn't grow up. This kid offended our Tianmen, and his God Eye would fall before he grew up!"

Li Chenghe's expression changed for a while, and it was a terrible drink!

"This son... Our Tianmen can be accepted as a disciple, and at least one of the ancestors of an ancestor, the God Eye tribe, this is an opportunity for you to fly to Huang Tengda. This seat knows that you were once a strong family, Presumably, you should also be very clear that if you can get Tianmen support, it is only a matter of time before your **** eye tribe wants to return to the top."

In the eyes of Xiaoyao's ancestors, a strange flash of light seemed to have occurred to him. At the moment, his eyes fell on the face of the chief of the tribe's eyes.


Li Chenghe was stunned, but he thought that the ancestor of Xiaoyao wanted to take the young man who had awakened his eyes. Although there are very few people who awaken the eyes of the heavens and the earth, the eyes are only a kind of natural supernatural powers. The awakening of the eyes may not necessarily grow to the level of the ancestors of the ancestors. A disciple of the Divine Eye.

"Shaoyan can awaken the god's eyes, all relying on the master of Lianshan, and my **** eye tribe will naturally respect the master of the mountain!"

The head of the Divine Eye tribe had almost no thoughts, and he responded to the Xiaoyao ancestor with a straight face!


Happy Ancestor!

"I don't know how to lift!" Li Chenghe Yuanshen is also cold: "This demon can escape the holy cannon, and the holy cannon will kill the demon. This demon is not afraid of our Tianmen, but your **** eye tribe is just a ants in front of our Tianmen. !Do you think this demon will always protect your **** eye tribe, Tianmen wants to destroy your **** eye tribe, just find a chance to destroy it! You don’t know how to retreat, you don’t know how to choose, you will only bury the **** eye tribe!"



There was a sword!


"That is!"

"Yuanzu Tianjian! Isn't that Li Huai'an's Yuanzu Tianjian! He... he could actually use Yuanzu Tianjian, he is not our Tianmen monk, nor is he true dragon emperor, how could he use Yuanzu Tian? sword!"

Everyone looked around according to their reputation. At this moment, I saw Chen Zheng suspending an Excalibur in front of him. That Excalibur was the Yuanzu Tianjian of Tianmen! The monk Tianmen glanced, one by one, uncertain, never thinking that outsiders could even urge Tianjian!

"Are you going to kill me with Yuanzu Tianjian? Don't you know that since I am an ancestor of Tianmen, I have been recognized by Tianjian for generations, no matter which one is Tianjian, it is impossible to hurt me! You cut me with the sky sword, but it's a joke!"

Xiaoyao Ancestor's eyes narrowed into a line, staring at Chen Zheng was a smile!


Cold light flashed!


"How dare you do it!"

"Slashing the Tianmen ancestor with the Tianjian is equivalent to taking the Fulu against the evil demons against the authentic monks of the Xuanmen, which is really stupid!"

The monk Tianmen saw that Yuanzu Tianjian was moving, but at this moment there was no worry, but a smile! Because in their eyes, Tianxian couldn't cut Tianmen Patriarch, and Tianmen Patriarch was immune to Tianjian attacks!

Even the saint urged the sky sword!

It is impossible to win the Tianmen Patriarch!



Yuan Zu Tian Jian froze at a step before he rushed to the Xiaoyao ancestor. There was a terrible tear in the surrounding air. Although Tian Cheng monk Li Chenghe and others all froze in his heart, he still believed a little. That is the ancestor of Tianjian absolutely impossible to cut Tianmen!

"Tianjian will not attack this seat, let you down!"

Xiaoyao Anzu squinted and smiled!




Chen Zheng smiled and did not speak, and did not see him start, he heard a horrible tearing sound, and in an instant endless swordmand emerged out of thin air, covering all the ancestors of the Xiaoyao ancestor and the monks on the holy ship of Tianmen!

"This is... that weird sword skill Nine Swords Realm!"

The ancestor of Xiaoyao's face changed, the smile on his face disappeared, and his narrowed eyes instantly widened!

"You have a bit of eyesight."

Chen Zheng responded with a smile.

"Please St...."

Xiaoyao Ancestor groaned slightly, and then roared suddenly!



It's too late!

The Ninth Sword Realm broke out completely at this moment!


In a blink of an eye!

Whether it is the ancestors of Xiaoyao or other Tianmen monks on the Tianmen Holy Ship!

All penetrated!

All the Sword Realm of the Flesh Body Spirit is crushed into nothingness!

No blood stains!

There is no flesh and blood fuzzy!

The ancestors of Xiaoyao Ancestor and Tianmen Holy Ship disappeared as if they were directly erased!

The Holy Ship of Tianmen seems to be a dead ship at this moment!

And Tianmen comes!

There is only the Yuanshen of Li Chenghe alone!


Lianshan Yaozu!

The people of God Eye Tribe are horrified!

"This master's sword skill... is actually called the Ninth Sword Realm... how familiar is this sword skill?"

Guren demon blinked.

"The Great Zhou Xianchao refers to Heavenly Sword Master Jiang Shenzi. It used this kind of sword skill. He once used this sword skill in Daojun Realm to push back the ancestor of Shenxiao Sect. Killed an ancestor of Shenxiao Sect!"

Hua Qianzhu whispered, her eyes full of surprise.

"Referring to Tian Shenjun Jiang Shenzi..."

When the red lotus girl heard it, she whispered.

"Nine-Nine Sword Realm...Nine-Nine Sword are somebody who refers to Heavenly Swordsman, are you his successor or something! Why don't you say it early because you have such a strong inheritance? If you said earlier, I would like to give Zhitian Jianjun a face in Tianmen!" Li Chenghe Yuanshen recovered, and shouted at Chen Zheng. Suddenly he paused and seemed to think of a little bit, Yuanshen Another tremor: "You... you have the fighting power to kill the ancestors from the beginning, right? Why are you... why you want to play with us, you can cut it with one sword We, why play with us!"

this moment!

Li Chenghe cried!

"Why?" Chen Zheng smiled and said: "Before Shaoyan God's eyes haven't is just a sign of awakening, it needs a little stimulation to awaken, just wait and take the initiative to come to the door, so yeah There is still some value in waiting. Now Shaoyan God’s eyes have been awakened, and so is naturally worthless. Since it is worthless, then cut it off. By the way, Master, your name is not very good, Li Chenghe Li Cheng It’s a box. It’s really not a good name."

"Ah? It fell into a box...that was...what did that mean!"

Li Chenghe stunned, revealing the color of doubt, and asked with a tremble!



It's a pity that he couldn't know exactly what was in the box!

Yuan Zu Tian Jian moved!

A face-to-face annihilation of his soul!

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