Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1307: Red Lotus Life

"Don't have any impression?"

"Chaotic realm, we met by chance. We had a fight when I was defeated!"

"No, Chen Zu, we have played little monsters together anyway, you won't really forget me! Not long ago I learned something from the posterity of future generations, saying that you appeared in the big universe, originally I want my descendants to find you. I did not expect you to fight with the leader of the Shinto League, the leader of the Shinto League died, Chen Zu you are missing! But we still have a fate, and we met Chen Zu today! Haha! Hahaha!"

The self-proclaimed figure of the first emperor burst into a hearty laugh.


The emperor of the imperial court, Yuan Yang, the tall and thin men and others, have already stayed like chickens! Especially the Emperor Taixian Dynasty Master, he used the only opportunity to summon the advent of the master, invited the will of the master to come in, but did not expect that the master actually knew Master Lianshan, and also called Master Master Lianshan Chen Zu !

Chaos Realm!

In front of him, the owner of Lianshan has been to the chaotic realm!

Then it was once a Taoist ancestor!

Yuan Yang took a deep breath. The tall and thin men did not know this, but he knew it very well. The thought of this seemingly mortal Master Lianshan used to be a Taoist ancestor, and his incarnation of the admiration of his master seems to be still pleasing this Master Lianshan. He can only say nothing at this moment.

"The universe in the palm is still you give me, how can I not remember you, the first emperor you are okay in the chaotic realm."

Chen Zheng responded with a smile.

"Ah! It looks the same! I want to break free and I can't break free. Wherever I am like Chen Zu, ignoring the laws of the chaotic realm, I want to go in and out as much as I want. I barely rely on the disciples to summon and use my instruments to enter the world. "First Emperor Yu sighed, and said a pause. After sweeping over Yuanyang and others, he groaned a little: "My apprentice seems to have provoked Chen Zu and exerted control over the universe with Chen Zu. Self-restraint."


Yuan Yang opened his mouth and could not refute it at the moment!

"Provoked Chen Zheng must be punished. Otherwise, I will abolish his body and take his soul to the realm of chaos. Of course, Chen Zu wants to know from my apprentice. I will help Chen Zu search the soul!"

The first Emperor Yu said, the giant hand grabbed Yuanyang, Yuanyang flesh burst into blood mist on the spot, and there was only a Yuanshen in a flash. At this moment, he shivered and dared not have any resistance!


I saw that the first Emperor Yu was a little bit, a fairy light shot out of Yuan Yang’s flesh, and flew to Chen Zheng in front of him, and then spread out in front of Chen Zheng, and then a scene of light and shadow emerged, that was Yuan Yang’s memory, not at this moment. Any reservations are all exposed to Chen Zheng!

"Do not apologize to Chen Zu!"

Between Yuan Yang's embarrassment, the first Yu Huang stared at him with indifferent eyes. Yuan Yang Yuan Shen shuddered, took a deep breath, and bowed his head to Chen Zheng!

"I must give you the face of the first emperor, take away his primordial spirit."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, sweeping across Yuanyang's memory, and knew everything Yuanyang, the imperial emperor of the imperial court, knew.

"Hey! Then I will go back to the chaotic realm first! This ancestor Chen Zuxiu must come to the chaotic realm in order to recover. We can only rely on Chen Zu for those old things like us! Chen Zu Chen Zu, to It’s time to team up and play little monsters again!"

The first emperor Yu Hey smiled, grabbed Yuanyang Yuanshen, and suddenly disappeared!


Fairy light flashes!

The surrounding void scene disappears!

Everything is back to normal!


Lianshan is Lianshan!

Outside Lianshan is outside Lianshan!

But there is no Emperor Xian Dynasty Kingdom Master!

Only tall, thin men and remaining soldiers are left!

" wants to know, the little knows all must say! The little is the father-in-law who lived the longest time after all, and the little knows too A lot of secrets, know a lot of royal secrets! By the way, the little ones also know the life story of the Red Lotus Demon King. If the adults want to know, the little ones can say now, just ask the adults to give them a chance!"

The tall, thin man shook his mind and shouted at the lotus hill while kneeling on the ground! He was really scared, and he wasn’t afraid. The master of the country was defeated in person. The master of the country invited his master to come, and his master even knew the master of Lianshan. Not only did he know that he was still in Bajie, he didn’t say anything. The national teacher is abolished!

This Nima!

The host of Lianshan is too big!

Don't say you are a father-in-law!

I’m afraid I can’t afford to be a saint!

If you knew this already, who the **** would listen to the Tianmen newsletter, and thought that coming to Lianshan would make a contribution. This time, it was really killed by those **** fairy masters in Tianmen!

"Do you think you know much, or the Emperor Taixian Dynasty Master knows much."

Chen Zheng asked lightly.

"Ah? This...Although Master Guo knows much, but there are some things about Taihuang Xian Dynasty Royal Family, Master Guo Master may not necessarily know much more than the small one! Oh woo! Ah, the little one is actually a pitiful person. The little one entered the palace at an early age, the little..."

The tall, thin man shivered, his expression changed rapidly, and his mouth shouted!


The voice stopped abruptly!

"Betray Your Majesty, die!"

Get started!

The remaining fairy generals started!

A sword!

Cut off tall and thin men!

Although tall and thin men are mysterious immortals, they are far inferior to the generals of the immortal dynasty.


After beheading the tall and thin men again, these immortal soldiers shot again, not attacking Lianshan, but attacking themselves! In a blink of an eye, these soldiers all exterminated themselves!

"It's a bit of a bone."

Chen Zheng said lightly, and wiped it away, the body outside Lianshan turned into ashes.

"Master, the life experience of slaves..."

At this moment, the Hulian Pavilion whispered at the Huxin Pavilion. Aside from meditating on the flowers of Bamboo in the Nine-Bound Sword Realm, he opened his eyes and looked at Chen Zheng at the moment.

"Your father is the Red Lotus Demon Emperor, there is no question about this. As far as your mother's memory is concerned, your mother is indeed related to the imperial family of the imperial dynasty. It is just not the blood of the imperial family, but the previous generation of the Holy Rhinoceros. Female. Entered this world hundreds of years ago and met the present emperors of the Red Lotus Demon Emperor and the Taihuang Immortal Dynasty.

Chen Zheng sorted out a little bit from the memory of Yuanyang and said the life story of Honglian demon girl.

"Ancient Rhinoceros? Fortunately, it is not the royal family of the imperial dynasty." The red lotus demon girl was stunned for a while, then relieved, and soon thought of it, a little sadness appeared on her face and asked: "Then... Is she still alive?"

"In the memory of the Emperor Taixian Celestial Master, your mother-in-law was seriously injured and was sealed in an immortal coffin by the Emperor Taixian."

Chen Zheng"

The Red Lotus demon heard this sentence and didn't know what to say for a while.




And at this moment!

Suddenly three loud noises came from the north of Lianshan Mountain!

As if the entire world of luck is shaking!

"That's...the land where the three great celestial dynasties meet. There was a medley, originally referring to Heavenly Sword King Jiang Shenzi, the ancestor of Shenxiao Sect who was slashed in the medley! At this moment, the meditation shook the world. There is something terrible now!"

Hua Qianzhu looked towards the north and exclaimed!

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