Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1316: Reincarnation 1 disciple



Thunder shakes above the gate of Shenxiaozong Mountain!

Shenxiao Sect was hanging in the air!

At the moment, the whole mountain gate was shrouded by thunder and lightning under the shock of thunder!

All the disciples in Shenxiao Sect were silent, knowing that there was an ancestor declining in Zongmen, and the deceased ancestor should be the Qiyi ancestor who went to the capital!

In the hall of the Sect Master of the Xiaoxiao Sect, the high-rise of the Sect of Xiaoxiao appeared, and they all looked at the young men kneeling in the hall!

"Informing the head, the disciple can be sure, referring to Tianjianjun who has been to the capital, and referring to the life and death enemies of Tianjianjun and our **** Xiaozong, so the disciples concluded that Qi Yi Patriarch was killed by the Tianjianjun! "

The young man kneeling on the ground now raised his head, his eyes full of hatred!

"It refers to Jiang Shenzi, the Heavenly Swordsman who once killed our ancestor in Mingdu, and now kills us an ancestor in Mingdu. He is tempted by Jiang Shenzi and wants to destroy our **** Xiaozong. He dares to fight Really! Three days later, the seat takes the lead, and several Dao friends follow me to the Great Zhou Xianchao!"

An old man was furious and the thunder shook outside!

at the same time.

Deep in the imperial palace of the imperial city.


The prince Xiu saw an ancient painting brought out by the emperor and only looked at the person in the painting. Isn't the person in this painting the strange Chen Zu who has seen him in the underworld!


Father Emperor seems to be somewhat similar to that of Chen Zu!


Prince Xiu thought a little bit!


Is that guy the incarnation of an ancestor of the royal family!

The Prince Xiu thought of it again. This moment was full of doubts. The other princes in the hall looked at the ancient paintings, and they also showed their doubts. They were all guessing the identity of the people on the paintings.

"I brought you together today to let you know some things that you should know. Our imperial dynasty imperial family inherited the extremely ancient and tyrannical blood of the people who painted it. The people painted on it. , Named Taihuang, is a truly immortal existence, and it is in the mysterious Taixu. Just because of the limitation of heaven, the Taihuang deity cannot leave Taixu and enter the world of thousands. Let you know the royal family today The biggest secret, presumably you should also understand my intentions. Something happened in the ancient forest of Lianshan in the holly, and Guo Yang, the master of the state, went to a strange disappearance, so today I also have a task, if anyone can go to Lianshan to find something , I will pass on the last chapter of the Supreme Secret of the Royal Family to him in advance."

The emperor looked solemn and revealed the identity of the person in the painting.

Upon hearing this, Prince Xiu blinked wildly at this moment, and his mind was already full of turbulent waves. I couldn't believe it!


That guy is the incarnation of the first ancestor of the imperial dynasty?



"Master Guo went to Lianshan and went missing!"

"Master Guo is an ancestral realm. The universe can suppress monks of the same rank in one palm. The masters of the country are all missing. Then we princes..."

Some princes thought of it for a while, and half of them said nothing, and the rest of the princes were also silent.

The last post of the royal secrets of the royal family is indeed very tempting. If anyone can get the last post in advance, even if he can’t become the leader of the next Taihuang fairy dynasty, he can also enter the royal secret realm to practice, not only can become an ancestor, but also hope to shock The ancestor above the ancestor and the saint have the opportunity to become a half-walk ancestor!


Master Ruoguo went to Lianshan and went missing!

Will there be any good fruit when I wait for someone to go?

The temptation is great!

But this task is almost mortal!

"Children...children go to Lianshan to investigate!"

The thought of Prince Xiu flashed through in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and stepped forward, bowing his head to the emperor.


The eyes of the other princes stared in an instant, almost showing disdain, because they all knew what Xiu princes did, even if they could be ranked in the top five among all the brothers, but they were far from the state of the national division.

Dare to show up!

That must be the same result as the master of the national teacher!

"Then this task will be given to the show prince."

The emperor glanced at the show prince and nodded lightly.

"Children command!"

The prince Xiu responded quickly, bowing her head in a respectful resignation.




Not the emperor of the imperial dynasty, but a woman, a woman whose appearance is not beautiful, but also a first-class woman. At this moment, the woman was sitting opposite Chen Zheng in the Huxin Pavilion.

Red Lotus demon girl and Hua Qianzhu are like maidservants on the left and right sides of Chen Zheng. Looking at this uninvited woman in front of her, she has her own thoughts.

"Sister Xiaomei finally entered the world a thousand times, and she was defeated by Chen Zu. She also gave her personal jade to Chen Zu, saying it was a token of affection. It's no wonder that Sister Xiaomei is still too young to know Chen. The existence of the ancestor."

The woman spoke, and she smiled.

Although her appearance is not peerless, this colorful smile made both Honglian and Hua Qianzhu stunned for a moment. At that moment, it seemed to be caught in the woman's smile. The two women quickly came to wake up and raised their vigilance.

This uninvited woman is really a bit powerful, her smile seems to make people feel purified, as if it can sublimate Yuanshen.

"Official business."

Chen Zheng took a sip of tea and said a few words.

"Alright." The woman heard these two words and also nodded: "The reincarnation commander Qin Xuan, who will come to meet Chen Zu in person this time, wants to cooperate with Chen Zu. Do not dare to be in control of the dynasty and **** of the world, such as Qiankun and the world, we only hope that we can rescue our teachers. So Qin Xuan came this time, hoping that Chen Zu could release our teacher reincarnation."

Will avatar?


This woman turned out not to be a body but just an incarnation of will!

Guren and Hua Qianzhu glanced at each other, and they both saw the surprise in the other's eyes. The woman's will incarnation feels like the level of the ancestor of the ancestor. What is the situation of the body?

Guren awakened memories of past life, and knew many things related to the level of the sage. Thinking of what happened before in the underworld, the woman body in front of the underworld is probably at least the situation of the half-step era overlord!

"I have seen the devil's eye created by your master in the world of Floating Buddha and I have also seen the incarnation of your master's will. Ken tells me which secret place was sealed, and let me find it by myself. Now, your reincarnate disciple came to see me, if you want to cooperate with me, you will also put it out, you tell me the place where the seal is sealed Isn't it against the will of that man?"

Chen Zheng chuckled.


The woman was lost in thought.

"I'm not interested in that partner, nor in cooperation. You know that I am Chen Zu, then you should also know who I fight with to cause the cultivation to degenerate. You are the big disciple under that partner, maybe also from I heard some things about me in the past, and you should understand some things."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"These Qin Xuan knew, but Qin Xuan didn't expect that even if Chen Zu had no mana, this flesh and Yuanshen were still the strongest situation!"

The woman raised her head, looked at Chen Zheng several eyes, and then filled with emotion.

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