Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1326: Do you know who this is!


The fairy light dispersed.

Chen Zheng and Hua Qianzhu landed.


Just landed!

Hundreds of eyes stared!

But most of these sights were quickly taken back!

Because you can get here, more than 90% of them have at least Daojun Xiuwei, so here comes a demon emperor and a mortal boy, although they come together, although it is a little strange, it is not important, because the demon emperor has no threat Talkable!

A banshee queen and a mortal!

Is it possible to grab the Xeon inheritance in the Destiny Tomb?

Not at all possible!

"Chen Zu... It seems that quasi-sanctuary and monks above quasi-sanctuary are not here."

Hua Qianzhu quickly swept around and found that there was no quasi-holy ancestor. He had previously overlooked the Destiny Tomb on Xingcha, and the emperor of the imperial dynasty had not been there. The quasi-sacred ancestor and the emperor of the immortal dynasty cannot fall away.

"Is this beautiful demon emperor sister very puzzled? Ha ha let the younger brother come to demonize the elder emperor sister." At this time, the white-faced young man in Jinyi who stared at Hua Qianzhu and looked at him suddenly smiled and took the initiative to interact with Hua Qianzhu. Conversation: "Younger Moonscape, Tai'an Xian Chaoyue teaches the Son, the pinnacle monk. Sister Demon Emperor must be wondering why the predecessors and above are not here. The nine Destiny Beads on it? The nine Destiny Beads contain nine worlds, the predecessors of quasi-saint and quasi-sanctuary above, and a small number of guys who are not enough for being cultivated are brought into the world of celestial bead by elders, at this moment Tried in the world of Destiny Beads. To get the strongest inheritance, you must pass the Trial of Destiny Beads. When the younger brother sees the Sister Demon Emperor, she has an indescribable sense of intimacy, otherwise the Sister Demon Emperor will stay with the younger brother for a while Trial into the Destiny Pearl?"

"Oh! You, Tai'an Xian Chaoyue God teaches the Son, specializing in hooking demon women, not only cheating emotions and deceiving the body, but also draining the other party's origins, although they are both human races, but your means of cheating women is too inferior. a little!"

As soon as the white-faced young man of Jinyi Youth opened his mouth, the sword repairer with a sword in his chest sneered.

"Refers to King Sword Palace King Yin, I have nothing to do with you? I have deceived all demon women, never deceived human women, it is also a punishment for evil and good, and you are also referring to the disciples of Tianjian king. Tian Jianjun is a pure man, and he specializes in the evil spirits between the world and the world.

The white-faced young man in Jinyi was directly taken through his mind, and his face instantly stared at Jianxiu!

"Towards the demon clan? Ha ha! Moon King, my master is the evil demon, but my master has never said that he will kill the demon clan! Instead, according to the rules set by the master, you are like him. Demon!"

Jianxiu smiled deeply at the Jinyi youth.

"You! Hum! This son is too lazy to talk nonsense with you! You mean that Tianjian Palace sent an elder this time, and that Tianjianjun did not come. You want to cut the book. The child is waiting for you to cut!" The white-faced youth stared at Jian Xiu fiercely, and then moved his eyes to Hua Qianzhu: "Sister Demon Emperor is assured, although the younger brother has deceived the demon girl before, this time the younger brother really fell in love with the elder sister at first sight. The elder sister must give the younger brother a chance! As long as the elder sister elder nodded and promised to enter the world of destiny bead trials with the younger brother, the younger brother will immediately send the elder sister a moon god! The elder sister swallowed the moon god, at least More than 70% hope to advance!"


One trick at a time!

Open your palms!

There is an elixir in the palm of the white-faced youth!

"Moon God Pill!"

"Moon God teaches the best elixir!"

"Useful for Daojun!"

Many people stared at it in an instant, and the color of greed flew by. Although they wanted to **** it, they only shook their heads in their hearts when they thought of the white-faced youth identity. Although Lunaism is not the most top-ranking tradition, it can also be passed down for a long time. There are also several ancestors sitting in town, which is not easy to provoke.

"How? Sister Demon Emperor, the younger brother didn't lie to anyone. This Moon God Pill is genuine. The further chance of Sister Demon Emperor is in sight. Just nod your head and Sister Demon Emperor will get Moon God Pill! Huh? The elder sister looked at this mortal boy, did he know this boy, what good is this boy, compared with the younger brother, this boy is just a dust on the ground! Don't hesitate, the elder sister, the moon **** pill is in hand, more than 70% chance Advance as a demon emperor, and sit on par with the monks of the Terran Emperor Realm!"

The white-faced youth perceived the greedy eyes of the practitioners, not only did they not panic, but also showed a rather enjoyable color, and at the moment they were persuading Hua Qianzhu.


He was blowing again and again.

Hua Qianzhu didn't take a second look.

At the moment Hua Qianzhu took a step toward the left and silently stood beside Chen Zheng.


Zhong Xiu saw this scene, revealing the color of doubt, and had not noticed before. At this moment, the step of the Banshee Empress suddenly took notice. That is how the Banshee felt like the servant of the mortal boy. !

This is a bit wrong!

This kid has a big chance!

"Sister Demon Emperor, are you sure that you are in love with this mortal?"

The white-faced youth's face sank!

"Mortal? Yuejing Shengzi, think about it with your head. A female banshee is standing beside this little brother in this gesture. Could this little brother be a mortal? Listen to some guys blowing you smart Incomparably, you can sing poetry after birth, why are you so stupid!"

Jian Xiu glanced, also revealing a look of doubt, but soon smirked at the white-faced youth.


The rest of the monks heard this sentence, and he was slightly startled. The secret word in his heart seemed to be a bit reasonable, but the kid was really just a mortal under the perception. This should not be wrong!


This mortal kid is the son of a big man!

The Banshee Emperor was instructed to protect this boy from Destiny Tomb!

Many monks thought a little.

"This kid is nothing more than his father's skills, he is nothing but rubbish!" The white-faced young man stared at Jian Xiu fiercely, then moved his eyes to stare at Chen Zheng: "Moon God Pill is also useful to you, this Saint Zina takes the Moon God Pix for the elder sister, whether you change it or not!"

"Humph! You guys are really ugly by nature!"

At this moment, a ghost appeared!


"Aren't you in the Stone Forest?"

"Is the Stone Forest of Life and Death completely blocked, and no one will be allowed to enter the land of inheritance later?"

The Cultivator saw the phantom shadow, revealing the color of doubt, that phantom shadow is the Yin Huang, the master of the life and death stone forest!

"There are some troubles in this seat, but the troubles will be solved soon! Lord Wind Demon Emperor, please show up, after all, a guy who shouldn't come into the inheritance land!"

Virtual Shadow stared directly at Chen Zheng, and then snorted!

"This kid is a life-and-death stone forest that has been opportunistic? Haha! Waste is really waste. Sister Demon Emperor, Sister Demon Emperor, this waste is about to be wiped out. Is Sister Elder still obsessed!"

The white-faced youth followed the virtual film and television line and saw that Xu Ying was staring at Chen Zheng, and he couldn't help laughing at the moment!

"Shouldn't you come in?"

"what happened?"

"Is this kid really opportunistic?"

The rest of the monks' eyes also focused on Chen Zheng, whispering at the moment.



A middle-aged man wearing a purple emperor robe and a purple emperor crown appeared!

This person appeared!

The face of the public repair sinks!

Because this person's breath is above the ancestor!

This person is an ancient and powerful creature in the Tomb of Destiny!

"Master Wind Demon Emperor, is that the boy and the Banshee Emperor broke the rules of life and death. The boy is a bit evil, and the Yin Emperor can't handle the boy, so please ask Master Wind Demon Emperor to wipe out the boy!"

The Yin Emperor paid his respects to the middle-aged man in Zipao, and then fiercely pointed at Chen Zheng!


The white-faced young man also laughed with a smirk, and secretly said in his heart that he didn't have to do it himself, this kid would be wiped out soon!

"Fuck things!"


The middle-aged man in purple robe spoke!

Open mouth is just a curse!

"Yes, yes, this kid is indeed a bullshit, dare to break the rules of life and death Gu Lin, this kid **** it!"

The Yin Huang echoed, and followed his scolding!



The middle-aged man in the purple robe raised his hand to the Yin Emperor and slapped him. The Yin Emperor was already extremely weak. The Yuanshen was immediately fragmented. His Yuanshen was dumbfounded and looked at the middle-aged man in the purple robe!


Why did Lord Fengmodi suddenly slap himself!

Shouldn't you slapping the kid?

"Do you know who this is!"

The middle-aged man in the purple robe with a sullen glanced at the Yin Emperor and looked at the flowers beside Chen Zheng!

"Ah? Isn't it just an alien banshee?"

Yin Huang bitterly replied subconsciously.


The middle-aged man in Zipao slapped again, and the Yinhuang Yuanshen exploded completely. The crowd had not yet reacted. The middle-aged man in Zipao fell in front of Huaqianzhu and knelt on one knee in front of it. Thanks!

"Chen Feng Mo Di welcomes Miss II to return!"

(End of this chapter)

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