Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1342: You must be a match!


Zhang Gun got no response!

Chen's face was indifferent, so he only looked at the man in the black robe. At this moment, he looked at the Zixiang Mountain where the medical fairy pavilion covered by blood mansions was located. Zhang Yun's observations and observations made him feel that Chen Zu was so calm. Obviously this man who claimed to be from the eternal blood palace with eternal blood flowing into it couldn't get into Chen Zu's eyes.

Think about it!

What kind of breath from the man from the Eternal Academy is Heavenly Emperor Realm, even if he has the ancestors of the ancestors, he still has to be slapped to death with a slap against Chen Zu’s strange means!

All the thoughts flashed, when a howl like an ancient murderous thing suddenly came from the purple incense mountain shrouded in blood, when a strange wave penetrated and swept across Zhang Yun, Zhang Yun's body shuddered, and suddenly his body There is a tremendous greed!

Blood jade!

Seems to get blood jade!

That is the power of Blood Jade!


That is a force far beyond the spirits of the world!

If you can get Blood Jade!

Even if it doesn't kill Chen Zu!

But it should be able to escape the world of luck!

Originally, after referring to the means of seeing Chen Zheng in Tianjian Sword Palace, Zhang Yun could not bear any heart of resistance, but was swept away by the strange wave at this moment, his heart and his Yuanshen could not help starting to be restless !

In fact, it was not just him. The hundreds of medical immortal disciples were also staring at Zixiang Mountain in the blood mansions, and they wished to rush in at this moment to take away the gods they did not even know!

Although I don’t know what happened in the patriarch’s hall, I can be sure now that it is definitely a very powerful magic weapon!

"That was the blood jade of my eternal blood palace. At first it was just ordinary jade, which was contaminated with the eternal blood of the eternal Taoist, so there would be such a majestic power. It is a pity that you, the medical immortal pavilion, want to conquer the blood jade. Without the eternal blood, it is impossible to get approval from Blood Jade, so listen to me, and hold back your inner agitation, don't rush in, otherwise you should have died before you touched Blood Jade. "

The robe man spoke lightly and his tone was very weak, but it revealed an arrogance invisibly. That kind of arrogance was not the kind of domineering, but more like a natural detachment.

"The blood jade of the eternal blood palace has been contaminated with the blood of the eternal Taoist... Without the blood of the eternal blood, it is impossible to get the approval of the blood jade. No wonder Lord Cao has not succeeded in these years."

Zhang Kun subconsciously whispered.

"Master Cao?"

"Is it the essence of Cao Pavilion's rapid development in just a hundred years!"

"The reason why Cao Pavilion is today is by blood jade!"

When the disciple of Yixiange heard this sentence, his already shiny eyes suddenly became very hot at the moment, and fixed his eyes on Zixiang Mountain among the blood mansions! Some of them are almost out of control. Cao Patriarch is a myth in Medical Immortal Pavilion. It is said that it was not outstanding at that time. It is impossible to succeed the position of Patriarch of Medical Immortal Pavilion. But within a hundred years, Cao Patriarch has risen!


It’s not that Cao Pavilion awakened a special practice physique!

But Cao Pavilion Lord got a supreme treasure!

Lord Cao went to Zhitian Sword Palace so far, but he hasn't come back yet. I'm afraid it has fallen. It's also because Lord Cao has fallen.


It must be so!

It must be so!



"Become an ancestor, look at the present!"


After all, the disciples of Yixiange couldn't control themselves, and rushed into the blood mansions one by one and rushed towards Zixiang Mountain!



A face-to-face!

Hundreds of people rushing to the front burst into blood mist instantly!

The flesh and soul spirit is shattered instantly!

There is nothing left!


The remaining disciples of the Medical Immortal Pavilion screamed violently, like a bird with a startled bow swallowing back!


Zhang Gun, the deputy pavilion's eyes, was also burning in his eyes. At this moment, he was awakened, and the burning was gone, only fear left!

"I have already said that only the eternal race with eternal blood can be recognized by blood jade. Moreover, this piece of blood jade is also related to the little princess of our eternal blood palace. I heard my master say that it is because of the little princess. One day I found the Eternal Master to accompany her to play. Master Eternal Master practiced a supreme secret method, and left the little princess indifferently. Once the little princess once threw the blood jade out of the Eternal Blood Palace. Recently, the little princess wanted to get back Blood Jade, just the little princess, my master, too, the realm is too high, and was rejected by the heavens of Daqian World, so I was sent to this world of luck." The man in black robe opened with a light smile. He paused for a while and then said in some vain tone: "I don't pretend to be a big man, it is because this blood jade was thrown down by the little princess, so even if I am an eternal race, I dare not say it casually. Access to Blood Jade requires special secret methods."


The disciple of Yixiange was completely silent when he heard it!

"But... How can Cao Pavilion Master reach Blood Jade?"

Zhang Kun thought a little, lowered his voice and asked.

"Contact and recognition are two different things. You can only say that Lord Cao Cao is a lucky person. Not only has blood jade contaminated with the eternal blood of Lord Eternal Master, but also imprinted a gadget created by the little princess, similar to a spiritual assistant spirit. In some Xiaoqian worlds, some people call it a system. There is a spiritual assistant created by the little princess in Blood Jade. There is a certain chance that a lucky person will be selected to open the system. Lord Cao in your mouth is obviously the lucky one."

The Xuanpao man smiled and paused again: "It's just that the blood jade is finally a little princess' thing. The lucky person selected is essentially just a system-selected toy created by the little princess, a little princess' toy, if Toys are not easy to understand, and you should understand them in another name. That’s a pet. Fortunately, it’s a little princess pet. If you can become a Taoist ancestor one day, you will naturally receive the princess’s mind message and have the opportunity to visit the eternal blood palace. Little princess."

"Practice auxiliary spirit?"



"This... Lord Cao actually...can only be regarded as a pet!"

"My Dao Zun, this world is terrible, I'm going to be a mortal!"

The disciple of Yixiange exclaimed!

"Ancestral ancestors at peaks are just pets, and cultivating Taoist ancestors are eligible to see..."

Zhang Kun was stunned, and his mind was greatly affected at this moment!


It was also at this time that Chen Zheng showed a smile on his face.

"Why, you Xuan Xian is interested in Blood Jade? If you are confident, you can try it. You have the opportunity to be a lucky person, but it is impossible to get Blood Jade approval. Of course I don’t like you because you are really It's too ordinary."

The youth in the black robe looked towards Chen Zheng's side, and the corner of his mouth slightly lifted, a faint sentence.

"Oh." Chen Zheng returned a word, and then lifted his right hand, facing the blood-scarred Zixiang Mountain, just grabbed: "Come."


Among the blood mans!

An object flew out in an instant!

Suddenly fell into the palm of Chen Zheng!

Bright red like blood!

Weird Rune!

That is a blood jade!

"Ling'er would like to recognize the son as the Please ask the son to take Linger!"

The crowd hadn't reacted yet, and among the blood jade, a slightly naive voice sounded! This voice seems to be the spiritual auxiliary spirit mentioned by the black robe. It seems to be asking Chen Zheng to accept her at this moment!

The man in black robe was stunned for a moment, his mouth was just shouting!

"Lying trough! How is this possible? You are not our eternal tribe, how could the little princess's blood jade take the initiative to recognize you as the master! Understand that I understand, you must be the kind of comparison that the little princess mentioned!"

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