Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1369: Please go to 10 Fairy Mountain!


The boss of Nine Tribulation has not been exposed except for Nine Tribulation!

Today, I actually met myself!

No wonder!

The Luna Church is destroyed!

Luna teaches not to lose justice!

"That... I knew your identity inadvertently, wouldn't you kill me to kill my mouth? You let me go before, saying that I might be the reincarnation of the Emperor Gaishitian, this time it should also be Don't worry about me? You can rest assured that my Kong Qi has always kept my mouth shut, and I will never tell anyone else! If you are not at ease, I can betray the Ten Immortals Mountain, and I can follow you at any time to keep this secret!"

Kong Qi's thought flashed quickly in his heart, his face looking straight.

"Nine Tribulation is a thing of the past, it's no secret, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not."

Chen Zheng casually swept through the huge underground cave, grabbed the broken Daoshi stone, and the Dadao stone was collected by him.

"That... it seems that the ten ancestors of the moon must have also been on the moon **** mountain. I have used the mind read to summon the ten ancestors of moon moon, saying that the moon **** mountain is too terrible, so he should not come, but he still came, Now that people have arrived at Moon God Mountain... The ten ancestral ancestors are also very caring for me, and they are also the guides for my practice. Could you spare the ten ancestors?"

Kong Qi first sighed with relief, and the next moment his brow suddenly wrinkled, and he quickly lowered his head and said.

"I'm not a killer."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"......." Kong Qi opened his mouth, to be honest, he didn't believe it, but at this moment he could only continue to lower his head and said: "I know that you are not a killer, I am afraid of ten ancestors. Take the initiative to provoke your lord! Ten ancestors are famous for their stubbornness. I have sent him a message. He is still here. Obviously he does not want to give up his luck. If he provokes you, you will kill him with your eyes. I’m too late to persuade!"


The voice of Kong Qi just dropped!

A figure appeared at the entrance of the underground cave!


Kong Qi stared at it for the first time, saw the figure clearly, and he felt a sigh in his heart. He was not saying that he was finished, nor was he saying that Chen Zheng was finished.

"Calm down! Ten ancestors must calm down, this one you can't afford, this one is not an ordinary person!"

After reaction, Kong Qi quickly opened his mouth, and the person coming was the ten ancestors of Ten Immortal Mountain!

"Tianyun Shilong should have been won by the Lord, so are you interested in the Tianyun Soldier?"

The ten ancestral ancestors spoke, and did not start, but lowered their voices and asked!

Good luck charm?

Kong Qi showed his doubts.

"Chen Zu, Chen Zu, I remembered that the Tianyun Soldier and the Tianyun Shilong are the matching items. That is a treasure. The Tianyun Soldier comes out, and can call out those who died in ancient times in a short time. War Spirits! If your own realm is high enough, for example, the Lord of the Holy Pilgrimage, as long as you sacrifice the Tianyun Soldier Talisman, summon hundreds of millions of war spirits from the river of time, and relying solely on the hundreds of millions of war spirits to push the world That’s it! But the people of Ten Immortal Mountain suddenly came here, fearing that it was fraudulent! There is an old monster in Ten Immortal Mountain, who is very clever, and the state should be higher than Tai'an Yin!"

Ji Chunyu, the soul of destiny on his shoulders, was secretly transmitted to Chen Zheng!

"You should come early."

Chen Zheng looked at the ten ancestors.

"It's not too late at this moment. If you want to be a soldier of heaven, please go to Ten Immortals Mountain!"

Ten unique ancestors responded with a deep voice!

"That one......"

Kong Qi understood it in an instant. This is the old monster of Ten Immortal Mountain. He is the ancestor of Ten Immortal Mountain, but he has seen Chen Zheng’s method just now, and survived under the ancient soul of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth. He really didn’t want it. Ten Immortal Mountain and Chen Zheng are facing each other! But it seems that he is an ancestor and he can't control the situation at all!

This Nima!

What should I do!

Do you persuade yourself now?


Just between the tangles of Kong Qi, several fairy lights flew out, and Kong Qi returned to God at once, seeing that Chen Zheng had followed Shi Jue's ancestor to Shi Xian Mountain, and he could only sigh: "Only one step can be taken. Take a step, if the old monster does not listen to his advice, he still has to provoke this, then he should not blame himself. However, if the old monster knows that this is the boss of the nine robbery, he should also give up, after all, the old monster said by himself After that, don't provoke the Nine Tribulation Boss."

Speaking of Kong Qi, he also rushed out, and at the same time, a thought passed back to Shixian Mountain.

at the same time.

The Great Zhou Xianchao refers to the Heavenly Sword Palace.

"Humph! Zong Kun Dao Fengfeng, the two of you actually betrayed Shen Xiaozong, waiting for the old lady to go out of the gate to clean up you traitors!"

With a sneer, an ancestor turned into a thunderous storm.

"Xun Mo's ancestors... Unfortunately, we don't believe what we said."

The wind sighed the ancestor.

"Shenxiaozong has changed, not the familiar Shenxiaozong, wait for the black hand to show up behind the scenes."

Kunzong Road shook his head and looked at the back hill of Zhitianjian Palace. In recent days, some strange runes have come out of his mind inexplicably. Those runes are extremely divine, and they all contain ancient and vast meanings. He has many doubts in his heart. He wants to ask Chen Zu to solve the puzzles, but Chen Zu has not yet pointed back. Sky Sword Palace.

"Brother, where did Chen Zu go?"

Lin Tian sighed, referring to the mountain behind the Tianjian Palace.

"It should have been to the Tai'an Xian Dynasty. After all, there was a big movement over the Tai'an Xian Dynasty. Before the sign of the saint's fall, it should also be related to Chen Zu. In my life, I can't hope to catch up with Chen Zu. It’s good to see Chen Zu’s back from afar."

It is also a bit of emotion to refer to the master of the Tianjian Palace, Wang Yin.


Ten fairy mountains.

West of Tai'an Fairy Dynasty.

The reason why Ten Immortals Mountain is called Ten Immortals Mountain is that there are ten mysterious colossus colossus on the top of Ten Immortal Mountain. Those ten colossal colossus are mysterious. Even if Ten Immortal Mountain has existed for more than ten thousand years, it is impossible to find out the origin of Ten Immortal Colossus.

"Ten Immortals? How do you feel so weird, there is an indescribable majesty, and there is an invisible large formation, I have all my mana blocked..."

Ji Chunyu frowned and whispered at the moment.

"Ah! This is the game under the old monster. The old monster used the charm of the good fortune to guide you. I have told the old monster that you are the boss of the Nine Tribulation, and the old monster is still working! You have let me go before, I can't break this Bureau, I can only tell you that this colossal image of the ten immortals is huge. Although it is called the ten immortals, it is not an immortal at all, but an unimaginable creature! The old monster realized one of them a thousand years ago. Terrible seal, now the seal has been opened! I did not expect that the old monster even wanted me to seal!"

A voice came into Chen Zheng's ear, it was Kong Qi, who was also on the ancient platform in the middle of the ten immortal colossus at the moment.



The gray light flashed!

Fairy lights of different colors are shot from the ten immortal colossus!

In an instant!

The surrounding scenery turned into nothingness!

At this moment, in addition to this ancient platform and the giant statue of Ten Immortals!

The rest have been isolated!

And at the next moment, three figures appeared, among which there were ten ancestors, but at this moment the ten ancestors waited like a slave!

"Old monster!"

Kong Qi saw the old lowered his voice and shouted!

"Tianyun Shilong is too critical. Don't blame me for Kong Qi." The old man glanced at Kong Qi lightly, his eyes fell on Chen Zheng's face, and then he smiled: "I did not expect that your Excellency would be the original The boss of the mysterious organization Nine Tribulation, I have also said that you should not provoke the boss of Nine Tribulation, but this time your hand is too long. My name is Zongyue, the second generation of Ten Immortal Mountain, Of course, I prefer the world to call me the master of the robbery."


The old man is easy!


The ten immortals are like being resurrected!

At the moment, in the eyes of Ji Chunyu, Kong Qi, Shi Jue Patriarch and others, the giant image of the Ten Immortals is transformed into ten Supreme Heavenly Gods! Just a glance, I can't help but want to worship!

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