Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1373: Dialogue with the Lord of the Moon!

"Invite me into Taixu? It's too difficult."

Chen Zheng looked at the old man and shook his head gently.

"If you don't try it, how can you know the result? The main avenue doesn't enter the Taixu, it is to restore the mana outside the Taixu, but there are thousands of worlds outside the Taixu, all kinds of ancient lands, no matter what kind of world The ground is far less powerful than Taixu. So the main road owner wants to restore mana in a short time, and Taixu is the best place."

The old man said.

"Restore mana?"

"Why is it so difficult?"

"Xuanxian level...shouldn't it?"

The nine Taiyin people looked up at Chen Zheng at this moment. Under their perception, Chen Zheng only had the power of Xuanxian, but Chen Zheng was able to resist the impact of the long wave of the river in the middle of the time, and he was still intact.

The flesh spirit is extremely powerful. It is reasonable to restore mana. If you swallow a large world, you can at least reach the mana level of the ancestor, but why is it only the level of the Xuanxian.

Could it be this intentional?

Does this person not want to draw the attention of Hongmeng's controller to deliberately suppress mana at a relatively low level?

"This Lord of Taiyin, the body should be infinitely close to a half-step detachment. The Yuanshen God of the Taiyin Goddess has checked it for you. There is no problem. However, the last time in the forbidden area, what is the restricted area or the restricted area, a guy It is said that the Lord of the Taiyin sent you the Epoch Tianpan to you, waiting for you to return to Taixu. And today the Lord of the Yinyin chose to come to see you in the long river of time and want to take you into the Taixu. "Taohua doesn't think that this man can't see the special features of your body and Yuanshen. Are you saying that this man deliberately pretended to be stupid or was he stupid?"

At the moment, in Chen Zheng's mind, the voice of the little doll made a sound. The first time she saw the Lord of Taiyin, she knew the realm of this servant, and the servant seemed friendly, but the vulnerabilities of the servant's words were too obvious.

"He is in a hurry."

Chen Zhengyuan returned the sentence.

"I'm in a hurry? It's possible, this guy should find a way to break the border, but no one in Taixu can help him break the border, and once this breaks through the border, he can sit on the same level as the Hongmeng Tribulator. The robber suddenly woke up and forced him into Taixu to suppress him, so it could be explained."

The little doll made nod in Chen Zhengyuan.

"In the past million years, I have made a magic weapon with reference to the time of the long river. I call it the time hourglass. The time hourglass has many abilities, but it is not important. I only need a little ability to find out in the long river of time. At a flawed time, I found that trace of cracks, and I think you might be able to enter Taixu through that gap, if the Lord Hongmeng blocked your way to Taixu."

Seeing Chen Zheng not responding, the old man groaned a little, spread his palms, and a transparent hourglass emerged.

"The Sand of Time!"

"It turns out that when the master of Taiyin battled with the emperor to fight, the sand was to refine this magic weapon!"

"Congratulations, Master has become a magic weapon!"

Nine people saw the hourglass and showed their colors, and they all spoke at the moment. At this moment they understood why Lord Taiyin would have an enmity with the Emperor Taihuang because of the sand of the hour refining the hourglass of this time.

Millions of years ago, the sand of the gods in the Taixu appeared in the world. It is said that the sand of the time has many magical features, such as the ability to resolve the limit of Shouyuan, the ability to shuttle through time and space, and even shuttle to Yuwai. In that war, the Lord of Taiyin finally won the sand of time, but that time it was not that the Lord of Taiyin defeated the Taihuang, but that the Taihuang suddenly lost control and gave up the fight.

"The hourglass of time is just the sand of time. Although the sand of time is present in the Taixu, it should not be the thing of the Taixu, or even the thing of the Hongmeng. Some of its characteristics are likely to be things outside the universe. It is because of this that I spent millions of years refining into a time hourglass, and of course it is because of this that I am sure to invite the main lord into the Taixu."

The old man smiled.

"The thing outside the universe!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the voice of the little doll was instantly cold! She is the future robbery master. She was born to end everything. What she dislikes most is the things outside the universe, because the things outside the universe represent uncontrollable!

During this time she followed Chen Zheng, she had seen several things outside Yuyu and even saw the creatures outside Yuyu, which made her very unhappy. At this moment, another object appeared outside Yuyu, she was instinctively unhappy!

"Things outside Yu... Then please try the Lord of the Yin."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"it is good."

The old man also nodded, and said with a straight look, the hourglass flew out of the palm of his hand at that time, and flew to the top of Chen Zheng's head. With a flash of glory, Chen Zheng immediately enveloped!


next moment!

Time goes back!

This is no more than just eleven people crossed the endless space and time to a place!


Before he landed, he listened to the roar of the giant beast, and the face of the nine people changed slightly, but he was not surprised, because he recognized it at first glance. This is the entrance to Taixu!

The giant beast guarded at the entrance is the ruined **** beast. Although they are extremely strong, they will not attack creatures under normal circumstances!

"Is it done!"

"It should be done!"

"At most three breaths, you can enter Taixu through the Taixu channel!"

Nine people watched Chen Zheng, who was shrouded in time by the hourglass, had entered the Taixu passageway. At this moment, his eyes lit up, and the eyes of the Lord Taiyin also lit up. The secret road offended the emperor for this moment, and later consumed It’s worth a million hours to make this hourglass!



Just listen to a loud noise in the Taixu Channel!

A transparent giant face emerged from the entrance of Taixu!

The celestial beast trembles instantly and humbles on the ground. The transparent giant face roars in the Taixu passageway. The Taixu passageway collapses directly. Between the horror of Taiyin and the other nine people, the surrounding time and space change for a while. Back to Hanoi for a long time!


The tide wave hit!

Wake everyone up at once!


The Lord of Taiyin whispered, his brow furrowed, and the magic weapon he spent millions of years refining was now fragmented!

"Why is this... didn't you go in just now?"

"The transparent giant face is the Hongmeng controler? The means left by the Hongmeng controler?"

"Why does the Hongmeng master want to prevent Chen... Daoist from entering the Taixu?"

Nine Taiyin people whispered.

"Underestimated it."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Lord of Taiyin and nine people looked over!

"The Lord of Taiyin, you and I should have a similar understanding of it. They both think that it is a half-step detachment from that situation, and in general it is indeed that situation, but the guy's control of time and space is afraid that it is already there. Above the horizon."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"This..." The Lord of Taiyin was shocked, and he was about to speak with a deep groan, his face suddenly changed drastically, he grabbed it with a big hand, and disappeared silently with nine people!


Just disappeared!

A torrent of terror like a long river of time came out of nowhere!

One hit on Chen Zheng!


Chen Zhengdong is too lazy to move!


This hit!

The terror torrent shattered!

After a long time of violent turbulence, it seems that he does not want to have any relationship with Chen Zheng away, leaving only Chen Zheng and the broken time hourglass in the void space and time!

"I am the strongest shield, and you are the strongest spear. No matter how strong your spear is, you can’t wear my shield. Don’t waste your time. Stay in the Heavenly Palace and sleep well. Come back when you fully recover. Let me fight."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and collected the broken time hourglass at will. After a while, the universe cantilever gave the origin of the sand of time.

"The sand of time, the foreign material, and the mark of the transcendental person are not the great day!"

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