Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1378: After mixing with Chen Zu!

"Era Overlord Realm...Stolen..."

Confucian Xuying was dumbfounded again, and after saying this sentence, Confucian Xuying was destroyed! This is not that Chen Zheng secretly shot to destroy the Confucian Yuanshen, Chen Zheng would not do that, but the Confucian belief collapsed completely, and the Yuanshen broke himself!


Nine Pages Patriarch shouted, and his face was cracked like dead wood. At this moment, there was a stab, and his primordial spirit was also shattered, and then he thumped, and his head fell to the ground!

Nine Pages Patriarch also died because of his broken heart!

Can not accept!

It's really unacceptable!

No matter whether it is a Confucian imaginary shadow or a nine-page ancestor, the supreme being who can’t accept the offering, is just a thief!

"Era Overlord Realm is also stolen. Your ability is not simple."

The Confucian imaginary shadow and the nine-page ancestor self-destructed, Chen Zheng only glanced lightly, then smiled at the coming person, Shengtian Daoren's will.

"This... is precisely because of this, so although I have an era tyrant, I have always been low-key in the Taixu, and I don’t show up very much. I am afraid that one day I will be stared at by the real era lord. After all, it was stolen, and it is impossible to beat the creatures who stepped into the era of the era overlord with their own strength. Moreover, the era overlord also divided into strong and weak, and the strength difference is huge. I am actually the weakest."

Shengtiandao people smiled a little embarrassedly.

"You are honest."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"I have to be honest. I am very clear about the terrible page of Destroyed World. Although you were only able to devote yourself to it, you may have swallowed the page of Destroyed World. The appearance of Yitaixu is very similar. Even if you are not the emperor, you will certainly be very big. It is a reincarnation of horrible creatures. My life has finally become the overlord of the era, and I have lived carefully for so many years. Although I haven’t been in the limelight, as long as I will be satisfied if I can survive."

Shengtian Taoist said, it seems that this is his life creed.

Ji Chunyu listened and couldn't help shaking her head, a creature so arrogant, living so low-key and so humble, it was really rare. The guys I had seen with Chen Zu before, what a shadow, what a moon god, what a Zongyue elder, etc., the state is far inferior to the virtuous Daoist in front of him, but each one seems to be in control of the world.

"Huh? Want to spy?" Chen Zheng raised his eyebrows suddenly, and wiped an invisible enchantment to cover the palace of Jinglun Academy, and cut off the outside snooping. After doing this, he looked at Shengtian Daoren for several times: "The book pages of the era of extinction are very useful to me. You said that the oldest **** in Mount Everest has that kind of thing, and you are good at stealing. Then help me go Everlasting God Mountain steals some."

"Don't dare! I can't dare! At least five guys in Vanguard Mountain can easily destroy me, not to mention the oldest god, which is a creature that sits on par with the terrible extreme creatures such as the Emperor, the Supreme True Demon, the Vanguard Dragon, etc. !Last time I almost took myself in. I dare not provoke Wan Gu Shen Shan! My Taoism is totally incomparable compared with Wan Gu Shen Shan. I want to live longer!"

When Shengtian Dao heard it, his face changed instantly, and then he shook his head wildly!


Ji Chunyu saw the attitude of Shengtian Daoren at this moment, but couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He shook his head secretly in his heart. If one day the ancestor he worshipped also lived to be the general appearance of Shengtian Taoist, he would also feel that his faith had collapsed!


Grandpa Master will not live like Shengtiandao!

"That... Your Excellency is too dangerous. I have to go back. I don't want to have too much relationship with your Excellency. I just want to live, and that's all."

Shengtian Dao's eyes moved and said that this incarnation of the will will break away, but only nothingness, I saw the flash of the glory, turned into a stone egg, the stone egg stared at the will incarnation of Shengtian Dao, Shengtian Dao People will avatar for a while and stay in place!

"Humph! I want to go on the thief ship. Is it that easy!"

Almost at the same time, an indifferent voice sounded, Chen Zhengmei's heart made the lotus seed fly out, and the little doll made the appearance of cold eyes staring at Shengtian Daoren!

"Cultivation...Lianzi! You are... you are the future... the future lord! My mother, don't kill me, I really just want to survive, I am not ambitious!"

Shengtian Daoren shouted tremblingly, his face full of terror!


Seeing this scene, Ji Chunyu couldn't help but sigh. This Shengtian Taoist really doesn't need any dignity. This kind of person can also be a creature in the situation above the Taoist ancestors. In addition to lamenting this natural ability to steal How to evaluate it.

"The future tribulation is not terrible. After all, I haven't awakened. It is me who is terrible." Chen Zheng looked at Shengtian Daoren lightly: "You know that the page of extinction is terrible, and you know that the oldest **** of the ancient God Mountain is not afraid to expose it easily. Opening that page, I not only opened that page, but also swallowed that page directly, without saying anything, and the power contained in that page just restored me to a small state of cultivation, from the first order. Xuan Xian became a second-order Xuan Xian. On this point alone, you should also understand that my body and Yuanshen are somewhat arrogant. Therefore, Sheng Tian Dao Ren, even if you destroy this will incarnation at this moment, I will enter Taixu in the future I won't let you go, you can't escape."


Shengtian Dao Ren trembles, he is indeed preparing to self-defeated will incarnate, at the moment when the forged doll appeared, he also guessed that Chen Zheng's identity was absolutely terrible, but he was afraid of death, he did not want to be involved with Chen Zheng! Now listening to Chen Zheng say this, he is even more afraid!

"The indestructible Taoism in the Taixu, the master of the anode temple, Hong Zhao, is a disciple of a certain identity of my first life, and the supreme true demon Ji Ji is a servant of a woman who has a good identity of my first life. Dragon Emperor Yang, I don’t take more than ten drops of real blood just before my deity came to the land of long hatred. Just before at most one hour, the will of the Lord of Taiyin came to the river, and it took him a million years to refine it. The hourglass made of time invites me to enter the Taixu. As for the relationship between the other masters of the Lord and God, I can’t tell two or three sentences. Anyway, those guys are more than 90% afraid of me. As for your appearance of the emperor Similar to me, it was the emperor Tai Na who deliberately imitated me. I will not say much about the rest, I believe you should understand."

Chen Zheng said lightly again.

"This..." Shengtian Dao Ren shuddered again, his face full of horror. After thinking for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said: "If you can guarantee that I will steal the things from the ancient God Mountain, and I will not die after being found, then ...Then I can help you steal those things!"

"I give you a drop of real blood, you should not be able to absorb it, but I can build a pair of blood armor for you, as long as it is not a creature of the level above the era overlord, the era overlord cannot kill you!"

Chen Zheng nodded his head, hit a drop of real blood, and turned into a **** **** armor, which merged into the incarnation of Shengtian Taoist will.

"This Divine Armor..." Shengtian Taoist felt it, his face was even more horrified, and after a sudden change of expression, he suddenly paid a respect to Chen Zheng: "From today on, Shengtian will be with your lord. You can rest assured that the things you confess to Shengtian must be done! However, that one page of extinction is extremely precious, and Shengtian can’t guarantee that there are still many hidden in the ancient mountain, maybe only a few pages!

"As long as you can steal Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Then... Shengtian leaves first? By the way, Shengtian doesn't know your lord..."

Shengtian Dao thought again and thought a little.

"Just call me Chen Zu."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Chen Zu... Shengtian says goodbye!"

Shengtian Daoren whispered, and then bowed to Chen Zheng, the incarnation dispersed!

"You can really be fooled, but I am afraid that only the servant will be fooled by you in the era overlord!"

The little doll made a snort, and the lotus seeds of the lotus also flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart.

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