Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1384: Extreme 9 Epee Realm!

"Chen Zu!"


   "Chen Zu!"

   On the ship of Heavenly Strike, it means that Tian Jianjun Jiang Shenzi, Wang Yin, Lin Wu and Kunzong Dao have returned to God, and quickly bowed to Chen Zheng who appeared!

  Chen Zu?

Shenzong Zongxia and all the clan came to see this scene, and it was a surprise. Both Kunzong Dao and Zhitianjian Jun worshipped this Xuanxian and respected this Xuanxian as the ancestor. People, it should be that this young man will not be wrong!



   A mysterious fairy!

  Why can I kill the half-footed ancestor!

   "Sure the first ancestor!"

  The old man in the emperor's robe was so impressed that he stared at Chen Zheng at the moment. At first glance, he thought he saw the ancestor of their family!

"He finally showed up. This is what made him terrible. When he first saw him in the Tomb of Destiny, when he actually went to Lianshan to investigate his situation, he was still a mortal, not a mortal. It’s just that there is no mana. His Xuanxian mana should have swallowed nine destiny beads in the Tomb of Destiny. The nine destiny beads contain nine worlds similar to the world of the Thousand Thousands, that is to say, he has swallowed nine big destiny. The world has only recovered to the level of mysterious mana...His physical body is too strange..."

  The emperor of the imperial dynasty was also moved.

"Indestructible Taoist-level flesh?" The old man in the emperor's robe suddenly thought a little, but soon the thought was moved again: "This can really be explained, and his flesh is terrible, but mana is in the usual sense. Because there is only the level of Xuan Xian, Tian Dao will not expel him, which is equivalent to drilling a void in Tian Dao. No wonder no one in the world can win this son! But this Thunder Sage Venerable is the seventh Realm Dao Patriarch, this time relying on that The Lei Yan formation and the self-healing deity of Heavenly Dao are coming. This son will never be able to win the Dao ancestor of the Seventh Realm. In a few moments, the two will fight, we will act by chance!"


Emperor Taixian responded to Yuanshen, and several other elders of the royal family also responded to Yuanshen, but Emperor Tai looked at Chen Zheng with a faint smile. He had a hunch that this guy was very similar to the appearance of the ancestors, maybe Able to do things that others such as yourself dare not think about!

"Master Patriarch? It turns out that you are also a reincarnated Taoist ancestor, and still reincarnated with the indestructible body and Yuanshen. No wonder the means are extraordinary. The mysterious Xuanxian mana can cut the two wastes under my hands! Unfortunately, you met This seat, this deity is here in person, what do you take to fight with this seat! My seventh Taoist ancestor is standing here for you to kill casually, can you pull a hair from this seat!"

   An angry Lei Xianzun swept Chen Zheng several eyes, his hands hug his chest, disdain!

   "Xuan Xian... Mana is too weak..."

   "If you can't win, you can't win. The gap between the half-step Taoist ancestor and the seventh-level Taoist ancestor is too great. That is an insurmountable chasm. This Chen Zu... defeats to be suppressed!"

   "The seventh realm of Taoism, that is the realm we dare not think about!"

The monks kneeling on the ground on the side of the Shenxiao Sect's immortal palace's eyes lit up. They saw hope. Although the angry Thunder Sovereign was terrifying, if it could serve as a slave or even a dog, it would be the seventh realm. Daozu's servant the seventh realm of Daozu's dog! Under normal circumstances, the saints and half-walk ancestors dare not provoke them!

In addition, people from various sects, ninety-nine monks, almost met Chen Zheng for the first time. Although they were extremely surprised that Chen Zhengneng could sect the Sect Master and the ancestor of Shenxiao, they did not think that Chen Zhengneng was the lord of Nu Lei Xianzun. opponent!

   The seventh ancestor Taoist deity is here!

   Just glanced at the soul and felt that it had been hit like never before!

   Such a horrible creature!

  Spirit that should have been expelled from heaven!

  The means of Chen Zu and then against the sky and then tyranny, Xuan Xian mana is Xuan Xian mana, absolutely can not cross that huge gap! Maybe that Chen Zu had Dao Zu's combat power, but he could never reach the seventh level!

   The seventh realm!

   This seventh realm is too far away!

   After all the sounds, there was silence. The Shenxiao Sect was silent, and the rest of the foreign monks were also silent. They all knew that the war was about to happen, and now they subconsciously step back, leaving a large area!

   Then hold your breath and wait for someone from both parties to start!

   "Don't you have an arrogant treasure, and you will be hooked on the Yuanshen under my sword, you sacrifice a scimitar to see if you can cut this seat!"

   Angry Lei Xianzun is a disdainful smile!

   "That thing can't cut you."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"It's still self-knowledge, your scimitar is really good at practicing, but your mana is too weak. If you can have an indestructible fifth realm, you can use that thing to cut this seat, but it's a pity The magic level of immortal is too weak and too weak! But you have no fluctuations from your appearance to the present, then there must be a bigger hole card, don’t hide it, take out your biggest hole card, this The seat is hard! As long as you can hurt this seat, this seat can let you go!"

   Angry Lei Xianzun hummed!

   "Yes, your seventh ancestor is really good, I also want to see what level my current limit is."

  Chen Zheng nodded gently.


What does it mean?

  Does this really want to cut down the wrath of Lei Xianzun!

   When everyone heard it, ninety-nine of them were silently shaking their heads. It was absolutely impossible to secretly say that even if the magic of the Xuanxian had the sky-opening treasure and the sky-axe, it would not be possible to get the Thunder Venerable Anger!

   Mana difference is too wide!


   Angry Lei Xianzun stood in the air, holding his chest with both hands, he was not prepared to backhand, it seemed that Chen Zheng was determined!

   "Let's do what we see!"

   is also this moment!

  The old robe of the emperor robe reminded the emperor of the imperial court and several other old monsters!

   The emperor of the imperial dynasty held his breath, he was a master of the immortal dynasty. Since he became the lord of the imperial dynasty, it can be said that he never felt any tension, but at this moment he was nervous and his palms were sweating!

   "Old friend, you haven't come out to breathe for a long time, and you haven't been stained with blood for a long time. I must be very excited."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Under the focus of everyone's eyes, only a sword sound was heard, and a ghost sword shadow shot out of Chen Zheng's body. At the moment, he was suspended above Chen Zheng's head. This just appeared. The fairy sword or sword weapon soldiers who were on the spot were not. Controlled, he stepped out and stuck on the ground, all facing the ghost sword shadow!

"this is!"

   "What kind of sword is this sword, is it a treasure!"

   "All swordsmen are worshipping it, what is its origin!"

   The subordinates exclaimed subconsciously!

   "Treasure? The ultimate creation above the eternal creation? Oh! Even if this sword is the ultimate creation, it can't cut this seat, your mana is too weak!"

   Angry Lei Xianzun stared at the Nether Sword Shadow, still sneering with his hands on his chest!

   "Get up!"

  Chen Zheng only spit out a word!


  What's up?

   Almost all the people present were puzzled, but Tianjianjun, Wang Yin, and Lin Wu showed a very exciting color They felt that it was a familiar technique!

   Sword world!

   From the Ninth Sword Realm!



  Billions of swords and shadows!

   appeared out of thin air!

   One face to face!

   The nine huge thunder pools around the angry Thunder Venerable are torn in an instant!

   A terrifying sword of prestige overwhelmed the heavenly ancestor Tianwei, the seventh realm of the angry thunder king!

   "Chaotic Thunderball!"


   Angry Thunder Fairy face changed!

   opened his mouth violently!

  I saw a terrifying thunder ball!


   This horrible thunder ball appeared!

  The hanging fairy island where Shen Xiaozong is located can no longer withstand two horrible coercive pressures, and instantly falls apart!

Among the countless screams and screams, I only heard a few roars. The old man in the emperor robe and the emperor of the imperial dynasty and several other old monsters, this moment was directly transformed into a blood man, and the origin of the bloodline was burning wildly, turning into a huge Bloody phantom, together with the chaotic thunder ball, killed Chen Zheng!


   Jianming is back!


  Huangguang billions!

  In an instant!

   Chaos-like God Xiaozong is clean!

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