Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1386: I know much more!

Outside the hall!

   stands alone!

   A blue robe!

   is extremely luxurious!

   is staring at Chen Zheng at this moment!

   "You are also a little special. A Dao ancestor is not a high-level Dao ancestor. The presence of the deity is not restricted by the Daotian World Heavenly Dao. You should have a very unusual magic weapon on your body."

  Chen Zheng looked at the blue robe, and smiled and said.

"It doesn't matter if I have a very unusual magic weapon, I know that you have slashed the wrath of Lei Xianzun and exhausted your mana, and the most powerful card is temporarily suspended. I don't kill you as long as the eternal real blood, and you follow me. Go to a place."

  The blue robe opened his mouth. He stared at Chen Zheng as if he were staring at a cargo, and he did not look at Chen Zheng as a person at all.

"Eternal real blood? So the idea of ​​spying on me that day at the Medical Immortal Pavilion is you? Since you want eternal real blood, why not show up and grab the eternal real blood that day, you come to me now to ask for eternal real blood, Was it impossible for the body to come at that time or you were not sure to beat me, so you wait until today?"

  Chen Zheng smiled again.

"You are too worthy of yourself. In the past, the Japanese seat only had to deal with one person, so they didn't come to this realm. This seat is coming to this realm, and the heavens in this realm won't stop this realm at all. Like Zun, you need to set up an array to enter this world while healing Heaven's self-healing? Compared with this seat, he is just a dust in the universe!"

The blue robe showed a contempt, and unconsciously revealed a transcendence. This transcendence was different from the transcendence of those era lord overlords that Chen Zheng had seen before. In the eyes of the blue robe, it seems that no one in this world can Into his eyes.

"This man... how to make this character feel like your seventh princess, not like it looks, but the breath that is revealed in the invisible? And this man's flesh looks like... is a half-step detachment That level!"

   At the moment Chen Zheng's mind sounded like a little doll, the moment was not ordinary indifference.

   "What's your date?"

  Chen Zheng's thoughts moved and asked with a smile.


Hearing this sentence, the blue robe's face changed instantly, but it was only in an instant, and he quickly recovered the look of contempt for the beings of heaven and earth: "This seat does not know what you are talking about. As long as this seat has eternal real blood, there is You go to a place with this seat! You have a special physical body, but now it is a mana vacuum period, this seat is too lazy to talk to you nonsense, directly caught you to go to that place! After going to that place, this seat slowly unlocks your physical body Mystery! As for the eternal true blood, this seat can naturally be taken out of the little girl!"


   Right hand lifted!

   The blue robe was caught by Chen Zheng!


   The law of space and time is surging!

   is not a general law of space and time!

   This is definitely the law of time and space above the seventh realm!


   Drink the blue robe!


  Chen Zheng shook his head gently. The law of time and space added to him disappeared into his body at once.

   "How could this...... Although this realm fell, it is not an idea to take you away, how could you be immune to the power of the Avenue of Time and Space! You go to that place with this seat!"

   The blue robe looked cold, raised his hand and grabbed again, and the law of time and space emerged again. Unfortunately, in a blink of an eye, those laws of time and space were absorbed by Chen Zheng!

"A few days earlier, you took this hand against me, absolutely no problem. Unfortunately, just a few days ago, I got a thing called the sand of time, you are very strong, more than ninety-nine Life, it’s a pity that you are just like me, your mana is obviously falling, and it is not worthy of your physical level. So don’t think about grabbing me away, or sit down and drink a cup of tea, talk about where you come from, or I find a place you should People you know, tell you old with you?"

  Chen Zheng took a move, and the Taishi chair coffee table appeared. He started to make tea while talking under the seat of the blue robe.

"The sand of time!" The blue robe man frowned, staring at Chen Zheng for a few moments. He raised his sacrifice with his right hand and pointed at Chen Zheng indifferently: "Unbelief in this seat, I can't catch you as an indigenous person !"


The thing sacrificed by the blue robe was a crystal-clear rhombic crystal, which released the seven-color divine light, and covered Chen Zheng at once. Seeing Chen Zheng's body directly blurred, Chen Zheng smiled faintly. The seven-color divine light on him disappeared in a flash!


  The diamond-shaped crystal fell to the ground as if it had lost its power!


   The blue robe was overwhelmed. He had absolute confidence in his magic weapon. He had never lost his hand, but the magic weapon was like a terrible backlash!

"It turns out that you are relying on this thing to enter the world of thousands, and you are also lucky. The Hongmeng Tribune is just asleep, and the body can't get out of the Heavenly Palace, otherwise you are an alien." Chen Zheng glanced at the diamond-shaped crystal, quite Deeply smiled at the blue robe, and said that he pushed a cup of brewed tea, and the cup of tea flew to the blue robe: "A foreigner is a guest, come and taste our Taoist tea."

   "You... know something!"

  The blue robe did not take over the tea, his expression changed for a while, Shen Sheng asked!

   "Some things? I know more than a few things." Chen Zheng took a sip of tea and shouted casually: "Xiaoqi ah Xiaoqi, come out to show your face, this should be your old man."


   A flash of fairy light!

  A figure appeared!

   This figure is the Seven Princesses!


  Princess Seven lowered her head slightly and shouted at Chen Zheng, then looked at the blue robe with a move, and her face instantly stayed!

"No.7! You are No.7! Why are really have a problem!" As soon as the seventh princess wanted to speak, the blue robe sighed: "Did you forget who you are, did you forget?" Have you done your actually recognize an indigenous teacher!"

"Aboriginal? It's okay for you to say that my teacher is Aboriginal from your perspective. However, whether you or No. 1 of them, compared with the teacher, what's the difference with the Aboriginal." The look of the Seven Princesses returned to normal, faint at the moment Opening, he looked at Chen Zheng lightly and said: "Teacher, he is number four, beyond the number four in the sequence. Although I haven't completely remembered it, I can't be wrong. I can't think of anything but me. Someone has entered the Hongmeng universe. The mission of No. 4 should be the same as my mission, all to find No. 0."

   "You... you actually said the ultimate mission, and told the native all, if you let No. 1 know, No. 1 will kill you!"

  The blue robe yelled loudly!

   "The number zero may be the woman of the teacher. I have the teacher's protection. Why should I be afraid of the number one?"

  Princess Seven responded with a chuckle.

"What! This native has something to do with No. 0? Impossible. No. 0 is a transcendental life. How can No. 0 be regarded as an aborigine, and only No. 1 is worthy of No. 0! You are lying, you just think... ..."

  The blue robe showed a look of surprise this time, but he didn't believe it, his mouth was roaring, but the roar stopped abruptly!


  He saw the seven-color divine light that lit up at the heart of Chen Zheng's eyebrows!

   "The universe is hanging...ah!"

   was silent for a short time, and there was another scream suddenly, and the blue robe grabbed the diamond crystal and slid away!

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