Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1394: this one?


Yinsha is rolling!

Like the beasts of the flood, they came toward Chen Zheng!

As if to devour Chen Zheng!

"Do not!"

But when Chen Zheng glanced past faintly, a scream came suddenly from the rushing Yinsha, and then collapsed with a bang!

"The world of strange demons is more strange and cruel than the world of pure demons. It is difficult for the human race to enter this world, even if it is a monk of the magic road. The strange demons only recognize the strange demons, and the rest of the foreigners are all hunted by strange demons. The object, as for the means of the aliens, are more fierce than me, the Rakshasa. I suspect that this kind of creature is a killing machine created by Heavenly Dao. When the same amount of robbery is taken together, these aliens will be released to clean the heavens. Realm. I don’t know how many different demons there are in the world, but at least it is measured in billions. By the way, Brother, this realm is extremely huge, and it feels bigger than the big universe."

Big Raksha said something about the world of strange demons.

Not long ago, he led the way and entered the alien world from the universe, and there were some deviations in the space-time beacon, but the problem was not big. Of course, in the eyes of Da Luosha, even if this time it was sent directly to the strange demons' nest, it was not a big problem.

"This world is dim all the year round, and only one day will light up every year, but there is only one place to light up, which is the strange demons' old nest cave."

Raksha Nu also said something.

"This world is suitable for our evil spirits to practice. If I can devour all the evil spirits in this world, it should be able to restore the peak. It is just that these evil spirits are contaminated with something, some are like causal power, I am not too good Dare to swallow."

The little demon girl's shoulder like a chick is eroded and frowned.

"Humph!" The purple skin alien spirit who was imprisoned with mana, that is, Guifang, the alien leader, snorted at the moment: "Do you really think I was afraid of you before? I pretended to be afraid You beg you to kill me and deliberately excite you into a foreign country! You think you are under your control, but you still have my plan! Alien creatures, especially human race monks, even the devil, can’t absorb the foreign country at all. Yinsha devil qi, because this world is contaminated with the power of the original devil and the power of our ancestors of the different demons! That force will screen the alien creatures and assimilate the alien creatures into aliens, if the assimilation fails Then the foreign creatures will definitely die! So in this world, as long as the mana is consumed, it cannot be replenished as soon as it is consumed, and it will not be long before you will run out of mana!"

"Huh? I've also stayed in a foreign land for nearly ten thousand years. Why haven't I heard this?"

Da Luosha God frowned instantly.

"That's because your Raksha family is similar to our aliens, and their physiques are very close to each other. Your Raksha family is the most likely to be assimilated, not to mention that you have forcibly merged the original demon bone, your big Raksha, Actually it’s already an alien!"

Commander of the Demon Sneers!


Da Luosha looked at Chen Zheng, and he was really unsure.

"As long as it is in the Hongmeng universe, there will be no power I can't swallow."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Pretend! Just pretend! Do you think you are heaven!"

The Commander of the Demon is disdainful!

"God? That kind of stuff is not enough. Your knowledge of alien demons is also very general. Just shut up and watch the show. See how I can make the alien demons disappear."

Chen Zheng smiled again, just a little bit, the ability of the alien leader to speak to Yuanshen was also deprived.



Yuanshen, the commander of the magic, is even crazier at the moment, and his eyes seem to be saying that this seat is not watching you let the strange demons disappear, this seat is watching you being killed by the evil demons!




This is also the time!

There was a sudden wave of sound on the dark ground ahead!

But at first glance, there is no such thing as a storm!

"It's over!"

"The magic wave is coming!"

"It's over, this is the magic tide. This is a magic tide that will only happen once in 100,000 years. We are about to finish it. We simply can't bear the power of the magic tide, and we will be torn into **** in an instant!"

Several alien leaders who were confined to mana screamed at this moment! The Yuanshen, who is the leader of the different demons, is also terrified, but staring at Chen Zheng violently, he laughs abruptly. Although he is deprived of the ability to speak, he can see from his look that he is talking about this. You're going to be finished, now you're finished!

"Magic Tide!"

The face of Da Luosha also sank!

He has been fighting in this world for thousands of years. Of course, he has heard the magic tide, but he has never experienced the magic tide. At this moment, under the perception, on the dark ground in front, the majestic evil spirit has condensed into a stormy sea. The ordinary super giant torrent, even if it is a half-track ancestor, even if it merged with the original demon bone, at this moment his primordial spirit was a little trembling!

He has the original demon bone, but he is not afraid of being torn by the magic wave, but... Raksha Nu must be unable to hold it!



it has started!

The wind like the sound of the waves instantly became violent!

Visible to the naked eye!

All the matter on the dark ground ahead!

In an instant!

All crushed by the magic wave!

All turned into scum by the magic wave!

"Sky Cave! Go to Sky Cave! Only Sky Cave can block the magic tide! No wonder this area is the richest area of ​​the Ming Family, but even a strange monster has not been seen, it must have escaped to Sky Cave! If you want to live, go to the Heavenly Cave immediately. The Great Raksha knows where the Heavenly Cave is. Although the magic wave is about to be crushed, there is still a chance!"

"If you don't go to the sky cave, you will die. Only the sky cave can block the magic tide. What are you waiting for, let the Da Luosha God lead the way!"

"Please, you want to die, we don't want to die!"

Several strange demons screamed wildly!

As for the Commander of the Demon, there is no sound at the moment, but it can be seen from his incomparable look. He does not want to escape to the Heavenly Cave at all. He just wants to see Chen Zheng swallowed by the Demon Tide, even if he is crushed by the Demon Tide!

"Brother Qinglian..."

God Ramasha frowned and opened his mouth. He had protected Ramasha behind him, because at most ten breaths, the magic tide would come!

"Chen Zu... this magic wave is really a little scary, I am afraid I can't bear it at the peak..."

The evil **** beast eclipsed his brows, and it initially thought that the alien land was half a level higher than the big thousand world, but this magic wave was obviously more than half a level higher. This magic wave was comparable to the most terrible outside the domain. Of the overlord!

"Don't let me down."

Chen Zheng whispered and said that he took a step forward. Among the doubts of everyone, holding the little demon girl's hand instantly appeared at the forefront of the magic wave, and appeared in the air in the next moment!


"He's looking for death!"

"It will be crushed in an instant!"

Several alien commanders growled!

At this moment, the different demons commanded Yuanshen to leave only a terrible laugh!



I saw Chen Zheng open his mouth, and he swallowed like that. His body was like a bottomless hole, and he swallowed the terror magic wave! After counting the interest, the Great Raksha and the Demon Commander heard a seemingly unsatisfactory voice!

"That's it? Playing such an exaggeration makes me reluctantly raise a small realm and makes me a little disappointed!"

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