Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1401: Entering Taishi ancient land

"Forcibly deprive me of my bones, you are so cruel!"

Nothing above!

A roar came!

But it was just a roar!

After the roar, there is no sound of the Devil!

"Shanganggu... It turns out that the bone I got was Shanganggu... It's a bit wrong later. If it's Shangchanggu, Chen Zu should have known this when he helped me suppress the bone. Yes, but Chen Zu doesn't seem to know... wait a minute, this white bone has no defects and no bone is missing. Then the original bone I got is not from this upper bone?"

When Da Luosha heard the three words on the bone, he first showed a happy look, and at the next moment thought of something, frowning. He thought that the alien bone that he had merged before was the upper bony bone, but when he looked at it now, the white bone that was forcibly pulled off by Chen Zheng was intact and there was no missing. He also understood instantly that he and the demon were deceived. The original bone is not really the original bone.

Never mind!

Although the bone is not the bone!

But it's also strong enough!

You can't be too greedy!

The thought flashed in my heart, and Da Luosha shook his head gently.

"Chen Zu, this strange first devil turned out to be the first of the five congenital gods?"

The evil spirit beast eclipse the eyeball and turned a few times, ask at this moment.

"Half start too."

Chen Zheng nodded and took away the bone.


Everyone on Xingcha showed his doubts.

"The flesh and spirit are stripped. The guy was the spirit born of the flesh and controlled the flesh of Taishi. Although he also claimed to be the flesh, it can only be regarded as half. As for the true sprite of Taishi, it was hidden elsewhere. Just now I Using a forcible device to forcibly deprive Na's upper body of bones, and also forcibly search for Na's soul. Nao actually didn't know where the Yuzi Shenbei was hidden."

Chen Zheng explained.

"The flesh and soul are stripped? It turned out to be the case, but why do creatures at this level do this?"

Da Luosha God showed his face, and after thinking about it, he asked again.

"Maybe you have practiced some kind of mystery, the flesh and spirit are stripped of their own cultivation, and they will break through when they merge again..."

The Undead Tree Devil speculated.

"The Nine Dao Demon Tides have made me a fifth-order Xuan Xian, which is much worse than I expected. The more my mana is, the harder it is to recover in the future, and the more power is needed. The magic waves are all from the same one. The places are all from Taixu. No wonder that the tens of thousands of people above Jiutian prevented me from entering Taixu. The power contained in Taixu exceeds the sum of all the worlds."

Chen Zheng added another sentence.

"Taixu..." Da Luosha said these two words in a low voice, and his thoughts moved: "The younger brother suddenly thought a little, there are many ancient clan saints in the world, what amethyst saints Most of the ancestral lands of these ancient clan sages are outside the Thousand Worlds. There is an ancient place named Taishi Ancient Cities, which is said to have gathered more than 90% of the ancient clan sages between heaven and earth. Will Taishi Ancient Land be related to Taishi God?"

"Tai Shi Gu Di... I will go and see."

Chen Zheng nodded his head and swept through the ruined foreign land. The ruined foreign land has been completely engulfed by chaotic time and space, and hundreds of millions of strange demons are completely destroyed, leaving no one strange demon. Of course, he has no fluctuations. He has obtained the three pieces of the cosmic monument of flood and atrophy. Before the alienation, the universe cantilever also swept the world, so the alienation was destroyed.

I went back to the big universe in the past, and the progress of the cantilever reached 42%. After sweeping through the foreign land, it has reached 45%, which is still some distance away from the complete restoration of the cantilever.

But after getting the sand of time, in the Hongmeng universe, except for Taixu, any ancient land in any other world can go at will, and it is no longer affected by the time and space avenue. Even if the long river of time forcibly hits him, it will also affect him. There will be no further impact.

So in the future, the progress of the universe cantilever will only get faster and faster. Although a large world has only increased by a few points, Chen Zheng has already felt that Hongmeng Tiantian is absolutely different. Maybe only one Hongmeng Tiantian will grow by 10 points or more. .

Various thoughts flashed over, and Chen Zheng returned to Xingcha. When the thought was moved, Xingcha tore the chaotic time and space and went straight to the universe.


Hongmeng is too high.

The ancestral land of the real dragon family of demon domain.

"The truth master, a monkey demon has emerged from the demon domain recently, as if it popped out of the crack in the stone, the monkey demon's ability is like the fighting Buddha in the West Tianling Mountain. The fighting Buddha was missing before. Will it be the reincarnation of the Holy Buddha?"

Princess Ziyue couldn't help asking.

"It should not be fighting the Holy Buddha, the monkey demon is afraid of a chess piece laid by a saint, maybe he wants to come to the Western Heavens again to learn from it, but the Heavenly Court has long been destroyed, unless it is to build another Heavenly Court. This kind of auspicious auspicious life is said to be the main birth of the new Three Realms, and it should also be for the purpose of creating momentum. The Emperor Xuanyuan, one of the three emperors, has the status equivalent to a saint, but its strength... is far less than the saint."

The truth teacher frowned slightly.

"By the true one-phase teacher, the sword repairer who recently soared from the spirit world, the child named Qingyun, was the Qingyun sword ancestor reincarnated in that year? Jiuyun pattern cut Tianhe, it is said that Qingyun sword ancestor was cut off with a sword. Thirty-three heavy Tianhe, almost cut to the Heavenly Dao Palace, if such characters return to heaven, Jianxiu will have a new leader. Although the Heavenly Sword Ancestral Sovereign is strong, but the Dojo has already proclaimed itself, and it is all spreading. Tian Jianzu encountered a terrible adversary and has been seriously injured so far."

Princess Ziyue said another sentence.

"Qingyun Jianzu... That child should be just, but he has not yet fully awakened. When he is fully awakened, in addition to Split Sky Jianzu, even Su Tianjun should not be against Qingyun Jianzu, and Qingyun Jian Zu, Litian Jianzu and Su Tianjun should actually be considered..."

The truth master nodded, but kept silent after half of the talk.

"What are they?"

Princess Ziyue asked curiously.

"It's all... Chen Zu's disciple."

The truth teacher whispered.

"Chen Zu!" Princess Ziyue was surprised, and lowered her voice: "Hei Jue Zu Zu recently wanted to support the demon monkey, as if she was going to move Jiuwei Tianhu Daji, you said the last time, Daji Relationship with Chen Zu... Then should our Zhenlong family help Daji himself?"

"Qingqiu has come here and is the second Nine-tailed Sky Fox. It is not so easy for Heijue's ancestor to want to move his wife. Heijue's ancestor knows Chen Zu's existence and wants to move him. He is afraid that he will live too long. Although I am an immortal, I have passed the Eleven Tribulation. My gods are enough to estimate some things of the ancestors, but about Chen Zu... I can still calculate a little before, but now I just have to think about it. Chen Zu will be repulsed, which shows that Chen Zu's strength has been restored to the level above his ancestors."

The truth teacher said softly.

"Where is Chen Zu in the world now? The girl in Zhengyue is a favorite of Chen Zu. I am envious of that girl. That girl is afraid that she is even more powerful than me, the naive princess?"

Princess Ziyue also asked softly.

"Which world? Maybe in an ancient place."

The Truth Master subconsciously opened his mouth, his voice was ethereal, but there was a strangeness in the invisible.

At the same time Taishi Ancient Land.

Slashing Dragon Teleportation Array.

The fairy light flashed.

A young man led a little girl who looked dull and came out of the teleportation array.


Just came out!

Dozens of eyes stared!

"Human Xuanxian?"

"Ordinary demon girl?"

"Damn it! How could it be a human race Xuan Xian and an ordinary demon, at this point in time, isn't the hustle and bustle of ancient sages saying that there are great people who want to come to our Taishi ancient place? This human race Xuan Xian is an ordinary demon , What do you think it looks like?

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