Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1407: Pingtianshan


Really ruthless!

It's really not giving face to the Three Eyes!

The people around are collectively silent!

"Go back if you find it. The guy is not here. When he comes back, come in and see the guy."

Chen Zheng casually put three Xuanguang into the body of the two generations of Saints and Red Lotus. The three women opened their eyes at the same time. Among them, Red Lotus and this generation of Saints were surprised and then happy when they saw Chen Zheng.

"the Lord......"

As soon as Guren opened his mouth, he was thrown into Chen Zheng's arms. A flash of divine light sent several people out.

"Wait for me!"

Yan Chijia returned to God, quickly urged the secret method, and also sent out the space of the **** shadow.

"That... what is this ruthless man?"

"When did the Lingxi tribe find such a backer?"

"The guy he just said, wouldn’t it be the creator of Taishi God Shadow Space? He could divide chaos with one hand, and should be able to swallow the power of chaos. The reason why he didn’t do it just now is because the chaotic area is a formation. Dharma, the master of God Shadow Space needs this formation to return?"

The creatures suspended on both sides of the pavilion saw Chen Zheng sending out the space of the **** shadow, and whispered at the moment.

"Chen Zu... such a powerful character, it really makes people... itchy and unbearable... giggle!"

The middle-aged beautiful woman Hua Niang laughed and sent it out.


Spirit rhinoceros.

Inside the holy tree temple.

"Slave maid misses his master!"

Elder Lingbao and Yan Chijia felt a little embarrassed, because Honglian was hung on Chen Zheng as a whole, not only on Chen Zheng, but also the slender legs were wrapped around Chen Zheng. They were thinking, should they? Go out and wait for half an hour or an hour.

"Yingge thanks Chen Zu for his life-saving grace!"

The Lingxi clan's saint female warrior song paid homage to Chen Zheng. She went to the Amethyst Saint clan ancestral site. She had seen Chen Zheng that time, so the first time she opened her eyes in the **** shadow space, she recognized Chen Zheng.

"Thank you... Chen Zu's life-saving grace."

The last time the saint, the mother-in-law of Red Lotus, also paid a courtesy to Chen Zheng.

"That... the slave-servant saw her master and was a little too excited..."

Hearing the voice of her mother-in-law, Honglian came down from Chen Zheng and whispered back to the side.

The evil spirit beast on the shoulder of the little demon girl rolled her eyes, and secretly said that if there is no outsider here, you will be more excited. You may start to mess with Chen Zu holding the ancestor. It is not good to be seen by the little master.

of course!

This fairy is not easy!

There is an extremely powerful force in this female goblin!

The evil **** beast eclipse looked at Red Lotus for a few more times, it saw something, and secretly said that the little girl related to Chen Zu was really not simple, so in the first era, the little master should have been the same as Chen Zu’s first. The world fancy, and then accepted as a disciple.

Then the question is coming!

Is Chen Zu's disciple or the person he has pointed out more female or male?

Sin God Beast Eclipse thought of a question, it wanted to ask but some dare not to ask, I am afraid that this question will not be answered by Chen Zu.


At this time!

A green mango was introduced into the temple!

"This is?" Elder Lingbao grabbed the green mane, his eyebrows were instantly wrinkled, and he looked at Chen Zheng: "Chen Zu, the ancient demon tribe and the three-eyed tribe have joined forces, but they are not facing us. The tribe came but went to Pingtian Mountain, the ancient sage of Libush. It should be to grab the ancient sage of Libush, and to explore the origin of Chen Zu from the mouth of the ancient sage!"

"The ancient priest of Lihuo... The practice of the ancient priest of Lihuo is the great prophecy. He used to be a strong ancestor. He was seriously injured before, and all the ancient tribes thought he was crazy and thought he would be a big man in the world. Coming to Taishi Ancient Land in the near future...I didn’t believe it before, but after seeing Chen Zu’s method today, I also had to believe it!" Yan Chijia said with great emotion: "Yes After Chen Zu, our Tiangong tribe has a saint, whose physique is the longevity Dao of the ten Dao bodies. So far, he hasn’t really been a teacher. Is Chen Zu interested in pointing out?"


Yan Chijia also blinked at Chen Zheng for a while!


Elder Lingbao frowned, and Master Yan was also the first person in the refinery of Taishi Ancients. In this way, it wouldn't be too unruly to forcely sell the Saints of Heavenly Workers.

"Elders, the Qi Tong ethnic group's words rose to see Chen Zu!"

At this time there was a voice of the Lingxi tribe outside the temple.

"Qi Tong clan's words rise? It should also be for the Pingtian Mountain thing. The Qi Tong Clan worships the ancient sage. He should have learned of the siege of Ping Tian Mountain and wanted to ask Chen Zu for help."

Elder Lingbao looked at Chen Zheng.

"I and Yansheng went to Pingtian Mountain. As for the spirit rhino clan, since the relics and the holy tree have been restored, the other ancient clan Taoist ancestors have come, and there is no benefit. Red Lotus, you stay here, the holy tree The spirit should know something about the power of red lotus, you can ask it."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, said, and took the little demon girl out of the temple.

"I wait......"

When Elder Lingbao wanted to say something, he could only shake his head gently. Since Chen Zu said this, then he would wait for others to follow suit. When he and others went to Pingtian Mountain, it was also a burden for Chen Zu. Staying in the Lingxi tribe's ancestral land would not cause trouble for Chen Zu.

"Elder Lingbao, I will take a step first!"

Yan Chijia eyes also moved out of the temple.

"The power of the red lotus... At that time, your girl took the relics to the world, and almost made my old thing out of control, but also because of what you guys did, because of your girl After the birth of the red lotus girl, this Chen Zu will come to the Spirit Rhinoceros, and the meridian blocked by my old thing can be dredged, and the disaster of life and death can be resolved... Alas, even though Chen Z sees me this old thing, also Already ordered, then this old thing to me will tell Honglian girl everything I have seen about the power of Red Lotus."

A low voice sounded in the temple, and I saw the divine light flash. The temple suddenly seemed to change time and space, and a glimpse of ancient floating light appeared.


After half a scent of incense.

Taishi Ancient Land Pingtianshan.


A terrible penetration sounded!

I saw a lot of golden blood scattered!

A middle-aged man in a purple robe was staring at the sky pillar in front of Pingtian Mountain with a demon sword!

"Humph! You half a trail ancestor can take over this three swords of killing gods, it is enough to withstand the sky, and then stay strong and only die! Look at the ancient priests of Lihuo, this seat Don’t kill you, you obediently removed the formation under the ancient sage of Lihuo. This seat today came to see the ancient sage of Lihuo. It’s not that you came to Pingtianshan to make a killing. You just need to prove something, you can understand!"


On a huge green demon ship!

An old man in green robe dances with long hair!

At the moment, staring at the middle-aged man staring at Tianzhu with both hands and chest cold!

"That's the God of Wind Slaying, the Taoist ancestor of the ancient demon ancient clan. Although it is only the first ancestor of the Dao, but it has a double Tao tower, its strength far exceeds that of the Dao of the first realm! Here comes, the Brahma Buddha is the Taoist ancestor of the second realm!"

A few miles away from Pingtian Mountain, on the invisible star cha deck, Yan Sheng gritted his teeth!

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