Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1409: Ancient sage: Chen Zu is not a prophet!

"Immune to all sword skills...Rebound all sword skills...The stronger the sword skills, the more terrifying the power of rebound...If I had Chen Zu's body, wouldn't it crush the world? All sword repairs!"

Xingcha's words were shaking, not fear but excitement. He was imagining at this moment, imagining that he had the same physical body as Chen Zheng, imagining himself besieged by hundreds of millions of sword repairs, imagining hundreds of millions of sword skills toward himself Cut it, and the next moment will be slammed, and billions of sword repairs will be killed!


Just think about it!

It feels like Yuanshen is going to fly out!

"This flesh is indeed invincible against Jianxiu, not only invincible but also some rogues. The stronger the sword skill, the stronger the rebound. This is more suffocating and more powerless for Jianxiu."

Evil God Beast eclipsed his head and said that he also glanced at the little demon girl. Seeing the little demon girl was only staring at Chen Zheng through her eyes, she still looked a bit dumb, and she couldn't help but sigh.

My little master is Jing Shi Chen Nu, and I don’t know when the real awakening will come out, or what Jing Jing Chen Nu’s power is, whether it’s as magical as Chen Zu’s flesh.


"Chen Zu Rao Fate!"

"I waited wrong, woo woo I waited wrong, don't kill me wait, I wait only for ants, just follow the orders of the patriarch, I can't control my destiny at all!"

At this time!

The remaining few days demon ancient clan!

Those three-eyed ancient tribes on the battleship were all frightened and begged for mercy!

"It is already a feud of life and death. Naturally, we must cut the grass."

Chen Zheng said lightly, and it was easy to wipe it. The ancient demon tribe or the three-eyed ancient tribe were directly erased. He did not fluctuate. He glanced at Tu Shenjian and Fan Xiaowu's natal magic sword. The seven colors of divine light flashed in his eyebrows and then swept away. Tu Shenjian and another Shenjian were directly reduced to particles.

"Please Chen Zu save the old ancestor of Guli!"

Xingcha Shangyansheng recovered from the fantasy and watched the middle-aged man in a purple robe slipping from the Tianzhu to the ground. He greeted Chen Zheng quickly. Chen Zheng nodded his head and a pale blue light hit Gu Li's ancestor. Gu Li ancestor healed within a few blinks.

This scene was shocked again, and I couldn’t understand why Chen Zu’s methods could be so defying the sky. This is simply ignoring the basic rules of the spiritual world. As if Chen Zu wanted, then everything could be done, and Still effortless!

"Pingtianshan Guli thanks... Chen Zu's life-saving grace. Please invite Chen Zu to follow me into Pingtianshan. Master Zu Li is awakened from the ancient holy sage. Chen Zu should be the master of the world calculated by Master Zun's prophecy."

Ancestor Gu Li was also surprised, took a deep breath at Chen Zheng, and led Chen Zheng into Pingtian Mountain.

at the same time.

Ancient mountain in the north of Taishi ancient land.

"It's a **** thing, a scumbag is a **** thing, the alien race is also a **** thing, a **** mysteriously made out **** predictions, and one even killed my clan Taoist, **** both of these **** gods!"

There was a horrible roar in the ancient temple of the heavenly demon, and the guard of the heavenly demon shivered outside the palace, daring not to have any movement!

"Old ancestor, even if my younger brother Feng Xie was killed, Feng Dao ancestor and Feng Tu **** Dao ancestor, that is the real Dao ancestor! Our ancient demon ancient tribe can reach the top strongest ancient tribe in this age The reason is that our ancient demon ancestors have six Dao ancestors. Now they damage two Dao ancestors within a day, and they are weakened by one-third of their strength at once. Ancient ancestors! Old ancestors, you could have recovered five hundred years ago, that is, the ancient ancestors secretly acted as a stalk, allowing you to recover for five hundred years!"

In the ancient hall, on the ancient stone chair stained with the blood of the ancient gods, the ancient demon patriarch Feng Pian was extremely unbearable, and his eyes were full of murderous intentions!

"What on earth did that kid really come from?"

Some Daozu frowned.

"Xuanxian mana, Dao Zu combat power, this kind of person can only be a reincarnation of a big man in ancient times, there is no other possibility. Just kill my Dao Zu, and this time go to Pingtian Mountain to catch the ancient saint is the Feng Tu Shen Dao Zu The tri-eyed tribe sent the Fanxiao Buddha and Taoist ancestors, and the combination of Fengfan and Swords, at least the power of the third world. I don’t understand how this could be counter-killed.”

Another ancestor said in a deep voice.

"Can the kid's combat power still exceed the third level?"

The third Taoist whispered.


These Taoist ancestors all looked at the young man in Tsing Yi in the temple. This young man is the old ancestor who recently returned from the ancient demon ancient clan. The world only knows that the ancient demon ancient clan has a strong cross Dao awakening, but does not know that it is the strongest. Heng's ancestor returned from a mysterious place!

This young man in Tsing Yi doesn't have any enchantment or demon body, not even the iconic ancient demon pattern of the ancient demon ancient clan, but the patriarch of the ancient demon ancient clan and several Dao ancestors are not Dare to disrespect!

Not only because this is the ancestor, but also because the ancestor even seems to have withdrawn all the characteristics of the ancient demon ancient clan, even the demon power demon primitive demon pattern has been abandoned, but the power is terrible, the previous one finger was suppressed Patriarch!

"That Chen Zu... I suspect that like me, they are all the creatures that retreated from the broken ancient road leading to Taixu outside the territory. It seems that only Xuan Xian Xiu Wei, in fact, the flesh and spirit have been tyrannical. At an unbelievable level, mana is only used as an introductory force to drive the physical primal spirit, so although mana is weak, the combat power is terrible."

The young man in Tsing Yi said lightly.


Several Taoist ancestors were instantly stunned!

"Aren't I waiting for revenge!"

Patriarch Feng Peng gritted his teeth and asked!

"Wait." The young man in Tsing Yi said lightly again: "I am back to Taishi Ancient Land this time, waiting for a soul to return. Maybe that Chen Zu and I have the same purpose, but I brought a terrible magic weapon back. As soon as that creature returns, I will suppress that creature for the first time, and then take control of the ancient land of Taishi. I naturally have a way to suppress the Chen Zu."


When the patriarch heard a few Taoist ancestors, he could only remain silent.



In an ancient stone temple.

"Chen Zu... is not the big man in my prediction."

The ancient sage in a black robe looked at Chen Shen Sheng said.

"Ah? How could it happen? The time for the teleportation of the Dragon Slayer was all right now!"

Yan Sheng looked shocked.

"Chen Zu is not a big figure calculated by Master Zun's prophecy, but Chen Zu... instantly killed the Feng Tu God and Fan Xiao Buddha who combined the swords. Isn't this strong enough?"

Ancestor Gu Li was also puzzled.

"Not the big one in your prediction? Did you make a wrong prediction?"

The demon beast eclipsed her brow on the shoulder.

"My predictions can’t be wrong. The reason why Chen Zu is not the big one in my prediction is because I secretly urged the secret method to calculate Chen Zu’s origin just now. Calculate Chen Zu, how could Chen Zu be the big man in my prediction."

The ancient sage shook his head and smiled bitterly.

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