Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1416: Shout 1 brother Yi!


The ancient people in the Tiankeng were shocked, not ordinary. At this moment, they already knew the identity of the returning creature in the fairy light, that is, they created the beginning of the gods for their survival and reproduction!


This human race Xuanxian!

This ancestor of Chen Xuanxian's fighting power, Chen Zu!

Not only do not worship God!

At this moment, there was a saying that God is not worthy to let him worship!


Sure enough, it's crazy!

"Chen Zu...still strong..."

He whispered aloud, next to the ancient ancestors of Lihuo, Guzu, the ancient ancestors of the ancient Li, and the ancient people of the Lingxi ancient clan. Of course, Li Shou Gu Sheng was only a little surprised when he heard that sentence. He thought that it was normal for Chen Zu to say this kind of words. After all, his great prophecy could not calculate anything about Chen Zu. Chen Zu's fate is still above the sky.

right now!

The ancient priest of Lihuo only wants to know one thing, that is, whether the vague figure in the fairy light is a man or a woman, because the big man who came in his prediction is a woman!

"Master Puppet, have you heard that this alien race is not only contempt of God, but now it is trampling on the majesty of God! Master Puppet, this son must not be left!"

The ancient monsters of the ancient demon are roaring again!

Puppets are servants of God!

The servants of God can't deal with this alien race!

God can always suppress this guy by himself!

As long as the puppet invites God out of the fairy light, he will be able to suppress the kid. In addition, the old ancestors who have not yet appeared at this moment can also secretly observe the situation of the returning Taishi God, and can also wait for opportunities. And move!


These guys!

Whether it is the Chen Zu, the government puppet, or the rest of the ancient people!

I didn't know that the ancestors were the ones who really controlled everything!

Now it is nothing more than letting the kid and the returning **** first go against each other!

The thought flashed in my heart, and the wind pierced the puppet at the institution: "If the puppet master can't suppress this, please ask the puppet master to wake up Taishi!"


Everyone's eyes moved!

Including government puppets too!

All looked at the figure enveloped in the fairy light in the Tiankeng!

"Awaken Taishi Master... This can only be the case." The organ puppet whispered, fell from the sky, and landed in the three steps of Xianguang, facing the invisible figure in Xianguang. Say, "My master, the alien's flesh is too weird, the slaves can't suppress him, he can only ask the master to wake up and suppress it! Seeing God does not kneel, provoking God, defying God, this is all a crime of beheading. !"


Fairy light flashes!

It seems that the vague figure in the fairy light will wake up next time!

It seems that the next moment will come out of the fairy light!

The people of the ancient tribes instantly held their breath and stared at the fairy light, while the celestial elder patriarch Feng Pian, at the moment showed a smirk, and the dark servant of the dark road was just like this. Do what I said!

Sure enough, the ancestor said yes, although this kind of creature is terrible, it is only limited to the peak state. The **** who fell in the realm, the **** who lost the supreme power, is essentially not much different from ordinary creatures!

As long as you are strong enough, you can suppress God!

As soon as a few thoughts came up, the proud eyes became more and more intense. At this moment, I began to imagine that when the ancestors appeared, they suppressed the gods in one fell swoop and killed the Chen ancestor. It's so simple to fall into the hands of the ancient demon ancient clan, the ancient demon ancient clan must be able to fly into the sky, and become a real overlord outside the big world like the powerful dynasty!


The fairy light flashed again!

next moment!

The fairy light disappeared!

The unclear voice in the fairy light appeared in the eyes of everyone at this moment!


Just glanced!

Everyone was ignorant!



That is a woman!


Should be a girl!

That's a girl who looks like 28 years old!

Although a face has a sense of indifference that ignores the world, although the breath is also superb, it is completely different from the Taishi God that everyone imagines!


Doesn’t it mean that the Taishi adult who created the Taishi ancient place is a man!

How could it be a woman!

"Women...really a woman, my predictions are correct, the great people who came to Taishi ancient land are really a woman, just... is this really Taishi God... ..."

The ancient sage of Lihuo showed a happy look, but his brow was frowned after a moment. He predicted that it was right, but according to his understanding, Taishi should be a man. Isn't it possible to practice the transcendent secret?

"Could it be...what surgery was done?

Yan Sheng subconsciously opened his mouth, but he was stunned once. He didn't know why he said the word surgery.


Aside from the ancient ancestors of Guli and Elder Lingbao, they heard it for a while. Although it was the first time I heard these two words, I can also speculate about the meaning of these two words. It should be a means to repair and change something. .

"Humph! I don't want to salute when I see my Lord!"

The government puppet heard these comments, and his face sank instantly!



"Meet Master Taishi!"

The people of all the ancient tribes quickly responded, paying their respects to the white girl in unison! Although there are doubts in my heart, there is nothing wrong with that transcendent breath, so I still have to worship!

"My lord, the boy sees you not to worship, not only despises you, but also says you are not worthy to let him worship!"

Everyone had just worshipped the white girl for less than three breaths, and the ancient demon ancient patriarch suddenly raised his head and raised his hand to Chen Zheng.


The elders of Lingbao and the ancient sages of Li Bao swelled!

Was the demon ancient patriarch really going to be on the bar with Chen Zu this day? Is this the opportunity to deal with Chen Zu whenever there is a chance? Is it really going to die?

"My master, Fang Caizi really said that his master is not worthy to let him worship!"

The government puppet turned around and stared at Chen Zheng, then reported to the white girl!


The girl in white looked at Chen Zheng as soon as she moved her eyes. It seemed that she noticed Chen Zheng at this moment. She stared at Chen Zheng, her brows were wrinkled, and her already indifferent face seemed even more indifferent!


It's done!

Seeing the wind phantom of the girl in white and a group of ancient demon ancient people, my heart instantly laughed, and the secret road was completed!

It doesn't matter whether the girl in white is Taishi!

Anyway, white girl is not easy!

Next, it's time for the white girl to try this Chen Zu's weight!

let's hit!

Let's fight!

It's best to turn upside down and lose both sides!



Feng Pian laughed heartily!

"He was right."


The girl in white spoke!

The voice is extremely cold!


What do you mean?

Is he right?

Isn't the meaning of the words really unworthy of that human race Xuanxian worship?

Institutional puppet!

The ancient demon ancient patriarch!

The people of the ancient tribes!

Hearing the first sentence of the girl in white all startled!


I saw the white girl stepped out in one As soon as she fell in front of Chen Zheng, she suddenly made an action that everyone didn't expect, that is, she sniffed on Chen Zheng with her nose, just like a Sniff like a puppy!

This... what does this mean!

Everyone is even more ignorant!



The girl in white smiled smirkfully, and her indifferent face was like a flower blooming. She shouted at Chen Zheng: "Although the state of the world fell seriously, the person is still that person, or everything is so proud of the world, do you say it is brother Yi Yi?"

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