Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1418: Chen Zu was disappointed!


A sigh from the ancient sage!

At this moment, it is no longer important whether the young man in white predicts his own prophecy. Whether his prediction is wrong or not is now that the man in white clothes is going to suppress the young man in white and Chen Zu with that weird magic weapon!

From the moment the boy in white saw the magic weapon, his face changed. The whole face sank at the moment. It can be speculated that the magic weapon suspended in the palm of the Tsing Yi people is definitely not simple!

Zhentian magic weapon!

Can Chen Zu resist this repression!

In the eyes of the ancient sage, there was worry in the eyes, and the elders of the Lingxi tribe, Lingbao, and Elder Lingxu also showed worry. Yan Sheng and Gu Li's ancestors also have the same look. In fact, they guessed that the ancient demon ancestors of the ancient demon are likely to observe in the dark, but they didn't expect such a ruthless shot. At least the puppet of the eighth state Taoist ancestor was directly suppressed. .

"This time you can't escape, kill my brother and my ancestor, and then you should pay the debt!"

The head of the ancient demon ancient clan also noticed the change in the look of the young boy in white and stared at Chen Zhengyi at the moment!

Taishi Shangtian was afraid of the ancestors’ celestial instruments. Even though Taishi Shangchang was not the peak, it was not a complete body, but how could it be an extremely powerful high realm or even a Taoist ancestor in the extreme realm, even though Chen Zu used to be stronger than Taishi’s complete body , But at this moment he only has Xuanxian mana!

One more thing!

Even though Chen Zu is the ancestor of Dao Zu!

There are definitely restrictions!

Otherwise, in Pingtianshan before!

This Chen Zu cut himself!

and so!

This time!

The ancestors personally shot!

Whether it is Taishi God or Chen Zu, both of them will be suppressed!


Then the ancient demon tribe flew into the sky!

Under the leadership of the ancestors, the ancient demon ancient tribe can become the overlord of comparable holy pilgrimages outside the region!

Even stronger!

The end point of the ancient demon ancient clan battle is not outside the territory, the end point of the ancient demon ancient clan battle is Taixu, and one day the ancient demon ancient clan will become the overlord in the Taixu!

The wind irresistibly showed his joy, his primordial spirit seemed to have come out, as if he had flown out of the Taishi ancient land, imagined that he had conquered the holy pilgrimages outside the territory, the commander-in-chief killed the Taixu, and the legends in the Taixu The undead and the undead are fighting, killing a world and ascending to the top of the party!

"Wu'er, what's that stuff, it seems that Taishi adults are a little bit worried!"

At this time the Tiangong tribe Yan Chijia secretly asked Yan Wu.

"Zhentian magic weapon...I haven't mentioned it to my master, but this thing is really terrible. This thing can erase Tianwei's suppression of Heavenly Dao. It seems that it is specifically for dealing with such creatures as Taishi adults. There is no way for children, unless Master is coming to resolve this situation, but Master said that she does not want to meet Chen Zu."

Yan Wu responded secretly.

"This... Master Taishi is afraid of the town's magic weapon. The only hope lies in Chen Zu. Chen Zu is still light and windy, and he should be able to handle this town magic weapon."

Yan Chi Jia Yuan Shen passed on the sound, but he is also a little uncertain now, although he has seen Chen Zheng’s various anti-natural means, but that actually has limitations, strictly speaking, it is under the fifth realm of Taoism, and at this moment Regardless of whether it is Taishi adults or the ancestral ancestors of the Yaogu tribe that day, it should be the strength of the ninth realm ancestor.

Of course, Yan Chijia also understands that Chen Zheng and the boy in white are not a party at all. In this tiankeng junction, the three parties are playing games!

Chen Zu!

Taishi adults!

An ancient ancestor of the ancient demon!

At present, it is the ancient ancestors of the ancient demon who control the situation!

"Your courage is quite big, but you also have ambitions for strength, and there are special tools to deal with Tianwei against God. In the face of this realm, it is still half of the beginning of God. There is really nothing to fear."

At this time Chen Zheng smiled, this sentence was said to the people in Tsing Yi.

The young man in white on the stone seat gave Chen Zheng a white eye. He seemed to be saying that although the younger brother was a little disabled, you can't be any better.

"I was born in the ancient land of Taishi. From an early age, Taishi God is the supreme being I worship. Only later I went outside the field to challenge the broken ancient road leading to Taixu, and I saw something on the broken ancient road. , I learned some things from the ancient times, and just got the magic weapon of the town, so I don’t have much respect for Taishi adults.” The Tsing Yi people also smiled and paused a bit to look at the white man: “This world is huge. Fan cages, whether they are ants on the ground or the supreme beings above the sentient beings, are all trapped in this fan cage. Once the state of the supreme beings falls, there is no essential difference from ordinary creatures like me, too Master Shi, you said yes."


The boy in white responded coldly!

"The old ancestor said well, all beings in the world are in the cage, as long as they don't jump out of this huge cage, there is no difference in essence! So I wait for ordinary creatures, and I don't have to be afraid of the falling gods in these realms! Besides, God is heaven Even if you act against the sky, if you don’t go against these gods, we won’t get up!"

The wind screamed loudly!


"It seems this truth...God is respectable and terrible. That's because we haven't seen God in the past, thinking that God is omnipotent, but in fact, the realm of God will fall, and God is not incompetent!"

"Shall we..."

With the call of the wind phantom, the tribes of the ancient demon tribe, the three-eyed ancient tribe, and the fighting saint tribe instantly resonated, and some of the rest of the ancient tribes in the Tiankeng began to shake.

"What you said makes sense, and I agree with this point, but the reason is just theory. Actually, it depends on whether you are strong enough or not. I have something to talk with this half of the beginning, so you start. I I know that you can use the Zhentian magic weapon to suppress this state of falling too early, but I don’t recommend you to do that. Suppress me directly, because you can’t suppress me, and you can’t take too early."

At this time Chen Zheng smiled at the Tsing Yi people again.


At this moment, Chen Zu could still laugh!

Chen Zu gave up!

Or is it not afraid of that town magic weapon at all!

The eyes of the ancient Tiankeng people all focused on Chen Zheng!

"It's hard to die until you die, you are far less cultivated than Taishi. Taishi is afraid of the ancestor's Zhentian magic weapon, you think you can stand it!"

The wind snarled!

He was extremely upset with Chen Zheng's breezy complexion!

"it is good!"

The Tsing Yi people spit out a word, Zhentian magic weapon flashed, and instantly swallowed Chen Zheng!

"Haha! Even if you can't hold a face, you dare to pretend that your so-called Chen Zu will be among the low-level Dazu ancestors. In front of the old ancestors, you are no different from the ants!"

Feng Pian laughed when he saw this scene!



next moment!

A very crisp sound of breaking sounded!

The Zhentian magical tool that devoured Chen Zheng was shattered!


Everyone heard a sigh!

"Chen Zu was disappointed."

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