Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1423: The complete reincarnation context!

Ancestral land of the spirit rhino.

The holy tree inside the temple.

At this moment an enchantment isolates the outside world.

Within the enchantment there are only four men, one man and three women, the man is Chen Zheng, the woman is the red lotus next to Chen Zheng, the little doll in the chemical lotus, and the blue woman carmine sitting kneeling in front of Chen Zheng.

"This is what the teacher let Carmine bring."

The carmine appeared.

It was a jade dish, and at first glance thought it was a synthetic jade dish, but as soon as Chen Zheng grabbed the jade dish, his face suddenly became solemn! On the side, Red Lotus saw Chen Zheng's face at the moment, and his eyes were full of curiosity. The owner has always been indifferent, smiling at the world and the world. This is like a jade dish that is very similar to the legendary master of the Zixiao Palace. What is there in the jade dish, so that the master Will change color!

"This thing!"

Xiaohua Xiaohua glanced at her, and was also surprised!

"Enter my Taotu world."

Chen Zheng whispered, the thought was moved, several people in the enchantment were sent into the world of Taotu, and his mind also sank into the world of Taotu!


As soon as she appeared in the sky above the road, the seven princesses shouted. Feiya, Bai Muer, Bai Mei, Lord Ziyun Mountain, Long Jingyao and other women meditating at the Shinto monument in front of the Purple Emperor Temple. Opened my eyes!

"Huh? Chen Zu! Did Chen Zu bring the beautiful girl in again!"

Tianjiao's big goose was taking a nap, and his eyes were opened at the moment. When he saw Chen Zheng, he took the initiative to say hello to Chen Zheng!


However, Chen Zheng did not respond to anyone. I saw that the jade dish in his hand flew out suddenly, and the seven-color divine light flashed at the next moment.

Originally, there was only one piece of dangling land inside the Daotu. This is the sky-opening foundation prepared by Chen Zheng for the three disciples Yan Luo. The dangling land is surrounded by darkness and nothingness, but at this moment the seven colors of divine light flashed, and the darkness vanished into a galaxy. The time is expanding, everyone in front of the Shinto monument, at this moment only feels very small, this moment is really a dust between heaven and earth!


When Xinghe expanded to an infinite extreme, Xinghe suddenly changed and suddenly shrank, and everyone suddenly felt as if they were transformed into giants, and their perspectives became farther and bigger!



The world is changing!

This moment!

Everyone saw a round of light!

These light wheels are linked to form a mysterious vein!


At the moment when the veins expanded, in front of the Shinto monument, the women such as Bai Mu'er, Bai Mei, Yan Luo Niang Ziyun Mountain Master, Long Jingyao, etc., almost all spurted blood, and their faces were faintly fainted!

"See something you shouldn't see!"

Although the big goose is an ancestor, it is still a heterogeneous species in the world. At the moment, he rolled his eyes and fainted!


Although Feiya is not a high cultivation base, there is still a distance from the level of the ancestors, but at the moment it is supported, but his face is also pale, and it seems that it can't hold it.

"This is... the Great Reincarnation vein, it seems to be the complete Great Reincarnation vein! The state is not enough, it will be damaged by just glancing at the Yuanshen, this thing... I remember that even beyond the realm There is only a complete picture of the complete context! Teacher... Where did you get this perfect reincarnation context, this thing can only be drawn by transcendental creatures!"

The seventh princess looked at the already huge light wheel, and her face was astonished!


At this time!

The ethereal chakra is changing again!

There is light coming towards the Shinto monument!

Two beams of light broke into the Purple Emperor's Sanctuary behind the Shinto Monument!

"Yan Luo and Tian Jiao are retreating in the Purple Emperor Temple!"

The Seven Princesses were shocked!

However, Chen Zheng didn't do anything. At this moment, he only stared at the infinite chakra of light. At this time, Feiya snorted. She is the daughter of the Emperor Guangming, the master of the destruction of the **** universe, even if there is a spirit of **** creation in her body. The brand once laid, can't hold it at the moment!

"Teacher... I can't hold it anymore!"

The Seventh Princess frowned!


Inside the Purple Emperor Temple!

Two figures flew out!

It is Yanluo and Tianjiao!



The two were also confused. When they saw Chen Zheng shouting at the same time, they were fainted before seeing the Shinto monument.

"This is a great opportunity, you two will quickly understand!"

The seventh princess hurriedly reminded the two, but just after saying this, the seventh princess also groaned, and couldn't help fainting.


Yan Luo and Tian Jiao looked at each other, and looked towards the infinite chakra. The two pupils of the two instantly turned into nothingness. The naked eye can see the chakra of the light, reflected in the two pupils of nothingness!

"The detached body!"

this moment!

The little doll made a cold snort!

Eye of nothingness!

Detached body!

These two girls are exactly the same physique as Chen!

In the Hongmeng universe!

At present, Chen Zheng and these two girls have this physique!

This constitution is the enemy of nature!

The little doll made a cold snorting in his heart, his eyes moved, and stared at the infinite light chakra. At this moment, he madly engraved this infinite light chakra in the Yuanshen, even if it can't hold it, it is still strong!

"The detached actually exists, and it is still in the Hongmeng universe..."

Carmine whispered, looked at Yan Luo and Tianjiao, and now looked at Chen Zheng, and it was also shocking, because Chen Zheng’s double pupils also turned into nothingness, which made Carmine even more surprised that the entire limitless light chakra is completely engraved on In Chen Zhengxue's double pupils!

at this point!

It seems that my master can't do it yet!

Even if Master has a complete samsara veined jade dish!

Banzhuxiang time passed!

"The detached body is really strong. I am the overlord of the half-step era, and I can't hold it at this moment. The second woman can still hold..."

Carmine whispered, and the bleeding at the corner of her mouth fainted, and she couldn't hold it!


After counting the interest, the little doll made a scream, and the lotus seeds turned into Chen Zhengmei's heart, and the little doll could not hold it, although a large part of the complete reincarnation was engraved, but he was still in the future. The two little girls can't compare, so she is still very unhappy!

Yixiang time passed.



With two soft hums, Yan Luo and Tian Jiao's double pupils dissipated, and then the two became soft and fainted!


The inner world of this map!

Only Chen Zheng is left alone with a complete reincarnation!



The complete great samsara vein suddenly changed and became a woman. The woman was luxurious and in the ultimate palace dress. At the moment, a face exactly like Qin Yi was indifferent. There was a strange anger in the indifference, like Chen Zheng did the same thing as sorry for him!

"Humph! Thief!"

A cold drink!

The woman's big hand slammed into the open land!


It was also at this moment that Chen Zhengxu's double pupils became black pupils, and he smiled at the woman: "Although I don't know what your relationship with Qin Yi is, the Damai cycle veined jade dish was given to me by Qin Yi, what do I do? It’s not a thief. I just saw something in the context of the Great Reincarnation. Why don’t you care about these things, your creatures who have jumped out of the Great Reincarnation."

"This palace has been seen by you. Even if this palace has already jumped out of the great reincarnation, it has more than one major reincarnation, but this palace still cares about these things! The way of this palace, this palace is the master!"

Woman sneer!

Big hands ruthlessly shot!


Chen Zheng can only A transparent crystalline cube emerges, and the next transparent crystalline cube changes into a crystal clear crystal stick, there are two crystals under the crystal stick Something like a ball!



Seven colors of light shine!

"Cosmic Cantilever!"

Just listening to the woman exclaimed, the woman's big hand was instantly taken back, the woman's phantom was also destroyed, and the complete great samsara vein also disappeared, and it changed back to the original jade dish!


The universe cantilever disappeared, the spirit of the universe cantilever only gave Chen Zheng the word, it means that the woman is very strong, and the woman's body is not generally strong!

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