Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1427: I heard that it can bounce 1 cut?


With a chuckle!


The ancient people of Lingxi, Lishou Gusheng and others looked even colder. Although this young boy had a big head, he was too arrogant in front of Chen Zu. Does he really think he can control the thunder and lightning!

"The last time you were in the Lingxi Ancient Clan, you would have been tolerant. This time you jumped like this. It seems that the place you want to borrow Yingge is not important to you. I will put it here. Yingge."

Chen Zheng responded to the teenager named Panzao, still responding with a smile.

"It's not that I look down on you, but you don't even know my origins. Even if you used to be an epoch overlord, or even stronger than an epoch overlord, but since I dare to show my identity, then I have absolute control to take Yingge away! Yingge The previous life was a blue light. I’m going to borrow that light to go to that place. You can’t stop me! Besides, you should worry about the people around you, whether you can escape the relentless killing of the reaper! I have a way to suppress this fellow, this fellow I have dealt with me for a long time, so even if the realm is stronger than me, I will not dare to shoot me, only to wait for Seoul!"

The young man sneered, the look was arrogant at the moment!


Yingge gritted his teeth and just wanted to speak, it seemed that he wanted to sacrifice himself to save the clan, but Chen Zheng only gave Yingge a reassuring look, and Yingge understood it, and nodded deeply in his heart!



That creature called the reaper moved!

Scarlet eyes!

Suddenly broke out!

A terrifying scarlet light!

Boom towards the holy tree where Chen Zheng and the Lingxi tribe are located!


this moment!

Not only the elders of Lingbao and others, even the spirit of the holy tree also showed a horrible color, even he could not block the scarlet light, the scarlet light released by the reaper could instantly destroy his body, which is the holy tree!

There are relationships!

It must be related!

This reaper must have something to do with the weird woman he had seen in the blazing world with Master Taishi!

They should be the same race!

"If your Excellency can't stop it, all the Lingxi tribes except Yingge will be reduced to ashes!"

Teenager sneer!


However, Chen Zheng didn't look at the boy, only smiled at the reaper, and then swallowed, and the scary scarlet light was swallowed by him in an instant!


Everyone on the Lingxi tribe was relieved!

The scarlet light disappeared!

The terrible sense of oppression disappeared instantly!

of course!

All this thanks to Chen Zu!

Chen Zu is still strong!

Swallow the scarlet light with just one bite!

The elders of Lingbao and others showed their excitement at this moment, and they looked at Chen Zheng very much. If they were not Chen Zu in secret, the Lingxi tribe might be destroyed more than twice!

"This reaper blows badly, as if he can't deal with his master."

Guren's eyes moved, and he looked at the boy with a cold voice.

"Humph!" The teenager sneered again: "This is just the beginning, but it is just a means for the reaper. The arrogant's most arrogant is his physical body. He doesn't even know the horror of the physical body of the reaper. Even if it is I can only suppress the reaper with the magical tool given by my elders, and there is only that kind of magical tool in the world that can suppress the reaper!"


The young man's voice hadn't fallen yet, and suddenly he raised his hand and pointed at the reaper!

this is?

Everyone on the Lingxi clan was stunned. Why did this young boy suddenly shoot? Didn’t this young boy force Yingge to submit to him? Didn’t this young boy want to watch Chen Zu show his ugliness?


When the golden rule of Kendo hits the reaper, the golden rule bounces back instantly, and the power of God is more than doubled!

In an instant!

The golden rule of rebound is rushing towards the Holy Rhinoceros holy tree!


"you do this delibrately!"

"Your kid!"

In a moment, they knew that the elder Lingbao, the ancient sage, and Yan Chijia understood that this young man was not meant to suppress the reaper. This young man deliberately stimulated the reaper and deliberately stimulated the reaper's ability to rebound all means of attack!

This boy's heart is really cruel!

"I'm just letting Er and other knowledge harvesters bounce back all the flesh. Why should Er and so look at me with such hatred, I am giving Er and other insights, and I should thank me for it."

Young smile!

Spirit Rhinoceros!

Heavenly Workers such as Yan Chijia!

This moment's eyes are cold!

This teenager is so deceiving!

"If you aren't a big person, you will learn to be cruel and hard-working. If you are made, wouldn't there be another **** in the world?"

The law of gold had already flowed to the holy tree. Chen Zheng shook his head gently and stepped out only one step. He directly resisted the law of horror gold with the front of his body. As soon as his body touched the law of gold, he heard a wave of terror friction. The sound of horror tears!


It is not Chen Zheng's body that is torn!

What is torn is the physical body of the reaper!



The golden rule, which was already a rebound, rebounded in an instant after touching Chen Zheng's body!


The harvester's flesh is fragmented!


The boy in white on the altar was blasted by the golden rule of rebound!

As for the altar, it instantly turned into powder!

"You!" The young man's body flashed, and the man was steady in the air, glancing at the broken harvester, and stared at Chen Zheng: "Your flesh is the same as the harvester!"

"You are wrong. I am different from this thing. This thing is not worthy."

Chen Zheng chuckled, the seven colors of light flashed in his eyebrows, only swept the reaper, the scarlet eyes of the reaper flashed frantically, and the terrible flesh turned into particles in the next moment!



Some things are still intact!

That's a metal ball!

An eyeball-sized metal ball!


You mang flash!

The metal ball rises into the sky!

The metal ball is about to escape!

"come back!"

Chen's face was cold, and the seven-color light in his eyebrows hit again, and he swept the metal ball that was already in the crack of time and space, and the metal ball was forcibly dragged down!


Metal ball!

Suddenly into Chen Zhengmei's heart!


Lihuo Gusheng and is full of doubts on his face, because he has never seen such a strange creature like the reaper. Is the real body of this kind of creature actually a metal ball with the size of a bead? ?

"It turns out so." Chen Zheng absorbed the metal ball and smiled at the teenager in the air: "This is what you said to bounce everything, it seems to be nothing more."

"You!" the teenager snorted, his expression changed for a while, and then he held his sword in his hands and looked down on Chen Zhengdao: "I underestimated your means, but I said I would take Yingge away, then I will definitely take her away! Reap! The person is a physical body that bounces everything, a physical body that bounces all, is a killing machine created by that strange Taoism, although it is extremely against the sky, it is far behind! Because my body can not only bounce back all forces, but also absorb all forces. ! I'm making up, but I'm a detached son!"

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