Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1434: Creator God: What a hate!

This Creator!

Is it male or female!

A thought came to Mo Kaiyang's heart, but the thought soon dissipated. Whether the creation master was male or female was unimportant. The most important thing at the moment was whether Chen Gongzi could bear the advent of the creation master!


This is the most critical moment of Mocun's life and death!

"The disciple prays to see the Master!" The glorious face of the Mighty Yuanshen faced the advent figure. After one week, he showed a miserable color: "The disciple failed to take care of the Supreme Master while he was asleep. The artifact caused the supreme artifact to fall into the world of Xuanhuang, and was almost taken away by this kid. Please ask the teacher to respect the severe punishment of the disciple! However, before the master punishes the disciple, please wipe out this kid! This child pretends to respect the master’s The supreme artifact, what the **** is going on!"

Tian Xuan?

So this power is called Tian Xuan?

When Mo Kaiyang heard it, he heard a low voice in his heart. The next moment he saw that the advent of the God of Creation had already looked at Chen Zheng, and he could not help but groan in his heart. This Creator was absolutely a terrible creature, and it was hard for him to imagine that. Various levels of creatures, Chen Gongzi confronts this kind of creature, I don't know if there is any chance of winning!


Mo Kaiyang held his breath!

he knows!

Whether the Mocun family lives or dies will be known at the next moment!

The advent figure saw Chen Zheng for a moment, and gently shook his head: "You are still alive, but you are still alive, it really makes me feel bad, and I want to kill you as soon as I feel bad."


The Creator God knows Chen Gongzi!

Mo Kaiyang's eyes widened!

"Master...know this kid?"

Tianxuan Yuanshen stunned and asked in a low voice!

"This person was reincarnated by the person I chose to worship, but it was a pity that this person betrayed the person I worshipped, which led to some problems in the practice of the person I worshiped. If it was not this person, I would have followed the offering The Lord of God jumped out of this great ambition!"

The eyes of the Creator God stared at Chen Zheng indifferently!

"What! The Master enshrined by the Master! The Master is already the top creature in heaven and earth. The Master has also enshrined the Lord, how strong and terrible the Master enshrined by the Master!"

Tian Xuan Yuan God shouted!

Mo Kaiyang opened his mouth and secretly said that he seemed to have heard some amazing secrets and heard something that this mortal should not have heard!

"Your honorable Lord is zero?"

Chen Zheng opened his mouth at this moment and looked at the creation master.

"Huh! You still remember my Lord's name, but you are not worthy to call out my Lord's name!" The Creator God's face was even colder, and he stared at Chen Zheng fiercely, his eyes swept to the cursed forbidden device, and he looked for a while. The change reveals the color of nostalgia, but it is only for a moment, and soon becomes cold and indifferent and stares at Chen Zheng: "This thing is what my lord created for you in the past, and my lord will teach you what he has learned in his life. I hope you You can control the temple of creation, but you are going to practice what shitlessness! Later, my lord also followed you to practice that shitlessness. In the end, there was a problem with the practice, and I also cultivated myself into nothing. I haven’t returned yet! You are ungrateful. You are a dog, you still have a face to live in this world!"


A terrifying breath of terror was released at this moment!

Mo Kaiyang shivered!


"Kill! Kill him! Master killed him!"

Tian Xuan Yuan Shen burst into a drink!

"The version you said is a bit different from the other versions I have heard."

However, Chen has no fluctuations and only responds with a faint sentence.

"Huh? Other guys? Who else have you seen! Have you seen Ji Ji or who have you seen!"

The Creator God heard this sentence, his face was obviously stagnation, and the next moment became colder!

"No matter who it is, it's different from the version you said. I believe he doesn't believe you, and you can't lie to me." Chen Zheng chuckled slightly, paused and said again: "Your creation **** is nothing more than her She’s not a servant, she doesn’t blame me, and you have the qualifications to blame me. You said that when you see me alive, you feel uncomfortable and want to kill me, but if you don’t start, you should know that you will not kill me. So don’t bluff, this trick is useless to me. By the way, your avatar, there is a little thing that you like, you want to take away the cursed forbidden device, I am afraid it is not so easy."


One thing flew out of Chen Zheng's pocket!

You mang flash!

Turned into a stone egg!

"Daddy Dad, this guy is delicious!"

Just listen to the milky voice in the stone egg!

good to eat?

The creature in this stone egg said that the Creator is delicious!

Mo Kaiyang and Tianxuan Yuanshen were shocked, and the next moment Tianxuan Yuanshen shouted at the stone egg: "You little garbage, you deserve to be my enemy!"

"To shut up!"


Chen Zheng did not do it!

The spirits in the stone egg did not do it!

The Creator God started!

The Creator God slaps Tianxuan Yuanshen. When he slaps, he only hears a clatter. The red crystals that hold Tianxuan Yuanshen are completely destroyed, and then there is a thorn, Tianxuan Yuanshen is fragmented. !


God is stupid!

Why does the Master beat himself!

Didn’t Master say that he was his only disciple!

Didn’t Master say that you want to inherit yourself?

The creation master slapped his apprentice, looked at the stone egg for a long time, took a deep breath, and then stared at Chen Zheng again: "This too prime stone egg is my master's work. I have watched it with my own eyes. My Lord finished this work, but I didn’t expect it to be acquired by you, and the newly bred too prime, even recognized you as a dad! Tell me why, why let you account for everything, and why Let you asshole! Hate! I hate! I hate it!"

"It can only be said that you do not understand me, nor your master."

Chen Zheng thought for a moment, and gave the Creator an answer.


The creation master shouted violently!

Raise your hand at the cursing device!

He will forcibly take away the cursed forbidden device!


Almost at the same time!

A flash of gloom in Tai Su Shi's egg!

The Creator God has not yet touched the cursed forbidden device!

Suddenly swallowed!

"Dad, this is a great meal!"

The milk sound in Shi Dan's milk sounded again, and then Yu Mang flashed, and it fell into Chen Zheng's pocket!


Mo Kaiyang was dumbfounded, only to feel like he was in a fantasy, as if everything was an imaginary thing he had imagined!

"Master's will incarnation... was swallowed... it's all you hurt, it's all you hurt, you bastard, I become like this you are hurt!"

Tian Xuan shattered the broken Yuanshen stunned, and suddenly became unbearable, facing Chen Zheng was a roar of madness!

"There is a cause and a result, because you accidentally triggered the cursed forbidden device tens of thousands of years ago, which caused the cursed forbidden device to fall into the world of Xuanhuang, which triggered today's fruit. So it is not me who hurts you, which hurts you It's you."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, his voice was ethereal.


Tianxuan shattered the broken uttered a few words in a low voice, and it was completely destroyed with a bang!

"Humph! A **** who jumped out of cause and effect told others about cause and effect, you said you are bad or not!"

At the next moment, the little babble of the chemical doll sounded!

Who is this?

Mo Kaiyang continues to be forced!

"Am I bad?"

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"It's broken into bones!"

The cold hum of Xiaohua doll sounded again!

This time Mo Kaiyang was still ignorant, but he suddenly had a feeling, as if Chen Gongzi was playing with someone at this moment!

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