Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1438: Change of bitterness! Eternal grave!


What's wrong with eternal princess!

Is this still the immortal puppet of Mu Family!


Not only kneel!

Still begging for mercy!

Still begging for mercy!


The head of the wood family!

Mu Family Ancestor!

Swallow the Devil Buddha in bitterness!

And Mo Xin is ignorant!

"Leave you... It's weird. I haven't seen you before. Why did you want me to let you go? Have you ever seen me?"

Chen Zheng was also a little surprised. Looking at the Wanxianxian puppet kneeling on the ground, he was sure that he had never seen it.

"Let me... let me... Please let me... I didn’t betray the master, I really didn’t betray the master, it’s all damaging, yes Gotham hurts the owner!"

Everlasting fairy pity shouted!

Got sky?

Who is the sky?


Several people in the temple have never heard the name of Gothic Sky!

"I have lived 100,000 years of devouring the devil, and I have traveled through the four major realms of the Xuanhuang Great World. I have never heard of any powerful guy called Gou Tian, ​​you immortal puppet, if I remember correctly, it should be ten thousand. Suddenly appeared in agony years ago, it seems that you have signed a contract with still have a master..."

Buddhism whispered.


As soon as the voice of Buddhism came down, a sudden loud noise came from the northwest of Mujia Stone Fort. It was also an instant that the ancient fairy kneeling on the ground turned into a gray light and shot out of the Mujia Ancestral Hall. , Shoot towards the northwest!


The immortal puppet is gone!

The Mu Family Chief also froze for a moment!

"The ancient fairy princess is gone... I know, I know where it went!" The old ancestor of the Mu family also shuddered, and then stared at Chen Zheng at the next moment: "There is a big secret hidden in the bitter environment. The fairy princess is related to that great secret, even the ancestor who has swallowed the devil Buddha for 100,000 years! The ancient fairy princess is related to an ancient Taoism. At the moment, the northwest of the bitter environment is shaking, and it must be related to the ancient Taoism. Related! I don’t ask you to let me go, I just ask you to take a look at the ancient Taoism in the Northwest Territories and let me die!”


Did the ancestors surrender?

The Mu family head is shaking again!

"Ancient Daoism... An ancient Daoist is hidden beneath the bitter environment? How can I swallow the devil Buddha to be the pinnacle ancestor of the pinnacle ancestor? The remains are..."

Swallowing the Devil Buddha's brow, his eyes moved to Chen Zheng.


Chen Zheng said, only two words without fluctuation.

"No! You can't do this! It's not that our Mujia wants to attack Mocun, it's someone who let us attack Mocun! This time our Mujia can repair the immortal puppets, also the master gave the secret method, otherwise our Mujia can't repair it at all Mocun! Besides, besides our Mu Family, almost all of the top practice forces in the suffering environment have attacked Mocun. If you want to get revenge, you have to put all the practice forces in the painful situation in the top row. Went out!"

Mu Family's long face was instantly white, and his mouth was a scream!

"The adult is also very promising!"

Mu family ancestors grit their teeth!

"Then all will be extinguished, and as for that adult also killed."

Chen Zheng did not fluctuate and responded with a faint voice.


The Mu family head and the Mu family ancestor broke out at the same time, and at the same time sacrificed puppet puppets, but without Chen Zheng's hands, Mo Xin, who was holding the blood man's sharp gun, gave a cold drink, and the blood man's sharp gun poked again!

In an instant!

The head of the Mu family and the primal ancestor of the Mu family ancestor were poked!

A flesh-and-blood spirit was instantly swallowed by the blood-mandled gun!


Chen Zheng said two words, Xianguang flashed away with Mo Xin Huaguang.


The devoured Buddha froze for a moment, then blinked again. Although the head of the Mu family is only a Taoist prince, and the ancestor of the Mu family is only the early stage of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, the little girl’s mana level is not even the Celestial Immortal, but he can be killed by a Daojun and a Heavenly Emperor Realm. A little surprised.

"It's not just the power of that magic weapon. The blood power of that little girl is very special, and it can perfectly inherit my mantle. I must accept this little girl as a disciple, and only then can my mind be eliminated! Although you haven’t seen you yet, your kid must have the power of Dao Zu, of course, I’m not afraid, I didn’t show any cards!"

The thought of swallowing the devil also turned the light towards the northwest of the bitter environment.




Volume days!

The sand is getting bigger and bigger!

More and more violent!

This is the depths of the desert northwest desert!

Originally only sand and dust!

But at this moment a huge burial mound appeared!

A lot of creatures have arrived at the first time!

Just so far!

Except that a fairy puppet flew into the huge tomb!

No creature dares to go in yet!

The creatures coming this time are not only the creatures in the bitter environment, but also the creatures from the other three territories, including top-level monks! However, even the monks from the top lineages dare not go in!

"Van Gufen, I felt shuddering just looking at the town monument. The fairy puppet who flew in just now should be Mujia's eternal princess! No wonder Mujia's strongest puppet princess is called Wangu Xianpi. Ran out of the ancient graves!"

"Van Guxian Puppet has the ancestors' abilities. It is said that it was smashed in the war 5,000 years ago. It was unexpected that Mu Family had repaired the Wan Gu Xian Pun. Unfortunately, now that it has entered the Van Goul Tomb, Mu Family's strongest support is gone. !"

"We Qinglong Mountain have been in a bitter environment for so many years, and we don't know that such an ancient grave is hidden in the bitter environment. Have any of you heard it before?"

"Hearing a hammer, the ancient ancestral puppet has at least the combat strength of the ancestors. If the ancient ancestral puppets are just ordinary guards in this ancient burial mound, then this ancient burial mound is too terrifying. It is definitely the tradition above the saint in the legend. !This ancient grave is out of this world, unless the ancestors and sages come in person, we will definitely go in vain!"

"Hey! There are a few fairies from the top Taoist Ice and Snow Shrine in the beginning of the world, all of them are beautiful, but unfortunately this time, the two virgins of the Ice and Snow Shrine did not come. If the two virgins come, I can Imagine the hero saving the beauty!"

All kinds of sounds!

"Don't even think about the monks in bitterness. The bitterness doesn't even have an ancestor, so stay outside the ancient graves as a visitor. My uncle Wenxiang Taoist has arrived from the beginning of the world, and when my uncle arrives, this The secrets in the ancient graves must be cracked by my uncle. Among them, the inheritance of the secret immortal law and the like will also be obtained by my uncle. After all, my uncle is the first formation master of Xuanhuang, the first refiner, and the first beauty division!"

At this time, on a blue warship, a young man in Jin Yi smiled, although the voice was not loud, but under the urging of the secret method, it spread throughout this area. In the tone, he was full of pride, as if he were his uncle.

"Wenxiang Taoist?"

"Wenxiang Taoist at the beginning of the world in the blue sky?"

"It is said that Taoist Wenxiang has been pursuing Qin Rouge, the sacred girl of the Ice and Snow Palace. Unfortunately, this time Qin Rouge did not come. If pro rouge came, you might be able to see the top-level Tianjiao style at the beginning of the day!"

The eyes of the public repair looked at the Jinyi son, and recognized the origin of the Jinyi son.

"Qin Rouge."

And at this moment, a lazy voice came from behind the wind and sand, and the eyes of the practitioners moved again, looking towards the wind and sand, this frown could not help but wrinkle!

It was a young man and a young girl. The young man was just Xuan Xian. The young girl was carrying a **** spear, her small face was extremely cold, but she could be repaired as if not even Tian Xian!

This combination!

What are you doing here?

And the lazy tone of the young man who just shouted Qin Rouge!

Why is there a flirtatious taste!

This young man can also recognize that the Holy Lady of Ice and Snow Shrine is not successful!

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