Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1443: Bilu Huangquan formation!

It's a waste!

It's a violent disaster!

Can that girl practice the Secret Records of Heaven?

"That... do I still have a chance to take this girl as a disciple?"

The swallowing Buddha blinked at Chen Zheng.

"To compile the Secret Records of Heaven, you must practice with the permission of Master Goutian. This is the rule of the Ancient Tomb!"

The man with a face like a stone carving drank low, and the other eight figures instantly turned into nine torrents, rushing towards Mo Xin!

"It requires the permission of others to practice a mysterious method. It is really humble enough."

It was also at this moment that Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and grabbed nine tomb-keepers who were transformed into torrents, and the flesh burst into a blood mist in a blink of an eye. In addition to the stone-faced man Yuanshen, the remaining eight tomb-keepers Yuanshen All followed the flesh!


Kill the eight grave-keepers of the ancestors!

Isn't this guy a Xuanxian!

On the side of the Biluo Holy Land monk, whether it is Wenxiang Taoist or those disciples, this time the eyes widened. Wenxiang Taoist and Fan Tongyuan God came back one after another. Wenxiang Taoist's face sank instantly, while Fan Tong was horrified. Extreme!



Why did this kid ignore Uncle Wenxiang from beginning to end!

This kid can easily wipe out the ancestor!

Uncle Wenxiang couldn't even get into this kid's eyes!

Fan Tong suddenly understood a little bit!

The thoughts of Wenxiang Dao's mind flashed similarly. It was not that this kid was arrogant or that this kid had no one in his eyes, but that this kid had the absolute power to crush his ancestors!

I just thought this kid was a ant!

In fact, he is the ants in the eyes of others!

This kid's method is completely unclear!


Even if this kid is terrible!

The opportunity of this ancient grave will not allow this kid to win!

This time I have to invite three teachers!

Wenxiang Taoist gritted his teeth secretly, and broke a rune with the Yuanshen silently. He had only one thought now, that is, he would have to kill the kid in the ancient graves by all means!

"That... I don't seem to have the opportunity to take this girl as a disciple, I have to find another target for the disciples..."

Devouring the Buddha with a sigh, in fact, he had expected this moment long ago, and he had expected Chen Zheng to have extremely terrible means, but when he saw Chen Zheng wipe out his ancestor with his own eyes, his ancestor who had lived for 100,000 years was still Was shocked.


It turned out to be just a joke!

I also want to forcefully rob someone to take that girl as a disciple!

"Wow! The son is awesome, Xiao Hei is so adored. Does the son want to collect the younger brother, the kind that professionally helps the son to clean up the garbage!"

Shen Yue's gluttonous eyes suddenly flashed over his shoulder, shouting at Chen Zheng.


Shen Yue has nothing to say, and of course she is also extremely shocked in her heart. As the eldest young lady of the beast family, she has not seen the ancestor of the peak, the saint, and even the creatures standing on the saint. .

To easily kill the ancestors, the mighty saint may be able to do it, and to kill the ancestors at will like the young man in the mysterious fairyland in front of him, how can it be the level of combat power above the saints, that is, the half-step ancestor!

and so!

Although the young man in front of me is Xuanxian!

But he has half-foot ancestors combat power!

Then the question is coming!

What the **** is he?

"Then what time the sky woke up, right where is the ancient fairy puppet, there should have been a ancient fairy puppet into the ancient grave."

Chen Zheng glanced at the burial stone forest underneath, and glanced at the Yuanshen who looked like a stone-carved man.

"It's not Gou Tian, ​​it's Lord Gou Tian, ​​Lord Gou Tian is insultable!" The man with a stone-faced face gritted his teeth in response, paused and said in a deep voice: "If you are here to find Wan Xian Xian Puppet, if you are a helper of Wan Gu Xian Puppet Then, persuade you, don’t go wrong! Wanxianxian puppet is a traitor. If it wasn’t for the betrayal of the master, how could the graves fall into the world of thousands! The master slept and the grave fell. Fortunately, Master Gotian is here, and the Master Yuanshen is kept by the supreme secret! When Master Gotn wakes up, restores the peak mana, and then wakes up the Master, the Ancient Grave can escape from this world and return to the world of thousands! The trail ancestor, kneel down in front of Lord Goutian!"


Chen had no fluctuations in his head, and he responded lightly.

"You don't believe it? The pinnacle of the master and Goutian adults is simply not what you can imagine in a world like thousands of people!"

The stone-faced man gritted his teeth and drank!

"Please three teachers!"

Almost at the same time, Taoist Wenxiang suddenly yelled!


Third division?

Which three divisions?

The devoured Buddha, Shen Yue, and gluttonous brows are all wrinkled. I saw that the air in front of the Xiangdao people was twisted. Three old men appeared. The three old men were wearing black robes, white robes, and red robes, and they could be distinguished at a glance. Shen Yue only glanced, his face was cold!

"Damn it! It turns out that you, the sissy girl, secretly cast a spell and invited the three old things in the Blue Fall Holy Land!"

The gluttonous man scolded the three old men!

"It turned out to be the three divisions of the heaven and earth people of the Biluo Holy Land. I didn't think that the three were still alive. It seemed that the news that the three tribes were released from the Biluo Holy Land was just a guise."

The swallowing Buddha glanced at the three old men, and the voice was a little cold!

"The warrior of the third division is extremely terrifying. Kill the ancestors at will. Please do not hesitate to do so without any hesitation. Otherwise, the chances of this ancient tomb are all snatched by the boy! There is a compilation of the secret celestial record, and it is this kid who just snatched the compiling the secret celestial record and put it into the little girl who is not a fairy!

When Wenxiang Taoist saw the three teachers in person, he instantly showed a happy look, but suddenly thought a little bit and shouted quickly!


"Xuan Xian kills the ancestor?"

"Compile the Secret Records of Heaven?"

The three old men raised their eyebrows and swept Chen Zheng. The next time they raised their hands, the seal was in unison.

"Please Biluo Huangquan!"


Bilu Huangquan?

What is this secret method!

Devouring Buddha, Shen Yue, and gluttonous all show doubts, never heard of this secret method, but soon the three people understood that this is not a general secret method, this is a formation method!



The ancient grave is mysterious!

At the moment, however, there was a stream of water from the Tianhe River, and the water from the Yellow Spring emerged out of thin air, forming a large formation, which could vaguely compete with the formation in the ancient graves!

In just a few In this ancient tomb, a Tianhe River actually appeared, and a river of Huangquan appeared, and then two figures emerged from Tianhe and Huangquan, respectively!

A divine light package is like a god!

A yellow robe rolling magic flame monstrous!

Half trail ancestor!

Swallowing the Devil Buddha and Shen Yue glanced at each other, and instantly sensed the realm of the two figures. At the moment, their faces were sinking. The original array of blue springs under the three divisions invited two and a half trail ancestors to descend. !


It seems that it is not a simple half-track ancestor!

Gluttony glanced at it and couldn't help shaking his head!

"Fuck! Invited a great guy, the son should just directly kill the third division of Biluo Holy Land!"

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