Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1445: Gotian appeared


It turns out that the old devil of Huang Quan also knew nothing about this guy!

The third division of Biluo Holy Land looks even paler!

"The ancient **** mentioned your **** daughter just now, although I haven't been to heaven, but there are ancient demons in heaven under the Nine Serenities, I still have some understanding of some things in heaven. The ancient **** is half The trail ancestor, the person who can make the half trail ancestor alchemy, I already guessed who it really is. I can’t afford it." The old demon of Huang Quan spoke again, paused and continued: "The ghost world was invaded by mysterious forces not long ago. The target is the man in the reincarnation hall. Although the mysterious forces failed, Huang Quan’s dragon was captured. The mysterious forces will definitely not be willing to give up. The old things under our ninth sense are some things that may help reincarnation. The man in the hall is a hand, but we can’t beat it, but we won’t desperately. You know we live only for ourselves.”

Speaking of which, Huang Quan's old devil grinned.

"I know that force."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Now that you already know, there must be a countermeasure." Old Demon Huang Quan also nodded and murmured: "In the beginning, Chi You was forcibly sent to you for reincarnation. I had planned to train him as my successor. I had a chance to tell me where he was reincarnated, and it was not easy for me to find an apprentice."

Hearing this sentence, swallowing the demon Buddha immediately nodded, he also wanted to say that it is really not easy to find an apprentice!

"Chi You Yuanshen was stared at by a powerful guy, and your old demon Huang Quan was two big steps away from that guy."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


Two big realms!

Isn't that... above Daozu!

Everyone was shocked, and the disciples of the Third Division, Wenxiang Taoist, Fan Tongyuanshen, Biluo Holy Land and other faces were pale again!

"Strengthen my two great realms... nothing more, the outside world is too dangerous, I'll go back to the Nine Nether, and think about it when you take the order, so as not to meet you guys like you again !"

The old demon of Huang Quan was silent for a moment, only to hear a clatter, and disillusioned with the rolling water of Huang Quan!


The stone graves of the ancient graves were restored as before!



Only one thing has changed. The terrible thing in everyone's eyes is no longer the spirit in the ancient grave, but it has become Chen Zheng!



Wenxiang Taoist shouted!


Fairy light flashes!

He became a puppet!

"Secret art!"

Shen Yue was slightly surprised!

"Huh? That guy actually has this kind of thing. This is a stand-in puppet made by a saint. Is this guy related to a saint?"

Gourmet is also surprised!


The third division of the Biluo Holy Land also drank in unison. The fairy light on his body lit up, and he was about to escape. However, Chen Zheng only glanced at him with a glance, and the three divisions whose flesh had been nothingness were instantly destroyed! Fan Tong Yuanshen and the rest of the disciples of the Holy Land had no reaction time, and they were instantly erased!

"Eye kills the ancestor!"

The gluttonous was shocked again!


Shen Yue opened her mouth slightly, her heart fluctuated, and it seemed that she still underestimated the means of this young man in the mysterious fairyland!


Just that day God Biluo and Huang Quan Lao Mo both mentioned the young girl's dry daughter in front of her!

They all say that they are people who can't afford it!

As strong as the **** Biluo, you must obey it alchemy!

So who is this young man's daughter in front of him!

"You can't learn this method..."

Swallowing the Devil Buddha sighed, at this moment it completely abandoned the idea of ​​forcibly accepting Mo Xin as a disciple, and wanted to forcibly disciple the disciples, he didn't have that strength! Killing the three divisions of Biluo Holy Land at a glance, this means I really can't learn!


I have to find a new successor myself!

"You... you are indeed very powerful, maybe the beginning is also very big, but still that sentence, when Lord Gou Tian wakes up, you can only act according to Lord Gou Tian's rules!"

The grave-stained gravekeeper Yuan Yuan was silent for a long time, staring at Chen Zheng and gritting his teeth!

"This ten thousand ancient burial mound, compiling the secret record of heaven is just a guise, right."

Chen Zheng looked at Yuanshen, the tomb-keeper, with a smile.

"You!" The tomb-keeper's eyes dodge, avoiding Chen Zheng's eyes, and he gritted his teeth: "I don't know what you're talking about, except for the master, it's the biggest one in the world, except the master. Master is awake, there will be great changes in the ancient graves, if you want to kill me, kill me now!"

"Wang Guxian Puppet seems to think of me as who I am, but you, the tomb keeper, don't seem to react at all. It seems that you, the tomb keeper, are far inferior to Wan Gu Xianyong in the Wan Gu tomb."

Chen Zheng again laughed.

"Who do you think you are?" The tombkeeper raised his eyebrows, but he quickly shook his head: "Who you are is not important. The ancient grave is only owned by the master. Under the master is Master Gotian, if the master is a palm. Teach, then Master Gotuan is the only deputy leader, even if you have visited the ancient grave in ancient times, even if you know the master, you are just an outsider!"

"is it."

Chen Zheng chuckled.

"Huh? What about the people in the Biluo Holy Land? Didn't the Wenxiang Taoist come in? Why didn't you see the Wenxiang Taoist?"

It was at this time that in the shadow behind Shen Yue and others, a man's voice sounded, and then a young and elegant man came out of the shadow. Although this elegant young man was not an ancestor, not even a quasi-holy, but Shen Yue glanced slightly at the brow, and the gluttonousness on Shen Yue's shoulder instantly showed hostility.

"Ying Tian Xue Gong Kong Xinghe, your little thing almost hurt me and Shen Yue last time, I didn't forget!"

Gluttonous growl!

"Mr. Shen Yue and the gluttonous brothers, the last time I was a little different from Zhoushan, it was less than half a month before we met again. Maybe I really had a relationship with the girl Shen Yue and the gluttonous brothers." Ruya youth smiled slightly. , Glanced at Shen Yue and gluttonous eyes, swept the swallowed devil Buddha, swept the flying Chen Zheng and the tomb-keeper Yuanshen, and finally fell on Mo Xin's face, slightly stunned: "The strongest here is swallowing bitterness Devil Buddha, the compilation of the Secret Records of the Heavens is alive. It should be reasonable to devour the Devil Buddha to obtain the Secret Records of the Heaven. Coincidentally, I have also practiced a part of the compilation of the Secret Records of the Heavens, otherwise Sister Miss will join me in the research."


Cultivated the Secret Records of Heaven!

The Compilation of Heaven's Secret is only in the world today!

Where did this elegant young man learn the secrets of heaven before?

Devouring Buddha, Shen Yue and gluttonous face sink slightly!

"You... are the descendants of the gangster who strayed into the ancient graves!"

Tombkeeper Yuanshen grit his teeth just to drink!


Almost at the same time!

There was a cold hum in the ancient graves!



The ancient grave has changed!

Burial monument stone forest broken!

One figure after another came out of the ground!

Although they all look like puppets!

But the breath from any figure is the ancestor level!

Other than that!

A middle-aged man in a white robe appeared silently at the end of the funeral stone forest!

That look is not a cannibalistic look!

That look is an indifferent look!

The tomb-keeper Yuanshen shouted with joy at the sight of the middle-aged man in white robe!

"Master Gotuan!"

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