Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1449: The first fairy king who died completely!


  The card that Goblin King relies on!

   Got the Celestial King's biggest card!

   It's all someone else's stuff!

   is still something that Gou Tian Tian Wang will deal with!

   How else to play!

   This is still an egg!

Shen, Devouring Buddha, Kong Xinghe, etc. listened to the gluttonous exclamation, and this moment can only be extremely emotional. Swallowing Devon suddenly had some sympathy for Going to the Celestial King, and secretly said this guy was really unlucky. It’s only a hundred years away and it will succeed. Today I just met this son!


   This is life!

"Look, as I said, I understand that you still don't believe it, and you can't believe it." Chen Zheng spread his palms, and the drop of real blood was suspended, as if there were creatures in the real blood. At this moment, it became extremely active and released. A breath of thrilling breath.

   "How could my sky-dragon species fail!"

   Gou Tianxian King gritted his teeth!

"You are a fairy king in the age of cents, at most it will be the level of the supremacy of the epoch, but the supreme level of the celestial realm is the era of the supremacy of the era. When you are the strongest, you should only be a half-step overlord. Era overlord level. This drop of real blood, you didn’t understand it at all. You thought you would be successful in another hundred years. In fact, you will not be able to control it again. There are only a few people who have absorbed this drop of real blood, you know what I mean."

  Chen Zheng smiled patiently.

   "I know a fart, I don't believe it, you give it back to I!"

   Gou Tianxian Wang was furious. At this moment, he seemed to have lost his mind, swallowed that Gou Tian Dao species, and flew towards Chen Zheng!


  Chen Zheng's palm really hits a blood at will!


   Got Celestial King was flying!


   is also flying upside down!

   Got the fairy king flesh directly exploded into nothingness!

   Not even a drop of blood!

   That is a complete nothingness!

   "The Supreme Save Me!"

   Gou Tianxian Wang Yuanshen shuddered and yelled back to the sky, but unfortunately did not get any response! Gothian Immortal King still did not believe, and suddenly cast a secret method, but still did not get any response!

   "The guy is dull, and knows that you have betrayed him, do you think he will come to save you?"

  Chen Zheng chuckled.

Gou Tianxian King Yuanshen shuddered, and at this moment he froze completely. After he froze for a few moments, he knelt at Chen Zheng violently: "I surrender, I surrender to you, I will make you a cow and a horse! I am Gou Tianxian King, he was also a half-step hegemon at the peak. You need some servants to help you in this reincarnation. I am definitely the most suitable servant! If I betray you, I will never be born forever!"

   "Are you a slave?"

   Chen Zheng chuckled again.

   "Yes! Got the Celestial King will be your servant, your best servant!"

   Go to heaven and focus on the head!

   "You are a little too weak, and even if you are a person with two sides and three swords, even if you have a good talent for practice, I can't look down on it. Got the fairy king, you can go."

  Chen Zheng responded lightly.

"Do not!"

   Gou Tianxian King screamed, and turned into a fairy light to break away from the ancient grave!


  Chen Zheng shook his head lightly, a drop of blood in his palm shook, a burst of blood caught up with Gou Tianxian King instantly, and immediately swallowed Gou Tianxian King Yuanshen, and only heard a wailing cry, Got Tianxian Wang Yuanshen broke! As for the Gou Tian Dao species, he took it in as soon as he grabbed it, and glanced into Yuanshen!


   Kong Xinghe's throat agitated for a while, and he knew what the origin of the fairy king was. At this moment, he saw a fairy king completely wiped out. Although it was a fairy king who fell in the realm, it was a fairy king after all, and he felt an inexplicable fear!

   Ten million!

   Don't provoke this mysterious fairy!

   "Rong'er is ashamed!"

   At this moment, the woman in white bowed her head to Chen Zheng!

   "Got the Celestial King and people plan the ancient tombs, and you can't blame you." Chen Zheng nodded lightly, said that he looked at Mo Xin with his eyes moved, and his thoughts also moved, hitting the real blood against Mo Xin.


  In the ancient graves, the rest of the creatures all stared at the real blood, and stared at the real blood to fly to Mo Xin!


   Mo Xin's little face was stupefied, the next real blood flew into her eyebrows, and the next moment her small face brows were tightly locked, and her blood was soaring wildly!



   Less than ten breaths!

   That drop of real blood flew out of Mo Xin's heart!


   Chen Zheng saw a slight frown.

   "That... Can I let me try? Uh... I just joke, don't mind my son! Hey! Hey!"

  The gluttonous eyes moved subconsciously, but the next moment said that they were only joking.

   Shen, devouring Buddha, Kong Xinghe have different expressions, and all thoughts flashed in their hearts, all were silent.

   "This drop of real blood... Except for the owner, I am afraid that only half-step transcendental creatures can absorb it. After all, this drop of real blood is... another master left."

  The woman in white groaned.

   Another master?

After hearing a few people, Shen's eyes flashed, and they all thought that this drop of real blood was left by Chen Zheng's previous life or the strongest life. This was not the case. This drop of real blood was another master of the ancient grave owner. Stay!


   Who is her other master!

   "Mo Xin is regarded as her creation in a certain sense, but it is a pity that cultivation is a bit worse. If there is Taoist cultivation, it may not be able to absorb this drop of real blood."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


  Several people heard it, his eyes flashed again.



   This ancient grave is shaking!



next moment!

   Thunder rage over the ancient graves!


   Next moment!

  The nine heavenly punishment eyes above the dark sky dome at the same time cast a pale light!

   "Lying trough!"


"too horrible!"

   Those far away creatures who had been withdrawn outside the ancient graves saw this scene at the moment and exclaimed one by one!

   "This is Heaven's way to forcibly expel Rong'er and the ancient graves, Rong'er... Rong'er can only wait for the owner to return outside the world!"

  In the ancient tomb, the woman in white wrinkled her eyebrows, then bowed deeply to Chen Zheng.


   A flash of gray light!

   The ancient tomb rises into the sky!


   The sky dome tears!



   "Huh? That kid in Xuanxian Realm is still there, as is Shen Shen, a family of mysterious beasts, and Master Kong Xinghe in Yingtian Academy is also there, and that Buddha is also! What about Master Fan? Where is Wenxiang Taoist? Where are the disciples of Biluo Holy Land?"


   In the sand pit!

  Chen Zheng several people hanging in the air!

   The creature watching from a distance swept over, and exclaimed again!


   Kong Xinghe arched his hand towards Chen Zheng, and the fairy light flashed directly away from him.

"This guy runs fast, and the last account hasn't even counted with this one! My son, this Kong Xinghe has a deep ambition, don't believe any of his words, if you encounter this in the future, press him directly. !"

  The gluttonous look on his shoulders hummed.

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