Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1453: See also the owner of Zixiao Palace

Zulong Real Blood!

Eternal Dragon Blood!

Innocent blood!

Eternal blood!

And the real blood that was terrifying just now!

This refers to this dragon girl. Have you merged all the bloodlines that sound extremely against the sky? If this is the case, what level of dragon is this little girl now!

The old ghost stared blankly at Chen Zheng!

"Master... is it so strong! Hahaha! My Longhuang Battle Banner will be developed!"

The Longhuang Battle Flag was stunned for a moment, and then there was a burst of cheers!

"Unfortunately, there is only one soul crystal. If there are more soul crystals, my real blood should be easier to absorb than before."

Chen Zheng sent Zhengyue girl into Yuanshen.

"Zhengyue girl is after all made by nature. How can ordinary people compare with it? Of course, except for the two little girls in the world of Daotu, the detached body naturally crushes all physiques, even if Zhengyue girl absorbs the real blood of No. 0! "

In Chen Zheng's mind, the voice of the little doll made a sound, with a sense of pride in her tone. In her eyes, Zhengyue girl can be said to have been tuned by her. Many things she taught to Zhengyue girl, not Chen Zheng, so although Zhengyue girl is Chen Zheng's second spiritual favorite, she is also regarded as her disciple in her eyes.

"You... why don't you absorb these terrible real blood, and the scary real blood just now?"

The old ghost was silent for a moment, Shen Sheng asked!

"There is no need, there is no improvement in absorption." Chen Zheng said lightly, received the creation instrument, and thought of it again: "Moreover, I can't merge with her real blood, and a little contact can cause it. Heaven and earth collapse."


No need!

No improvement!

Real blood can't blend!

It will also cause the world to collapse!

Is this true or false!

The old ghost looked at Chen Zheng in surprise!

"Hey! You old man, don't even know that Chen Zu's flesh is already the ultimate. Chen Zu does not need any bloodline to improve himself, because Chen Zu's bloodline is the strongest bloodline between heaven and earth!"

Longhuang Battle Banner hummed!


The old ghost opened his mouth, and the Yuanshen shattered the next moment!

"Uh... this was scared to death? Anyway, he is also an ancestor, how can he be so timid?"

The Longhuang Battle Flag shook for a while.

"Ancestor, you are here."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly and looked out of the cave.



What ancestor?

The Longhuang Battle Flag was stunned, and the flag also pointed outside the Dong Mansion. This finger saw an old man in the past. The awareness of the Longhuang Battle was shaken. The old man had not seen it, but it seems that it is not an ordinary person!


This is Chen Zu's initiative to call that guy as his ancestor!

"The cloud world is different, and it has disappeared for a while. Chen Zu's mana has been restored to Xuan Xian Realm. Before it wakes up, it should be able to return to the realm of fighting with it."

The elders outside Dongfu rushed in and smiled at Chen Zheng.

"Huh? You Hongjun Daoist, has actually melted the avenues of three eras, Hongmeng Avenue Youdu Avenue and Hongguang Avenue. Have you found the Emperor of Hongguang?"

Almost at the same time, the indifferent voice of the little doll made sound directly in Dongfu!



This old man is the owner of the Zixiao Palace in Heaven!

Longhuang Battle Banner is amazing!


What does it mean to blend three epochs!


Too abstruse!

I don’t understand!

Longhuang Battle Banner is a little ignorant!

"The avenues of the three epochs have also reached the realm of not being Chen Zu, or the peak of the master of the future robbery master, and the decay is just trying to find a ray of life."

The old man shook his head gently.

"It gives you preferential treatment and allows you to come and go as you please."

Chen Zheng looked at the old man a few times and smiled again.

The old man in front of him is the owner of Zixiao Palace. It is not an avatar but a deity. His breath is far more than that of ordinary Taoist ancestors. Half of his feet have stepped into the level of era dominance. However, he is not affected by Heavenly Dao. Heavenly Dao has not appeared to forcefully expel.

Chen Zheng remembers very clearly that the last time he communicated with the owner of Zixiao Palace was in the cloud realm. At that time, the secret treasure left by Yunzu was half a jade dish, which was the main road jade dish of the era of the Youdu, and he happened to have The half-made jade dish of the Hongmeng era and the two half-piece jade dishes merged strangely into a black and white jade dish. In front of this old man, it was through that fusion that the avenues of the two eras of Hongmeng and Youdu were obtained.

Goodbye today, the old man has merged the avenues of three eras.

"It's just that it's sleeping. When it wakes up, it knows what I've done. I'm afraid that the first one will kill me." The old man sighed and paused: "As soon as I entered this world, I felt Chen Zu's Breath, I saw Chen Zu created terrible creatures. Although Chen Zu only had the power of Xuan Xian, Chen Zu's method was really amazing."

"I also got a magical tool left by others. Without that magical tool, I couldn't succeed with my Xuanxian mana." Chen Zheng smiled, looked at the old man again, and then said: "So old ancestors When I came to this world for the first time, was it for the great black dragon?"

"Lao Xing did come for Xuanhuang Dalong. With Xuanhuang Dalong, Xiehuang should be able to achieve the era of death. Of course, if Chen Zu wants to take Xuanhuang Dalong, Xianhuang naturally dare not compete with Chen Zu."

The old man nodded.

"Xuanhuang Dalong...I didn't come for that thing. Patriarch wanted Xuanhuang Dalong to get it. I also want to see where the patriarch's road can go."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

This time when I came to Xuanhuang World, in addition to seeing a few old people, in addition to increasing the progress of the universe cantilever, it was mainly for Dalongyuan. According to the spirit of the holy tree of the spirit rhino family, Taishi took the spirit of the holy tree to a mysterious flame world through the big dragon abyss. There are various gods and fires in the mysterious flame world, and there is a very special and terrible woman. .

So something like Xuanhuang Dalong is optional for him.

"So... the old ancestors thanked Chen Zu." The old man smiled at Chen Zhengyi a little, and then smiled: "If one day the old decay is broken, please ask Chen Zuzhao to brush the old deceased person, then The kid is called Chen Wangzong and he is in the cloud."

"Good to say."

Chen Zheng nodded.

The old man saluted Chen Zheng again, and disappeared silently while smiling.

"This is the legendary owner of Zixiao Palace... Will the creatures at the level of Zixiao Palace also fall?"

Longhuang Battle Banner asked in a low voice.

"In the Great Reincarnation, all creatures, even the creation of the era of creation, will fall."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Then... how can I be truly immortal?"

Longhuang Battle Banner hesitated and asked again jumped out of the reincarnation. "

Chen Zheng answered five words.

"Jump out of the great reincarnation...Jump out of the great reincarnation...I'm just the spirit of Taoism, I definitely can't do it, I can only hope that one day the master can jump out of the great reincarnation! If the master jumps out of the great reincarnation , I can also ascend to the sky and see the scenery outside the Great Reincarnation!"

The Longhuang Battle Banner whispered that it knew that it was impossible for it to jump out of the Great Reincarnation, but at the thought of its owner, Princess Zhengyue, already the ultimate magic dragon physique, there should be hope to jump out of the Great Reincarnation. Light up!

Great reincarnation!

Great reincarnation!

What is outside the Great Reincarnation!

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