Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1455: Ancient Sword Auction

"The ethereal animal bones can refine the space-time magic weapon. The people of Jianhuang Palace used a special spice to draw out the descendants of the bloodline ancestors. Let me pick up the leak. The people of Jianhuang Palace and the ethereal ancestors will definitely not It’s good to let it go. Let’s make a difference. If it hurts you, it’s not good. This is an invitation to Xianyu at the Zhenxiange auction. If I can’t make it, I will give it to Brother Chen.”

In the early days of the city, Lu Xinchan whispered, glanced around and took out a piece of fairy jade to be handed to Chen Zheng, but only handed it over. This huge early city suddenly flashed in immortal light. Early city blockade.

"Tianchu City can't only enter or leave, it's also for everyone's safety. We have received news that the ethereal ancestors are killing towards Tianchu city, so we can rest assured that the **** family will naturally send people to deal with the ethereal ancestors."

Just as everyone was in doubt, a voice resounded through the city at the beginning of the day.


Lu Xinchan frowned instantly, and she guessed something. The sudden blockade of the city at the beginning of the day, I am afraid that it was not just to deal with the ancestors of the ethereal. She remembered very clearly that there were female disciples in Jianhuang Palace who seemed to be married to the family of the **** eye. Early city, and used some relationships.


At this time!

Lu Xinchan's hand was a flash of fairy and fairy light!

"The auction of Zhenxian Pavilion is about to start. Since it is temporarily impossible to leave the city of Tianchu, let's go to the auction. It is said that there is an ancient sword skill auction. Maybe it was an opportunity."

Lu Xinchan said softly.

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and nodded.

"Chen...Brother Chen also came for ancient sword skills?"

Seeing that Chen Zheng was indifferent from beginning to end, Lu Xinchan didn't seem to care about what happened outside, and asked after thinking a little.

"That's right."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"That's right, go directly to Zhenxian Pavilion. Brother Chen should know Zhenxian Pavilion. The headquarters is in Hongmeng Tiantian, known as the First Chamber of Commerce in Wanjie. It mainly sells fairy clothes. Incomparable."

Lu Xinchan urged Xianyu while talking about something in Zhenxian Pavilion. Chen Zheng only smiled at this, making Lu Xinchan feel that Chen Zheng is not simple, and the fairy clothes on Chen Zheng's body seem to be somewhat similar to the popular style recently released by Zhenxian Pavilion.

After a moment.

Tianxiancheng Zhenxiange branch.

Although it is a branch, it is also magnificent, and it is not comparable to ordinary sectarian forces. Obviously, Zhenxiange is extremely rich in financial resources.

"Sure enough, the people of Jianhuang Palace are here!" Lu Xinchan and Chen are in the last row. Lu Xinchan glanced at the monk of Jianhuang Palace. After whispering, he swept across several other boxes and said: "Shenyan Family, Several top forces in the Ice and Snow Shrine and the Blue Land Holy Land have sent people to come. They should not come for ancient sword skills, but for something else. These three forces are not sword repairs. There is not much interest in technology, and there is no need to compete with the three major forces."

"Found that girl!"

"Huh! The last row! How dare you show up!"

"There is a Xuanxian Realm boy next to that girl, and most of them are people who only respect Sword Sect, but a Xuanxian boy can't turn over the waves!"

The monk of Jianhuang Palace over there also noticed this, and indifferent eyes swept over Lu Xinchan and Chen Zheng.

"This time Brother Chen is affected."

Lu Xinchan sighed.

"A few cats and dogs."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Lu Xinchan froze, then blinked. Suddenly I feel that Chen Zheng's temperament has changed a bit, but it seems that it has been this temperament since he met Chen Zheng in the snowfield.

"Guests have been seated, and this auction can almost start. About this auction, although there are only three lots, each one is an antiquities. I believe you all know what the antiquities are referring to. I am Zhenxian Pavilion. The deacon Shangguanfei of Tianchu City will not be nonsense, just ask for the first antiquities."

At this time, a middle-aged man appeared on the auction stand in front of him. The middle-aged man said a few words and snapped a snap of his fingers, and he saw a stone platform emerge, and an ancient sword suspended on the stone platform.

"Sword soldier?"

"Which era is the sword repair soldier?"

"Xianqi? Daoqi? Or Zhibao? Oh! Although the Zhenxian Pavilion is the first chamber of commerce in the world, it should not be able to auction the treasure!"

There were sounds.

"This sword... is not something of our time, it contains a very special fairy power, but unfortunately it seems to be seriously damaged, if it is not damaged, it should not be weaker than the sage treasure!"

Lu Xinchan glanced at him, his eyes flashing with a different color, lowering his voice.


Chen Zheng glanced at Lu Xinchan, a little surprised, he saw Lu Xinchan what kind of sword body at a glance, but did not expect that Lu Xinchan had other natural forces besides the sword body.

"I'm born with a sword body, in addition to this ability, I have a very keen sense of sword repairing instruments, and can see the origin of some of the instruments, but it is only limited to sword soldiers."

Lu Xinchan explained.

"Sword Soldier? It's useless to Master Ben, Master Ben will not argue!"

In the box of the family of God's Eyes, there was a light voice.

"Xuan Yi is not interested in this thing."

There was a faint voice in the blue sky of the Holy Land box.

"We don't need a sword in the Ice Palace, this thing is useless to me."

In the ice and snow palace box, a girl who sounded at most 28 years old sounded.

"In this case, I want this ancient sword in Jianhuang Palace, I believe you have no opinion! How much fairy stone this ancient sword is worth, Deacon Shangguanfei directly report the number."

On the other side of the Jianhuang Palace, a monarch stood up and said that his eyes were swept outside the box to practice, except for the three major forces, the rest of the monks were outside the box. While sweeping through Chen Zheng and Lu Xinchan, he snorted softly, and seemed to be warning.

"I want this sword."

The monarch just looked away, and Chen Zheng shouted casually.


In an instant!

Almost all eyes are on!

"Huh? You Xuanxian kid, you dare to grab things with our sword palace, don't you know that our sword palace is the first sword sect in the early days of the realm! Do you think that the girl next to you should be a mountain? You can do whatever you want! Huh! The girl next to you robbed us of an ethereal beast, this account has not yet been counted!"

The monk stared for a moment, then stared at the next indifferent eyes!

"Do not control yourself!"

"That girl, Lu Xinchan, who only respected the Sword Sect, how could she be mixed with a Xuan Xian, is it her brother? Even her brother is too big and not too small, she is just a junior here~www. This kid is a younger brother, dare to take the initiative to cause trouble!"

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. This kid should be out for the first time! Ha!"

A soft laugh sounded, and the remaining monks shook their heads almost at the moment.

"Little brother, be careful to lose yourself."

At this time, a playful voice sounded in the family box of the Divine Eye Family.


However, Chen Zheng ignored everyone, just a little bit, and a jade rune flew out, and landed in front of Shangguanfei. Shangguanfei only looked at the jade rune, and the whole person was stunned. In a tone of voice, Rongchen bowed to Chen Zheng in front of everyone and respectfully said: "The ancient sword has been owned by this son, you don't need to fight anymore."


Shangguan Fei took off the ancient sword on the stone platform, and step by step respectfully delivered the ancient sword to Chen Zheng in person!

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