Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1457: Exquisite stone carving on green wood

"Shangguan Fei, anyway, you are also the deacon of Zhenxian Pavilion in the early days of the city. Are you good with this Xuanxian boy, and you want to swallow these three ancient objects, all of which made such a come out!"

Can't stand Xiang Xuan anymore, there is a roar at this moment!

"Understood, Zhenxian Pavilion is out of traitor!"

"Deacon Shangguan, do you know how much you have lost Zhenxiange?"

"Huh! It's already a traitor, would you care about Zhenxiange's loss!"

The rest also spoke one after another!

"Huh? Why are you arguing?"

At this moment, an old man in yellow robe turned into light.

"Zhou Zhidao!"

"Those who are talking about Zhenxian Pavilion in Tianchu City are here!"

"Zhou Zhidao Pavilion Master, Zhenxian Pavilion has a traitor!"

As soon as everyone saw the figure, they instantly showed a happy look, and then they had a complaint!

"Huh? Sinister?"

The old man's face sank, and he swept towards Shangguanfei.

"Master Zhou Zhidao, this time your Zhenxian Pavilion auction prepared three antiquities. My **** eyes family, the ice and snow palace, the blue fall holy land, and many forces in the early days of the world have sent people to come. It can be said that this antiquities The auction is very important! However, as a result, Shangguanfei played a play with this Xuanxian Realm boy. As long as the Xuanxianxian opened his mouth, Shangguanfei didn’t even have the unique Taoist artifact of the ice and snow palace Qi Yun. The antiquities gave this kid! There are more than one antiquities, three antiquities were given to this kid, and he said that as long as this kid is happy! You come to judge, what is this!"

Sneering at nineteen!

"Huh?" The old man's eyes flicked toward Chen Zheng. His first look was cold, his second eye slightly stunned, his third eye widened, and then he quickly stepped forward to Chen Zheng and sucked deeply. It was a gift to Chen Zheng in one breath: "The son came to Tianchu City, why didn't you inform us in advance of the branch of Zhenxiange Tianchu City in advance, so that you are old and ready to greet the prince in advance! Just fine!"


As long as the son likes it!

The people in the Tianxiancheng Zhenxian Pavilion say so!


What the **** is this kid!

Although Zhou Zhidao is not an ancestor, how can he also be a monk of the highest emperor realm!

Do you need such a low profile in the face of a mysterious fairyland kid?

"Record it."

Chen Zheng nodded with a smile, collected three antiquities and left Lu Xinchan with a sullen expression.

"Young man walking slowly!"

"Give my son!"

Shangguan Fei froze with Zhou Zhidao for a moment, and he was greeted by Chen Zheng's back again. At this moment, everyone else in the venue looked stupid. Until Chen Zheng took the landing heart and disappeared in their sight, they all came back one after another. .

"Master Zhou, what's that guy doing?"

The girl Qi Yun took away her unique Taoist device, frowned and asked.

"Master Zhou, you should know that my second uncle is the city master of the early days!"

Xiang Xing also asked in a deep voice!

"The status of Zhenxian Pavilion in my heart is no longer so high from today. The person in charge of Xuanhuang Big World Branch of the First Chamber of Commerce in the World, even to a Xuanxian...even if his family background is extraordinary, But the attitude of the two almost kneeling and licking still disappointed Xuan Yi!"

Xuan Yi, the blue sky shook his head for a while!

"Shangguan Deacon delivers guests."

Zhou Gezhu did not fluctuate, only a chuckle.

"The auction is over, everyone."

Shangguanfei's expression was facing the people.

"You! Huh!"

Staring at Nineteen, one flicked his sleeve and took his men away.

"Nineteen sons wait for me!"

The king of Jianhuang Palace saw that and shouted that the man with Jianhuang Palace followed.


Qi Yun rolled his eyes and took the maid away.


Xuan Yi, the Biluo Holy Land, sneered for a while, and took away the people around him.

For a moment, only the monk of Zhenxian Pavilion was left in the venue. Zhou Zhidao showed emotion: "I can't think of seeing this legendary character, and my life is worth it."

"Fairy Fairy Clothes, a total of three pieces between heaven and earth, two of which are hung at the main point of the True Fairy Pavilion in Taishang Heaven, and the third piece is a gift from a splendid lady to a great person. I thought it was just a rumor, I didn’t expect it I really saw the third splendid fairy clothes today."

Shangguanfei was also very emotional.

"Shangguan Deacon, you are wrong, that is not the third one, that is the first brocade fairy garment woven by the lady, and it was specially woven for that one."

Zhou Zhidao listened and shook his head gently.

"Ah? Is that so!"

Shangguan Fei was startled again.

"This needn't be entangled. When I sent a message back to Taishang Tiandian, I said that he came to Xuanhuang World."

Zhou Zhidao thought for a while.


Shangguan Fei focused on the head.


late at night.

Hongxian Restaurant at the beginning of the day.

In an independent courtyard room.

"This is an ancient sword skill, named Chaos, you can take it to understand, there is this piece of withered wood, plus your own sword body and natural power, should not be a problem."

Chen Zheng took it easy, and a divine light hung in the ancient sword in front of him fell into the side of Lu Xinchan's Yuanshen, and then that piece of dead wood didn't enter Lu Xinchan's Yuanshen.

"Chaos sword tactics... The upper green... This... must be very precious. Xin Chan and Brother Chen only didn't realize it for a long time. How could this make... ...."

Lu Xinchan is very ignorant!

Chaos Sword Skills!

Withered wood!

It’s not easy to hear the name alone!


Not very simple!

It is something unimaginable!

"You have something to do with Linglong, and it is reasonable for you to practice her sword tactics."

Chen Zheng said casually.

"Ah? Linglong? Who is Linglong?"

Lu Xinchan blinked.

"Linglong Immortal Venerable, these three ancient objects are all the things she left behind."

Chen Zheng said casually again.

"Linglong Immortal Venerable..."

Lu Xinchan was even more embarrassed.

"You practice well."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, his figure disappeared directly, leaving Lu Xinchan with a dumb I don't know what to do.

Chen Zheng did not actually leave the courtyard, but his mind sank into the Yuanshen. At this moment, the little doll with the fortune looked at the exquisiteness that absorbed the ancient power of the stone carving. Originally Linglong had degenerated into a girl because of the falling of the state. At this moment, after absorbing the ancient power in the stone carving, he temporarily restored his adulthood.

"How much is remembered?"

The little doll made indifferent question.

"I..." Linglong Xianzun opened his mouth, glanced at the little doll, and then looked at Chen Zheng, said for a moment, "I remembered some past, I thought the emperor was the ninth The epoch overlord born in Ji, in fact, the first emperor of the first emperor already existed, the first emperor in the first emperor was the head of the heavens! The terrible things happened in the first emperor, there were terrible creatures who hunted the gods and God candidate! And the terrifying creatures...the terrifying creatures should be the same as......Chen Zu, they are all exquisite teachers! And the reason why the First Age will be destroyed, not The first-generation robbery master and the Holy Emperor are not strong enough, the teacher is too strong! It is possible... It may be that the teacher and another teacher have some differences in some aspects, and the verbal dispute has become a big fight. , The First Age can't bear it... it's broken!"

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