Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1459: There is domineering between invisible!

Ethereal ancestor!

The strongest ethereal beast in the snowfield!

Was it ruined by the young man in the mysterious fairyland?

This is simply impossible!

Certainly not the young man's means!

There must be a mysterious strongman secretly protecting the young man!


It must be so!

A moment after the vacuum period in the mind passed, all kinds of thoughts emerged from the creatures in the city at the beginning of the day. They did not believe in a mysterious fairy, and they wiped out the ancestors of the ethereal spirit with a look, so they thought of a reasonable explanation for themselves!

This child!

Someone secretly protects!

"Lanxiang, am I dreaming?"

Qi Yun blinked and asked the maid beside him.

"Miss, Lan Xiang still wants to ask you!"

The maid froze for a moment, crying, she was scared. An ancestor, one face is gone, nothing is left, no hair is left, this method is too terrible, even the master of the palace can't do this. The young man looked slick, but it was scary to start with.


The son didn't seem to do it!

Just glanced indifferently at the ethereal ancestor just now!

"That... goodbye."

Xuan Yi, the Biluo Holy Land recovered, smiled embarrassedly, and took the people around to whimper away.


This is the moment!

Hundreds of thousands of strange beasts outside the city at the beginning of the day!

Suddenly turned around and fled away!


In the city at the beginning of the day, the stone scale king in Jianhuang Palace shouted violently, turning into a sword light and rising into the sky!



Lu Xinchan next to Chen Zheng was cold, raising his hand was a sword stab, the next moment heard a wailing sound from above, Daojun Shizhong scale disappeared!


Not gone!

It suddenly turned into chaos!

Then it fades!


What sword skill is this?

This is not like the sword skills of the sole sword sect!

The sword skills of the sole sword sect are not so amazing!

Many people know the origin of Lu Xinchan, and have seen Lu Xinchan's sword skills before. At this moment, Lu Xinchan is only a golden immortal, but he has cut the scale of Daojun stone! Because it is also sword training, there is no saying that the combat power exceeds the same level, so it is even more amazing!

Shangguanfei and Zhou Zhidao glanced at each other, and there were also surprises in their eyes. However, unlike the others, the two thought of the three ancient artifacts that Zhenxian Pavilion had received before. Among them were ancient swords and ancient sword branding ancient sword skills. . Yesterday, Lu Xinchan was with the son, and the son took away three ancient objects. Didn't the girl Lu learn the ancient sword skill one night.

In fact, the reason why Shangguan Fei and Zhou Zhidao auctioned three ancient objects was that they were entrusted by others. On the other hand, they were unable to practice ancient sword skills. It was also because they were unable to practice ancient sword skills that they knew that ancient sword skills are definitely not ordinary people can practice. to make. Lu Xinchan used to have only a small reputation in the realm of heaven at the beginning, but today I am afraid that it will become famous.

Not sure!

In the future, it may become a sword ancestor!

After all, the son is a legendary character!

It is said that Taijin Tianxiange's main store's splendid empress's law-making skills can be related to the son!




Kneeling sounds!

Those are the disciples of Jianhuang Palace!


At the moment when the disciples of Jianhuang Palace wanted to ask for mercy, Lu Xinchan took a sword, and the disciples of Jianhuang Palace were killed!


This female sword repair!

Do it without hesitation!

Really a bit ruthless!

"Second Uncle save me!"

next moment!

Sluggishly, he turned back to Nineteen, shouted violently, and shrank away behind the person in the air, that is, the city master Xiang Kunwu at the beginning of the day, the whole person was trembling at the moment, and he did not dare to show his head. Come, dare not look at Chen Zheng here!

The rest held their breath and waited for Chen Zheng to speak!

"It seems that erasing the ethereal ancestor is too wasteful. The ethereal bone of the ancestor level should be able to refine the space-time magic weapon of the Taoist level."

Chen Zheng suddenly smiled.


How could this be?

Shouldn’t it be decided to go to nineteen?

Everyone heard this sentence a little ignorant!

"This... is indeed true. In the early days of the earth, many ancestors used to want the ethereal bones of the ethereal ancestors. However, the ancestors of the ethereal ancestors hid deep in the snowy field, and they themselves controlled the avenue of time and space. Ordinary ancestors cannot find ethereal ancestors, nor can they slash ethereal ancestors."

Lu Xinchan nodded and said.

In fact, she has not fully recovered from the shock just now. At the beginning of the world, many ancestors of the realm wanted to beheaded by the ethereal ancestors. Chen Gongzi wiped out with one glance, if those ancestors knew, they were afraid It was so shocking that his chin fell off.

"That's really a pity." Chen Zheng nodded and asked with a smile: "There are ancestral ethereal beasts in the snowfield. Next time I'll pay more attention to it."


Lu Xinchan was dumbfounded!


The rest of them took a breath!


Pay attention to it next time!

What are you talking about?

Is there another time!

There is no second ancestral ethereal beast to kill you in the snowfield!

"This guy... seems to be different from the guys who have been to the shrine. Hey... how can this guy feel a lot higher than those guys, even though this guy It looks like a mystery..."

The young girl whispered.

When the maid Lan Xiang saw this scene, she wanted to remind the girl that the palace master said that no man in the world could be trusted, and don't be charmed by men. But if you think about it carefully, it seems that the young lady is right. This mysterious boy is really different from those guys. This mysterious boy looks nothing special at first glance, but now I feel more and more attractive.

"The ancestor-level ethereal beasts in the snowfield are only ethereal ancestors. Earlier, there were rumors that the ethereal beast ancestors slept in the snowy field. It is said that it was a creature standing above the saint. I don't know if it is true or false."

Lu Xinchan recovered at this moment and whispered.

"Find a time to go shopping in Xueyuan."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the rest of the people instantly widened their eyes and secretly lay in the trough. Does this young man really want to cut the ancestor of the ethereal beast? And listening to this tone, it seems that even the ancestor of the ethereal beast He is a creature above the saint, and he can beheaded at will.

This is an understatement!

There seems to be an invisible bully!


At this time!

Several figures come!

Everyone looked up They all looked sullen, they should all come from the family of God Eye Family, and not ordinary people, they came from the ancestors of God Family!

In addition to the ancestors of the gods family, it seems that the lady of the gods family has also come!

"Second grandpa saves his life, he wants to kill nineteen, he wants to kill nineteen!"


Xiang Xing, who had been hiding behind Xiang Kunwu, swooped behind the old man in a black robe!


However, at the next moment, the old man in the black robe would directly grab Xiang 19 out of his back, and slap him in a direct slap to give Fan 19 a spin at an unknown height!

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