Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1469: You will change your name to "Lu" in the future!

Chapter 1464 You will change your name to'Lu' in the future! (Five more)

"Sheng Hui!"


"How could it be Sheng Hui, how could a mysterious Xian Xian shout at the core area of ​​the glacier, and Sheng Hui flew over by himself, and the saint could not do this, why should he be a Xuan Xian!"

A short silence, broken by a cry!

What holy son, what heavenly arrogance, what holy land comes from, what strong line visitor, all eyes widened, only deep shock in the pupil! Some people didn't believe what they just saw, they suddenly raised their hands and gave a slap to the people around them. When the people around them slapped their backhands, when they felt the pain, they had to believe everything they just saw!

That kid!

It was really just shouting at Sheng Hui in the core area of ​​the glacier, Sheng Hui flew out of his own, and fell directly into the palm of the guy!

"Zhanlu Shengzi... This kid... This kid must have taken Shenghui by some evil way! Zhanlu Shengzi did not say that he would take Shenghui to the Qin Shengnv "Why don't you wait longer at this moment!"

A young man in green clothes shouted at Zhanlu Shengzi!


Zhanlu Shengzi took one move and a sword soldier emerged!

"Famous Sword Zhanlu!"

"Although it is not a treasure of Taoism, it is a famous sword! The magical power of this sword is not under the ordinary Taoism, at least it can even match the treasure of the best! The famous sword of Zhanlu is the same as the heavenly sword in the Tianyun World. It was endowed with divine power by Heaven! The reason why Zhanlu Shengzi is called Zhanlu Shengzi is because he is recognized by the famous sword Zhanlu. At this moment, the famous sword Zhanlu is sacrificed, and Zhanlu Shengzi is going to be real!"

"I can finally see the prestige of the famous sword today. The Xuanxian kid is afraid that he has no courage to resist. This is the famous sword Zhanlu!"



Famous sword Zhanlu!

God-given Divine Soldier!

"Zhanlu sword............This Zhanlu son actually took out the Zhanlu sword directly? Huh! I really want to suppress people by the name of the son, what kind of son was the same as the smelling Taoist before? , I want to chase Sister Qin! It is said that Wenxiang Taoist went to a bitter environment, and there was no news of that man again. I was afraid that he died in the bitter environment! Today, this mantra is famous for his sword against the master of Lianshan, certainly not There will be a good ending!"

The girl sneered in her heart!

In fact, in this glacier land, there are very few creatures from the early days of the city. These are the ancestors who have seen Chen Zheng pinch the ethereal ancestors, so I was surprised at the moment when the famous sword of the Zhanlu Shengzi sacrifice, but soon recovered Calm, then all were silent, no one reminded.


They want to see Chen Zheng pinch Zhan Lu Shengzi!

They can't do it themselves!

They hope someone can do it!

At that moment they regarded themselves as Chen Zheng!

"This son... is not worthy of having Bingling Shenghui anyway. It is not bad for Zhanlu Shengzi to get Bingling Shenghui."

"It makes sense."

On another snow-colored warship, the two deacons of the Ice and Snow Shrine looked at each other. They came for Sheng Hui. They were waiting for two saints to pick Sheng Hui. They didn't expect to kill a Xuan Xian halfway and pick Sheng Hui directly. This completely runs counter to their expectations.

Even if this child took the initiative to send Bing Ling Sheng Hui to the Ice and Snow Shrine!

But does Bingxue Jingjing need the favor of a Xuanxian boy?

He really doesn't deserve it!

The two deacons made eye contact, and each connected the Ice and Snow Shrine with their divine thoughts, and told the Master of the Shrine, and asked the Master to send the Saint to come! No matter which saint comes, as long as the saint comes, it will be completed!


The deer Qiankun from Yingtian Academy looked at Chen Zheng for a long time, and his eyes flashed away. He suddenly thought of his brother Kong Xinghe mentioned a person, that person is also a Xuan Xian, but that person is fifth-order Xuan Xian. Is the person in front of him the one mentioned by Brother Kong Xinghe, but the cultivation base seems to be wrong, the young man in front of him is a seventh-order Xuanxian.

Or did the man mentioned by Brother Kong Xinghe go from fifth-order Xuanxian to seventh-order Xuanxian within a few days? If the person in front is really the one mentioned by Brother Kong Xinghe, then it’s better not to do anything at all!

The thought flashed, and Lu Qiankun was completely silent, as if it had become the air.

"This sword is named Zhanlu. It is a God-given Divine Soldier. You should know that God-given Divine Soldier, although it is not a treasure weapon or something, can contain God-given Divine Prestige. My title is to use the sword as the name. I have been practicing for more than a hundred years. It is the Heavenly Emperor's Realm, with the famous sword Zhanlu in hand, and it can be crushed against ordinary quasi-sacred things. As for the ancestor, although I can't beat the ancestor, I can also survive an incense. When I mention these, I’m not boasting, I’m just saying some facts."

Zhanlu Shengzi saw that Chen Zheng had no fluctuations, and said softly at the moment.

"Don't take the initiative to hand over Sheng Hui!"

That green-clothed young man shouted at Chen Zheng!

"Zhanlu Shengzi gives you a face, don't want to use the famous sword Zhanlu to cut you, you have not obediently presented Sheng Hui!"

"The so-called time-conscious person is Junjie. If you take the initiative to turn in Sheng Hui, you will be able to form a good relationship with Zhanlu Shengzi. With this kindness, what kind of disaster you will encounter in the future, Zhanlu Shengzi can also pull you! "

"Young people need to learn to be content, and contentment can always be happy!"

The sarcasm sounded again!

In the eyes of these people, Chen Zheng is only a mysterious fairy, even if he obtained Sheng Hui by strange means, but in the face of the famous sword of Zhanlu Zhanlu Shengzi, it is absolutely impossible to be a rival of Zhanlu Shengzi!

and so!

They think the opportunity to find face is coming!



Chen Zheng does not move!

Mo Xin next to him suddenly moved!

Mo Xin turned into a torrent of blood!

Before everyone had responded, he had rushed to Zhanlu Shengzi. Zhanlu Shengzi showed a disdainful look and raised his hand with a sword. At almost the same time, Mo Xin blood man's sharp gun was lifted!


The famous sword Zhan Lu flew out!


Zhanlu Shengzi was shocked to the extreme and was penetrated by a shot!


Mo Xin received the blood-mand sharp gun, his small face was cold and ruthless, and turned into a torrent of instantaneous retreat to Chen Zheng's side, waiting at the moment to stand like a majesty!


Just listen to two sounds ringing at the same time!

One is the sound of the famous sword Zhanlu falling from the sky and piercing into the frozen ground!

The other is the voice of Zhanlu Shengzi's flesh!

Son of Zhanlu!

At this moment there is only one Yuanshen!

Visible to the naked eye!

It was a magical symbol that protected Zhanlu Shengzi Yuanshen!

If there is no such rune!

Zhanlu Shengzi is dead!

"Famous Sword Zhanlu... Sword is a good It's just that you, Zhanlu Shengzi, are not worthy of this sword, nor the words of Zhanlu." , Chen Zheng chuckled and said, grabbing the famous sword Zhanlu, the famous sword Zhanlu flew over, he grabbed Zhanlu with his left hand, danced a sword flower, and looked at Zhanlu Shengzi Yuan Shen smiled faintly: "Your son of Zhanlu, change the name from today, don't want Zhanlu, it will be called Lu in the future."


What is Lu?

"What's that Lu?"

Someone asked dumbfounded.

"That... there is a famous horse that seems to be called Lu..."

Someone whispered back.

(End of this chapter)

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