Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1475: Immortal Hall pictured! Ridiculous guy!

Longying Xianyuan.

Although the mist of fairy light is still there.

However, the illusion has broken.

At the moment, the deepest part of Longying Immortal Abyss, an ancient immortal palace emerged. Those monks of the earth elemental realm looked at the ancient immortal palace at the moment. They had already planned to leave, but they were not reconciled. It's not that I want to enter the immortal palace, but just want to see if there will be a vision or the like in the immortal palace.

Inside the fairy hall.

"These are immortal fetuses...the same level as the immortal fetus I got at the beginning, I am afraid there are also the remnants of the spirits of the immortal era!"

Kong Xuan whispered, glanced at the immortal fetuses in the immortal palace, and recognized at a glance that these immortal fetuses were of the same grade as the ones he had originally obtained.

Shen Yue's father and daughter and gluttonous little black are curious to look at these immortal fetuses. The Evergreen Immortal Emperor, a monster claiming to be the incarnation of chaos, mentioned before that the monks can use the immortal fetus to reach the other side of the legend and can spend the legendary amount. Robbery, to be honest, a few people are still a little emotional. It's just that after learning that the fairy was used by the monster as a food container, several people are now very cautious.

Despite being curious, she is also cautious.

After Chen Zheng scanned these immortal fetuses, he never looked at these things again. He looked at the jade-like things enshrined in the front of the immortal palace, grabbed the jade dish, and the jade dish fell into his hands.

"Is it a legendary jade dish of fortune, a thing that the great ancestor of Hongtian, the great ancestor of Heaven, joined together?"

The gluttonous little black eyes asked.


Kong Xuan!

Shen Yue father and daughter!

Mo Xin also looked over!


Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and threw the jade dish out. The jade dish was frozen in the air. Several people felt at this moment. There must be something magical in the jade dish, and it will be released soon!



Fairy light flashes!

A light curtain was played in the jade dish, and a photo of the past appeared in the light curtain. After the photo of the scene flashed quickly, the fairy light flashed again, and the next moment was not the flashed photo , But a complete shadow of the past!

"Supreme can erase everything with a snap of your fingers...Who created this Supreme Gong? No matter who created the Supreme Gong, I must find it since this mystery exists, If I can’t find it, I will create a supreme merit! Who am I? But I am destined to be the master of this era. I am the supreme supremacy of the immortal era. The secret method I created is supreme merit!”

In the picture, there is a child who is flipping through an ancient book and his mouth is still humming! Not only humming, but also some different shapes, sometimes domineering, sometimes overlooking everything, sometimes cold, but the children are up to seven or eight years old, and their faces are immature, so it looks actually very funny !

"Who is this little fart kid? What about the supreme merit? Why is it so second? Hey? How can I say the words "second two"? I remember, this is the word that old man described me after hours!"

Xiaohe glanced, frowning slightly.

"Is this child.........the childhood image of the fairyland supreme that the Evergreen Great Emperor mentioned before?"

Shen Lian thought a little and asked.

"Xianyu Supreme Childhood Image?"

Shen Yue blinked.

"Immortal Territory Supreme... That was the ruler of the immortal era, not the one who survived the era by the immortal fetus, but a terrible creature. In the world of thousands, saints usually represent At its peak, of course, there is a master of the Taoist Zixiao Palace in the heavens, but in many large worlds, there is only a Taoist ancestor of the Zixiao Palace. But outside the Daqian world, such as the land outside the domain, such as the chaotic realm, such as the most mysterious Taixu, more than There are Taoist ancestors, and there are souls above the Taoist ancestors, that is the era overlord. Xianyu Supreme, is an era overlord, Xianyu is also above the world. Of course, this is only a rough statement, although Hongmeng Tiantian is only The Great Thousand Worlds are very special because of the existence of the Heavenly Dao Palace. The Master of the Heavenly Dao Palace is a creature that the Epoch Overlord cannot afford."

Kong Xuan whispered, looking at Chen Zheng with his eyes moved. In fact, there was another sentence in his heart that was not said, that is, the era overlord did not dare to provoke the main palace of Tiandao Palace, but Chen Zu was different. Chen Zu was once the substitute palace of Tiandao Palace the Lord. On this point, only a handful of people in Taishangtian know that they know this through the Lingshan dialect of Buddhism.

"Cut! It's a supreme merit! I thought it was esoteric! It wasn't created by me! Look! Give me a snap! These ants are dead! I thought that the supreme merit is so mysterious. But the supreme destiny of the Era of the Immortal, can I not be a supreme meritorious person, but I have not cracked it! It is crushed with pure power, deliberately acting as a supreme meritorious person to pretend to be a ghost, the guy who created the supreme meritorious in the first era, but Really fooling people!"

At this moment, the photo changed and became a teenager. At this moment, the teenager stood proudly on the top of the mountain and snapped a snap finger. All the murderous objects that were thrown from all directions were turned to ashes. The face of the teenager sneered to the extreme!


A very strange scene appeared!

The teenager didn't know where to pull out a set of women's clothing, Xianguang flashed into women's clothing, and at first glance it turned out to be a pretty cute girl!


"What is this weird hobby?"

"Is this really the childhood of Supreme Master Xianyu? By the way, who is this **** shadow left behind? It is certainly a very close person who can record these things."

Kong Xuan.


Shen Yue father and daughter.

At this moment, there is a look of doubt.

"It may be the past recorded by this guy himself."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Little brother, are people beautiful? Haha! There are a few women who can match my face in this world. If I play as a woman, the guy who created the supreme merit in the First Age will also be mesmerized! Humph!"

In the picture, the female teenager suddenly smiled shyly, and then laughed!


The gluttonous little black saw this finally could not stand the swearing.


Shen Yue has nothing to say.

"Will this be too narcissistic? Is this really the fairyland supreme in my youth?"

Kong Xuan couldn't help but doubt this moment.

Chen Zheng smiled and said nothing, then he collected the jade dish, and then swept across the fairy palace again, facing the fairy fetuses, and suddenly there was black gas dissipating out of the fairy fetuses, as if there was something in it. Erased the same.

"Choose one of these immortal fetuses. Although you can't let you truly survive the era, but if one day the world collapses, you will be able to protect yourself." Chen Zheng said with a sense Some things looked out of the hall. At this look, I saw half a piece of broken jade dish, and my brow wrinkled: "Ancestor failed?"

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