Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1478: Ladder!

Chapter 1473 Sky Ladder! (Four more)


"My Dao Zun!"

"This... this is broken? The Nine Tribulation Immortal Array was broken by this little girl at once? Isn't it possible that the following Xuan Xian can't be broken at all?"

Short consternation!



Mo Xin swept over and waited to stand beside Chen Zheng. At this moment, everyone saw that this girl was not Chen Shi, the younger sister of the mysterious fairyland young man. The posture of this girl was clearly the posture of the young lady!

"Which... Xiongtai could be the son of a large sect, and brought a powerful maid to travel around the world? In the recent villain book of "The Holy King" from Taishang, there is Such a movie, the son would not have read "The Holy Emperor", so..."

The middle-aged fat man spit out his mouth, surprised to look forward to Chen Zheng.

"I've never seen "The Holy Emperor", I have a chance to go to heaven in the future, so be sure to check it out." Chen Zheng smiled at the fat man, and looked at the dull deacon with his gaze: "Nine Tribulation" The fairy array is broken, you can board the fairy boat."

"..." The deacon stunned and gave Chen Zheng a deep look: "I will take you three to the Bilu Xianzhou, but after waiting for the Biluo Xianfeng, some things should not be seen Don’t ask, although your teacher’s magic weapon is extraordinary, it’s still a little bit worse if you want to **** it!”

When the words fell, the deacon called a fairy boat, three fairy lights fell on Chen Zheng, Mo Xin, and the middle-aged fat man, and then the fairy boat turned into a fairy light and flew to the fairy peak high in the sky.



"I want to go to Xianfeng too!"

"I don't want to go to Xianfeng. I'm more interested in fairies... Hey? Speaking of fairies, I thought of the Ice and Snow Shrine the first time. Why didn't the fairies of the Ice and Snow Shrine come this time? "

"Maybe I've been here for a long time, but we didn't see it anymore. People are fairies in the Ice and Snow Palace. How can we stinky fish and shrimp be qualified to see you. Alas, if I were as smart as the fat man just now, I followed the Xuanxian. The young man is on the fairy peak."

Leaving a group of monks, looking at Xianfeng with great emotion, if he had the same emotional intelligence as the fat man just now, would he just follow him?

After a moment.

Xianzhou reached the clouds.

This is already the peak of Xianfeng. It was only found at the top of Xianfeng that it is not the real peak, because it can be seen at a glance. This piece is obviously just above the huge cloud platform created by Great Supernatural Power. There is a ladder, a seemingly Connected to the ladder outside the Xuanhuang World!

"What does this mean... Do you have any challenges? Or do you have to pass this challenge if you want to be a guest of the Sacred Land and think of getting the holy species and the **** species? This ladder seems very unusual, I only I felt dizzy after a glance!"

The middle-aged fat man glanced at the ladder, his face suddenly turned white.

Mo Xin glanced at the ladder, and his brows were also wrinkled. Although his face was not whitish, he obviously felt something unusual.

"You don't have an invitation, you stay in the outermost circle. It's almost the same when you look at it. That's the ladder of heaven. Don't think about it. It's for the guest secretary. The ladder is a total of 9,999 steps. Stepping up to the nine thousandth step is eligible to become a holy land guest to get the holy species. If you can step on the last step of the ladder, you can get the god! The thousandth step of the ladder is divided into one level, and the first thousandth step is almost the peak level of the golden fairy. , So the three of you can calculate what level you want to reach the top!"

The deacon saw that all three were looking at the ladder. At this moment, he hummed, and then glanced at the blood-mans sharp gun held by Mo Xin, his eyes flashed away.

"This...Isn't it necessary to climb to the nine thousandth level to be the peak ancestor or even stronger, to climb to the last level, get the saint or the saint, but the saint doesn't May come as a guest of honor to the Biluo Holy Land. The sage may not be as powerful as the half-walking ancestor, but the sage has the heavenly sacred position, as long as he is in the world, the sage is equal to invincible, and the status is actually still above the half-stepping ancestor, unless it is true The ancestor of the Dao can overwhelm the saint."

Middle-aged fat man dumbfounded.

"Very average."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Very general?

What is very general?

The middle-aged fat man didn't understand it. He drew his gaze and swept the huge platform. Although the three people were in a good position, they were basically outside the viewing seats and could only stand and watch. But for the fat man, it seems that he can see this event with his own eyes. I saw the fat man Han Hou smiled and said: "I am a mysterious immortal, a little head of third-rate or even influential forces, I can come here and see the big world. The top event in the world is already satisfying."


This is also the time!

Fairy light flashes!

I saw dozens of figures come out of the fairy palace at the top of the fairy peak, and fell on the highest platform at the top of the huge platform created by this great supernatural power. Next to the high platform is the ladder!

"Guests have arrived, so let’s start next. Today I have a holy party in the blue sanctuary. There are only three things, which are also related to the immortal species, the holy species, and the **** species! The first thing is to give the immortal species. Xuan Yi, a disciple of Feng Benzong, is the fifth saint, the second teacher is the guest clerk, and the third thing is to invite you to observe the ceremony!

On the high platform, an old man in a blue robe looked solemn, and his mouth was like a thunder exploding!


"Impact the realm of Taoism!"

"This... turns out this is the highlight!"


"This... it seems that for so many years, who has never heard of any Daqian world who succeeded in impacting Dao Zu's realm, at least in Daqian World, there are no examples of Dao Zu's success! Of course, except for the owner of the Heavenly Zixiao Palace, That is the power of heaven and earth to fit into heaven and heaven at the beginning!"

In a word!

Come from all sides!

"Daozu this a miracle to be created! It seems that since ancient times, in addition to the owner of Zixiao Palace, I have never heard of anyone who became a Dazu in the world. .... If today is completed, the Patriarch of the Biluo Holy Land Kaishan will surely shake all the worlds!

Middle-aged fat man is extremely surprised!


Chen Zheng commented with a smile.

"Isn't... Xiongtai not surprised at all?" The middle-aged fat man noticed Chen Zheng's expression, but he was not surprised, but asked with some curiosity. Suddenly paused after asking for a word, and then said: "By Xiongtai, my name is Shizu, and I don't know the name of Xiongtai. Don't get me wrong, my Shizu does not mean the ancestor of Dazu, my name It was also given to me by my master, and I hope that one day I will become a holy father."

Speaking of which, the middle-aged fat man touched his head awkwardly.

"Just call me Chen Chen Zheng nodded.

"Chen Zheng..."

The middle-aged fat man was stunned. He thought Chen was the son of a big family. However, it seems that there are no powerful families in the world of Xuanhuang, with Chen as his surname, but he didn't struggle with this.


The ceremony of blessing the Son over there has already begun!


Fairy light flashes!

A fairy bead emerges!


"That's a fairy!"

"Serve the fairy species, as long as you don't fall, you can become an ancestor!"

(End of this chapter)

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