Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1480: This child is the head of 9 robbery!

Chapter 1475 This child is the head of the Nine Tribulation! (One more)



What is this saying!

The high ancestor ancestors of the Temple of Heaven before him could only climb a little more than 7,000 steps with the power of the peak ancestor. This young man of the Xuanxian stepped to the top in one step. The 99,99 steps ladder is just at the foot Same as a small hill!


This is not even a hillside!

At best it is a small threshold!


How did he do it!

"Chen... Brother Chen... This is too exaggerated, so I went up in one swoop, and I haven’t recovered yet..."

The middle-aged fat man, Shizu, squeezed his face hard, he thought it was a fantasy. Mo Xin was not surprised, as long as she was doing what Chen Zheng did, then everything was taken for granted.

On the platform!

The old man in blue robe looks cold!

The newly-promoted Saint Child Xuan Yi looked at Chen Zheng, who was at the top of the ladder. The scene he saw in Tianchu City reappeared in an instant, and the underworld still underestimated this guy! Even if this guy is terrible, it should be impossible to climb to the top of the ladder. After all, I already knew that even if I wanted to climb to the nine thousandth ladder, I had to be a saint! The holy land did not expect to give the holy species and the gods to outsiders. This time, using the holy species and the gods as an introduction, the people of many forces were invited. The real purpose is only one!

Ancestor is coming!

The ancestors are going to impact the Taoist ancestry!

The ancestors of the ancestors will impact the Taoist ancestors under the witness of monks of various schools!


An accident now!

That guy even climbed to the top of the ladder!

"This guy..." Zhanlu Shengzi gritted his teeth fiercely, thinking of the scene of being humiliated in the northern glacier. At the moment, his eyes flashed coldly, and his heart secretly transmitted a voice to the old man in blue robe: "Master, you were not before I said that through the Holy Mirror, I saw that the murderers who killed Uncle Wenxiang and the Third Division were a vague young figure. I think it should be this kid! Does Master directly invite the ancestors to show up? So much so that the world has forgotten that there is a half-walking ancestor in the Biluo Sanctuary.

"I have my own arrangement." The old man of the blue robe, Yuan Shen, responded, staring at Chen Zheng several eyes, and then opened a mouth, and this mouth burst like a thunder: "According to the rules, you climbed the top of the ladder, then you are the guest of the blue sky. , The **** species should also belong to you! But before that, you have to confirm your identity!"


The old man in blue robe grabbed the blue palace!

"Please Holy Land!"


Fairy light flashes!

A mirror flew out of the immortal palace and landed on the high platform in an instant. The practitioners glanced at it, revealing an astonishing look, because I had long heard that there is a holy mirror in the holy land of Biluo.

At this moment, the leader of the Biluo Holy Land suddenly invited the Holy Mirror, saying that it was to confirm the identity of the young man. What did he intend to do? Was he deliberately making an excuse not to take out the gods? Or was the young man's identity really a problem!

"Holy mirror, holy mirror, please tell me what identity this child is!"

The old man in the blue robe looked sullen, and he shouted at the holy mirror!


Among the Holy Mirror!

Fairy light flashes!

A few large characters emerge in the next moment!


"That is!"

"The head of the Nine Tribulation? Is this... Nine Tribulation was the mysterious force of the Nine Tribulation in the world, which was the head of the Nine Tribulation? This... how could this be so!"

"He is the head of the Nine Tribulation!"

"Has the head of the Nine Tribulation been cracked by the Holy Mirror!"



There is fear!

"Humph! It turns out that you are the head of the Nine Tribulation. What else can you say!"

The old man in the blue robe glanced at the Holy Mirror, and the next cold eye swept towards Chen Zheng!


The rest of the eyes moved!

They all stared at Chen Zheng!

"The head of the Nine Tribulation... Brother Chen turned out to be the head of the Nine Tribulation. This would not be the fact that the Biluo Holy Land did not want to take out the gods. He just inserted an identity and made Brother Chen an unjustifiable crime. ..."

The middle-aged fat man, Shizu, said blankly at the moment.

"Sure enough, it is a traitor!"

On the high platform, Zhanlu Shengzi sneered at the moment, and a face on the surface was extremely cold. In fact, he was already laughing with laughter in his heart. He secretly said that his master is worthy of being taught by the Holy Land, and he just found a reason to deal with the kid!

This reason is perfect!

No one in the world has ever seen the head of the Nine Tribulation!

There is no way to refute the coming people!

"The head of the Nine Tribulation... It turns out that you are deliberately concealing your identity to come to our blue sanctuary and want to make a big show at the holy party. I am afraid that it is for the ancestors. You must want Destroy the ancestors and impact the ancestral realm!"

Sheng Zi Xuan Yi thought a moment in his heart, and now also hum!

"The head of the Nine Tribulation, everyone can be blamed! Since this son is the head of the Nine Tribulation, then this time will not be let go, everyone should join hands to kill this child!"

A young man in green clothes beside Zhanlu Shengzi, a fierce flash in his eyes, and he shouted at the moment!


There was no response from the various dispatchers!

Obviously, there is still some hesitation!

"What else can you say!"

The old man in blue robe stared at Chen Zheng again and drank!


Everyone's eyes were fixed on Chen Zheng again!

"How can the Biluo Holy Land be a big faction, not to mention the Xuanhuang Great World's first holy land, but it can also be regarded as one of the top powers. I don't want to honor my promise to come up with a god, why should I find an excuse. What is my identity, Are there any conflicts with the rules set by your Biluo Holy Land? What happened today, your Biluo Holy Land is just a joke."

Chen Zheng spoke, and the light voice fell.

"Huh! This seat is the leader of the Blue Land Holy Land. This seat says that your identity and rules conflict with each other!"

The old man in blue robe sneered!


The monks of all denominations actually understood it at this moment. I am afraid that Lan Xingxuan's teachings have just made an excuse. In essence, they do not want to use the gods as a reward! So whatever the identity of the young man, the result is the same!

of course!

If you and others climbed to the top of the ladder, the result will certainly be the same, and the Blue Land will also find other excuses! It is just that even if you understand this, the practitioners can only keep silent. After all, this is the blue sky holy land. After all, the blue sky holy land has a half-walk ancestral ancestor!

That young man can only suffer this time!

"A holy place on one side, without words, backtracking, ridiculous and sad."

On the top of the ladder, Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Look for death!" The old man in blue robe was furious, but he didn't shoot, but turned around to pay respect to the Biluo Xiangong Palace: "Please ask Master Patriarch to show up, behead the Nine Tribulation, and then hit the realm of Daozu! "


Grand Master of Biluo Holy Land!

Zhong Xiu gazed at the past!


Bilu Xian Palace!

Bright fairy light burst!

In the fairy light!

A figure emerged!

This figure emerged ~ ~ Zhong Xiu held his breath instantly, even the ancestors held his breath!

Half trail ancestor!

There can be nothing wrong!

The figure that appeared is a half-footed ancestor!

Patriarch Kaishan Patriarch really appeared!

Then the young man might be beheaded!

That young man is going to be used as an appetizer before the ancestral master of the mountains of the Biluo Sanctuary hit the Taoist ancestor realm!

(End of this chapter)

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