Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1483: Holy Land Fall


Isn't that what it means... This young man is the head of the Nine Tribulation!

The Blue Land Holy Land taught Lan Xingxuan that he had previously found an excuse to make trouble for this young man. I am afraid he did not expect this young man to be the head of the Nine Tribulation!

The head of the Nine Tribulation!


Shenlong sees no end!

It would be such a young man!

Various thoughts flashed quickly in the mind of the Cultivator, one by one looked at Chen Zheng secretly nodded, and secretly said in his heart that he must remember the look of this young man, so as not to provoke him by his denomination!

The head of the Nine Tribulation, slaps the half-step ancestor, even if it is only Xuan Xian Xiu Wei, but this combat power is too scary! In addition, before returning to the gods invited by the Heavenly Daoist from the Biluo Holy Land, he also mentioned a little, saying that this young man is an existence he can't afford!

and so!

Don't provoke this young man!

"You...really the head of the Nine Tribulation..." Blue Star Holy Land taught Lan Xing Xuan to stunned for a long time. After recovering at this moment, his head suddenly dropped down, Immediately afterwards, he kowtowed crazily: "Just departed and spared life, I will now offer the holy species and the **** species, just ask the robbery to spare me! As for the blue sky holy land, if someone offends the robbery, the robbery is just killed!"


Lan Xing Xuan said a few words, so that the faces of several saints and the rest of the blue sacred land instantly changed, and each one became extremely white!


I would say such a thing!

The instructor is so selfish!

Is this really a familiar instruction for others?

"poor person must have something mean."

On the side of Tianzi Academy, Gao Xianshu patriarch sighed.

"Poor people... The Blue Fall Holy Land counts the ancestors, if not this... the son is here, the ancestors who came today are afraid that they have all been back to the heaven. The stepping stones of the Taoist realm, so it is not pitiful, but hate is true."

A disciple grunted.

"Here is the holy species and the **** species. The former can attract the heavenly holy throne. If it can be recognized by the heavenly holy throne, then it can prove the sanctification. Even if it cannot be holy, it can benefit a lot! As for the latter , As long as they can swallow the power, then they can have power above the saint!"

At this time, there are no other people in the blue sky holy land in the eyes of the gods of the blue sky holy land. At this moment, he is only himself. He only wants to live, so he summoned the holy species and the **** species!

"Holy species!"


The eyes of all the lay people stared at it in the past, but they only glanced at it. Chen Zheng fell from the top of the ladder and took the sacred seed. The sacred seed slammed into the middle-aged fat man Shizu Yuan God!


This turned out to be the fat man who gave the sacred species to that Xuan fairyland?

The cultivators are puzzled, and the monks on the side of the blue holy land are also puzzled. In their eyes, the sacred species is an extremely cherished thing. Everyone wants to get the sacred species. people!

Among the cults, Chen Zheng grabbed the gods, and absorbed the gods on the spot. Many monks present at the moment guessed that this time the practice would definitely skyrocket, but these monks did not wait to cultivate the sky. Under perception, Chen Zheng is still a Xuanxian!



Only a small realm has grown!

From the seventh order Xuanxian to the eighth order Xuanxian!


Almost everyone showed the color of extreme doubt!


Is it possible that the gods are false?

"That's it."

Chen Zheng did not have any accidents. He had long known that this would be the case. In fact, mana can improve a small state.

"Headshot...Can you let me go?"

The Blue Land Holy Land instructed Blue Star to tremble and ask.

Chen Zheng only looked at the past indifferently, and many people thought that Chen Zheng would let the teachings of the Blue Land Holy Land disappear, but at the next glance, the teachings of the Blue Land Holy Land disappeared silently, leaving nothing as if it had never appeared!


Khan Lu Shengzi, Xuanyi Shengzi kneeling on the ground and other monks from the Falling Holy Land, the pupil shrank suddenly at this moment, the neck also shrank subconsciously, and the face was already pale, this moment is completely lost the blood color!


The palm master was directly erased!

No hair is left!

So cruel!

This guy is so cruel!

The head of the Nine Tribulation is so cruel!

Suddenly thought of it, Zhanlu Shengzi and others suddenly shuddered in their hearts, just about to start speaking in horror, they saw Chen Zheng sweeping indifferent eyes!


This moment!

Zhanlu Shengzi and others have sensed it!

The last two words came to my mind!


At a glance!


Zhanlu Shengzi and others were also erased!


The ancestors of the Gaoxianshu ancestors came back instinctively, and now it is already saying nothing!


The middle-aged fat man, Shi Zu, spoke blankly.

"Follow me down the mountain."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly, the fairy light flashed, and disappeared in the next moment, together with Mo Xin and the middle-aged fat man Shizu!



A scream came from the platform!

It is the holy mirror of the blue sky holy land!


After screaming!

A terrible tear sounded!

When the practitioners looked around, they saw the holy mirror shattered, almost at the same time, the vast product platform connected to the Biluo fairy palace was also fragmented!



Biluo Xianfeng has begun to collapse!


"Go away!"

"The Blue Land is over!"

The cultivators were horrified, and they turned into immortal light and fled, but after a few rest hours, the Biluo fairy peak collapsed! Although the nine fairy islands that guard the Biluo fairy peak are still there, every monk knows that from the moment when the ancestors who opened the mountain in the Biluo holy land were destroyed, the Biluo holy land was destined to decline, even if there are still nine fairy islands at this moment. At the beginning of the world, the first sacred place in the world has already survived!

"Is it the luck of the Biluo Holy Land, or is it blamed?"

A disciple couldn't help but ask in a whisper next to the ancestor of Gao Xianshu.

"Rely on your own Everything is because of greed, if it is not greed, there will not be a blue sanctuary..." Gao Xianshu ancestor gently shook his head, said to look down the mountain, and When I didn’t see the figure I wanted to see, I sighed again: "Go back to Tianzi Academy. After today, the disciples of Tianzi Academy should remember that you shouldn’t provoke the person. The head of the Nine Tribulation is mysterious and unbelievable. It’s just a rumor, just an exaggeration, but as soon as it appeared today, it destroyed a holy place."

"Head of the Nine Tribulation..."

"It seems that we still don't know what his name is..."

"Xuanxian mana kills half-step Taoist ancestors, what kind of monk is he? If he is a Taoist monk, Datian World Heavenly Dao has expelled it, so it is obviously not a Taoist ancestor. Fighting power... It's really terrible!"

The disciples whispered around.

"I'm afraid I can't find a second such person in the world."

Gao Xianshu shook his head again, his body lit up with fairy lights, and took a group of disciples away.

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