Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1490: It’s not too much to swallow a saint

Deep in the ancestral land!

Silent at the moment!

All the monks from outside the region stayed like wooden chickens. At the moment, they thought that the boy's abilities would fall into nothingness, but the whole person would become nothingness, but who could have thought that the boy's sudden outbreak collided with the luck of the day, The impact of the beginning of the day shattered!

At the beginning of the day!

Isn’t this the hardest magic weapon between heaven and earth!

How could he be hit by a mysterious fairy!

Could Lord Yinyin lied!

its not right!

Lord Shenyin is the chosen messenger of the master enshrined by himself and others. Lord Shenyin can't lie. What's more, before the first day of the day, he smashed the ancestral land of the family of God's eyes. It is definitely not blown out!

and so!

Only one fact!

That is, that kid is harder than the hardest magic weapon in the world!

Hard to beat!

Only the harder and stronger will win!

"Which... the avatar of the beginning of the day is gone, shall we withdraw for the time being? The teaching is closed, it is impossible for the incarnation of the will to come, and this guy's physical body is harder than the avatar of the beginning of the day. I'm afraid it's coming..."

An ancestor from a foreign field looked at the gray mask man and whispered.

"The magic weapon at the beginning of the day, the hardest magic weapon between heaven and earth, is the first magic weapon refined by the first god, but it was broken..."

However, the gray mask person did not respond to the ancestor. The double pupils exposed under the gray mask were obviously dull at the moment.

"Master Shenyin, this kid is a hard bone, let's withdraw first!"

The ancestor quickly lowered his voice to remind.

"Withdraw? Withdraw? Haha! Hahaha!" The gray-masked man seemed to suddenly return to his mind, and his mouth opened with a burst of laughter. His dull pupils became indifferent and merciless, and he stared at Chen Zheng: "For the first time, I was The master fails to do things. If he withdraws again, what will the master think of me? It is impossible to withdraw, even if you lose your life, you must fight hard!"



The gray light flashed on the gray mask person, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. No matter whether it is a foreigner or a person from the family of God Eyes, this gray mask person could not feel the existence at this moment!

"Be careful!"

"His goals are the ancestors and the youngest son!"

"Guard the ancestors and the son of Shaoyan!"

The people of the family of God Eyes sighed and shouted!


A figure appeared silently and silently in front of Shaoyan who was still in a state of meditation. He grabbed a hand at Shaoyan's eyes and turned around. At the same time, he turned and yelled at Chen Zheng, "If you are a flesh, even It is better than the power of the beginning of the sky, and can be the most powerful of the first ancestors. This seat has the treasure protector given by the master. You can’t erase this seat. This kid’s eye of chaos is taken from this seat, and you can help this seat. what!"

"Stop him!"

"Protect Shaoyan son!"

"Quickly stop him!"

Beside Shaoyan, people from the family of God Eyes exclaimed, but one face was completely frozen by a strange power, and he could only watch the gray mask person's hand catching Shaoyan's eyes!

"wake up!"

On the occasion of a desperate attack, Chen Zheng looked at Shao Yan and drank lightly!


Shaoyan opened his eyes!

The gray mask's hands are less than three inches away from Shaoyan's eyes. At this moment, Shaoyan's pupils turned into chaos. In addition, a shadow appeared behind Shaoyan, and an ancient and magnificent supreme breath was instantly released. come out!


At a glance!

The gray mask man was blasted!


Only a sound of cracking sounded, a mark appeared on the eyebrows of the gray mask, and the mark turned into a piece of divine jade. Only when it appeared, it shattered!

"This breath..."

"What kind of breath is this, and how is this breath so similar to the host we enshrined!"

"Is this... the breath of God?"

Foreigners dumbfounded!


The gray mask throat agitated, only to hear a click, the gray mask on his face shattered, revealing his true face!

"Hidden Saint!"

"This is a hidden saint!"

"Hidden Saint...If I remember correctly, before you became holy, you once received the favor of our ancestors from the family of our eyes, but I didn’t expect you to really revenge. The original gods in the mouth of these monks outside the realm Lord Yin is your hidden saint. No wonder you have to bring a mask and even changed your treasure robes! Hidden saint, hidden saint, you will revenge, and you know that you are ashamed!"

On the side of the **** eye family, seeing the true face of the gray mask, he was stunned for a moment, and then gritted his teeth one by one!

Hidden Saint!

This gray masked person is the hidden saint!

When he was not sanctified, he still had the grace of his ancestors!


Today, this hidden saint came to attack the **** family!

"It turns out that there is a period of time in the past. You, Yin Sheng En, will revenge. It really is worse than a pig." Chen Zheng heard a smile and shouted at the Dao bite casually: "Every day, swallowing his mana and origin!"


The Dao Beast's eyes lit up, and his mouth swallowed at the embarrassed Hidden Saint!

"You dare! This seat is a saint, this seat has the heavenly throne, and this seat has the heavenly shelter! You are a little thing, and you dare to swallow the mana and the source of this seat, this seat please heaven!"

Hidden Saint suddenly turned to God, the gray light in the double pupils soared into the sky!



Over the eye family!

Thundercloud gathers in an instant!

A huge punishment eye emerges!

Heaven appeared!


A monk of the eye family!

This moment shivered!

"Tian Dao may not be able to suppress you, but Tian Dao can forcibly expel you from the world of Xuanhuang. How can this seat also be a saint with the Holy Throne of Heaven, give up some things and ask Heaven to expel you, it is not impossible! Heaven is above, please ask this Zi expelled from the world of Xuanhuang!"

Yin Sheng stared at Chen Zheng, and then looked at the huge punishment eye above!



Thunder shakes!

The terrifying and terrifying people are breathless!

However, outsiders in the region have shown a happy look. Although they are afraid and heavenly, heavenly obviously stands on the side of Lord Shenyin. As long as the strange boy is expelled, the little guy called Shaoyan can’t maintain the awakening state at all. It will be shattered, and it is not time to be deprived of the Eye of Chaos by Lord God Yin!

and so!

After all, Lord Shenyin won!

At the moment, the eyebrows of the family of the eyes are closed, and Chen Zheng just lifts his head and glances lightly at the huge punishment eye above: "You don’t know who I am, if you could expel me, I would have expelled me. It’s not too much for me to let my spiritual pet swallow a saint, or do you like to let my spiritual pet swallow you?"


Is this a complete disregard for heaven?


This is more than ignoring heaven!

This is threatening heaven!

This guy dared to threaten Heaven!

Is this kid having a problem?

The foreigners are in doubt!


In an instant!

The huge punishment of the sky is gone!

The rolling thundercloud also dispersed in an instant!

"Do not!"


Yin Sheng screamed!

Turning into gray light, the sky rises!



Dao bit beast Yinxie chuckled up, and heard the wailing noise from the top at the next moment, even the foreigners in the domain, even the eyes of the family, this face is completely white, I felt an unspeakable horror!


The power and origin of Yinsheng is really being swallowed by the purple beast!

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