Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1496: Crushed! Obliterate!

Star Temple.

Not in the early days.

Instead, it has no mountains in the south of the Huangji Polar Realm.

Wuya Mountain is surrounded by fairy arrays, perennially hidden, and the Star Temple was suppressed by the top ten Taoists, which is basically isolated from the world. At this moment the night had come, Wuya Mountain looked at the rooftop, an old man looked at the night sky and his eyebrows locked tightly.

"Xuanhuang Dalong was captured, the Bilu Holy Land was destroyed, and the clue to the entrance of Bilu Secret World was completely cut off. That little girl in the Southern Beginner's Palace, dare to ignore you, the starry night son, and hook up with a monk of the Tianyun Great World. , The poison of the stardust skyfire planted in this constellation should have been dead, but it was also saved. That direction should be the direction of the ancestral land of the gods and ancestors in the early days of the earth. Is it out of the sky? Hand. But according to Gu Guxian’s speculation, the Great Limit of Hengtian Shouyuan has come, and it should have fallen. If it is not Xiang Hengtian, who saved the girl!"

The old man whispered!

"Xianshi's plan is to advance the secret world of Biluo. After he got the artifact, he completely unlocked the star lock, and then he surrendered to Xuanhuang Dalong, and he controlled the power against the heaven. So seniors don’t have to be entangled. I just have to wait for the first teacher’s law and find a way to find the entrance of the Biluo Secret Realm to lay a solid foundation for my star temple this time. The little girl and the fat man really have help from powerful monks. "Don't you dare to kill Wuyashan? Fan Guxian has never been infected with blood for thousands of years!"

The young man dressed in star pattern sacrificial robe showed disdain.



His voice just fell!

The fairy array covering the boundless mountains suddenly opened a mouth!


next moment!

Four figures appeared!


"You dare to come to the Infinite Mountain Star Temple!"

"Huh? Wasn't that kid the fat man before? He didn't hold the palace of Nanchu Academy... Wait a minute, isn't that girl alive with the poison of the old debris skyfire, how is it still alive? And this kid Dare to come to our Star Temple, seems to have brought another boy? Haha! That boy is a mysterious fairy, is that boy the fat man looking for a backer? This is too ridiculous! You are looking for waste to be a backer , Is your head caught in the door!"

The disciples in the Star God Temple stared at it for the first time, glanced at it and then laughed wildly!

"Xuanxian helper? You fat man from the world of good luck, really don't take our star temple into consideration, or invite the people behind you out, this seat wants to see, who actually resolved this seat? Stardust skyfire poison!"

Looking at the rooftop, the old man, known as Gao Lao, gave a cold drink!

"Huh? That girl's blood-colored spear is good. Ben Shengzi is asking for it. When you come to the girl, you take the initiative to recognize Ben Shengzi as the master, and Ben Shengzi will let you live a life!"

The youth looked aside and smiled contemptuously.


And at the next moment, the disciples of the Star Temple also heard a chuckle, which came from the Xuanxian waste in their eyes!


The tower is coming?

What tower?

Is this kid funny?

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

"So mysterious!"

"Return to the tower, are you reading a lot of villains, really treat yourself as a person!"

So instantly it was all kinds of mockery!



This mocking sound only sounded!

A behemoth emerged!


What a tower!

A huge floating turret tower!

"This is... what magic weapon!"

"The kid here is the Star Temple Wuyashan. Our Star Temple Fan Guxian is a half-walking ancestor! If you dare to mess up, you will definitely be ruthlessly destroyed!"

"This magic weapon is weird, as if it is more than a Taoist device, how can it be so terrible, how can it feel like the legendary saint treasure... But how could he be a mysterious immortal!"

In an instant!

The face of the Star Temple has changed greatly!

The look of Gao Lao and the Starry Night Son on Wangtiantai also changed dramatically!


Gao Lao looked down and shouted, but it was a pity that he shouted a word, and the blood-blowing Futu Tower hit Wuya Mountain!


Not hit!

It's crushing!

The Futu Tower is more than five times bigger than Wuya Mountain!

"Do not!"

"Run away!"

"Run away!"


Unfortunately, it is too late!

Except for very few people!

The rest of the Star Temple disciples were crushed by the floating tower in the same instant as Wuya Mountain!


A loud noise!

Wuyashan no longer exists!

Wuyashan was crushed to the ground!

At this moment, there is only one floating tower standing in the place where the boundless mountains are located!



Several people in the Star Temple who fled for the first time were horribly disappointed at the moment. These people were all high-level in the Star Temple, either the Son or the Elder, and the Master of the Star Temple. The Master of the Star Temple was now dumbfounded!

"It's you!"

One of them was a middle-aged man who was also stunned. When his eyes moved to see Chen Zheng, Zhang Kou exclaimed and his face sank in the next moment! He had seen Chen Zheng, and he had seen Chen Zheng when he was in the spirit world. To be precise, he had seen Chen Zheng when he stayed in the spirit world!

Star God!

He is the star god!

It is actually the elder of the Star Temple!

"Elder Xingyouzi knows this guy!"

Gao Lao took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice!

"This son... At most a year ago, I saw it in the spirit world together, and this son was cultivated as if it was only the infant period or the **** period. I can be sure that it will never exceed the practice. The virtual period!"

Middle-aged people staring at Chen Zheng!


"A year ago he wasn't even a virtual monk, how could this be possible!"

"Elder Xingyouzi, are you kidding me?"

Tall old!

Starry Night Son!

The Master of the Star Temple and the rest of the elder Son are astonished!


At this time, above the floating tower, a star burst, and a figure appeared, and the old man suspended on the floating tower, vaguely like stepping on the floating tower!

"Master Fan Guxian!"

"Meet Fan Guxian!"

"Master Fan Guxian is the master of the Star Temple. This child destroyed the Star Temple with this strange weapon. Please ask Fan Guxian to destroy this child!"

As soon as this figure appeared, Gao Lao, Xing Ye Sheng Zi, Xing Shen Dian Temple Lord and others immediately showed their joy, and the next moment they shouted at the old man to worship!

"Treasure... This thing should be the eight-buoyant tower of the Buddhism Gate in the Buddhism World. Although I don’t know how you got it, you ruin my tradition, you should be **** it!"

The old man in the air swept indifferently!

"Half-walking ancestor!"

Zhuge Qingniu trembles, there is nothing wrong with this, this old man is the half-step ancestor of the Star Temple, he has heard from the woman in his arms before!

"He really is **** it!"

Starry Night Son stared at Chen Zheng!

"You're done!"

Gao Lao's indifferent gaze also stared over!

"Destroy my Star Temple, you're really damned, this seat is only on the throne of the Star Temple Hall, but for three hundred years, the Star Temple has been destroyed by you, even the seat of the Lord has not been heated. This seat has become a joke!"

The main star of the Star Temple is also staring at Chen Zheng and drinking!

"This child can't stay!"

That star wandering stared too!

"It is indeed impossible to stay Zheng smiled slightly, and lifted his right hand to the old man on the floating tower. The old man first showed a very disdainful color, but his face changed in a flash, and his mouth wanted to shout. What can be flesh and Yuanshen shattered in an instant!



There is no suspense!

One and a half trail ancestors are gone!


this moment!

The faces of the remaining monks in the Star Temple instantly solidified!

The city has lived for billions of years

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