Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1510: Just ask you if you are angry!


   The major forces came to frown again!

  The three saints of Meng, Mo, and Fa under the lock of the sky array, to prevent people from entering the Great Dragon Abyss, is this the meaning of the three saints, or the only true heavenly saint Confucius in the imperial polar world?

   By the way, there is the strongest pressure on Saint Zhuang Sheng, isn't it also coming, why didn't I see Zhuang Sheng's figure, which side is Zhuang Sheng standing!

"These guys...basically did not appear in the past, this time because of the fire of Dalongyuan's eternal life, almost all of them came out, and they also engaged in a sky-locking array. Is this deliberately aimed at Chen Gongzi or... ..."

  The bitter world swallowed the demon Buddha standing on a small hillside, looking at the entrance of Dalongyuan at this moment, some did not understand. It can be heard from the Three Sacred Words that the San Sheng apparently already knew that Chen Gongzi had the means to overcome the sky, but he still had to stand opposite Chen Gongzi, for the so-called great benevolence and justice, or for other reasons.

   "The sky-locking array is a bit powerful, but it should be difficult for my future master?"

   On the side of the Tianzi Academy, the little girl Jiang Zhi's eyeball next to Gao Xianshu moved, and in her mind, she had unilaterally regarded Chen Zheng as her master.

   "Will it mean Kong Sheng..."

  Wan Beast frowned as he whispered on the side of the Southern Beginner's Palace. Shang Tianyang and Bai Jushi heard this, and they thought of it when they looked at each other. Although the three Zun Yashengs were tyrannical, they were not strong enough to dominate the realm of everything. The way knows Chen Zu's means and identity, and knows that Chen Zu is called a saint by Wen Zu.

   But today!

  Chen Zu wants to enter Dalongyuan!

  The Three Saints dare to set up a battlefield to block the sky!

   This is definitely not that simple!


   Kong Sheng did not show up!

   makes people have to associate with some aspects!

"In the battle of the sky, the more people who enter the battlefield, the stronger the divine power! More than ninety-nine of the people present are native creatures of the Xuanhuang Great World. , Even if you are an ancestor, you must fall! Now that you are still hesitating, you are not in the battlefield!"

   Then Mo Sheng opened his mouth to drink!


   "There is such a thing? The more people in the formation, the stronger the power of the formation?"

   "This... how do we decide?"

   The crowd repaired for a moment, then revealed the color of thinking.

   "We are Lingyun Academy and obey the sacred law of Mo Sheng!"


   Soon some people plunged into the sky-locked formation!

   That is the person in Lingyun Academy!


  The people of Lingyun Academy once saw the white light flash, and the gods of the sky locked up a lot! Many forces saw this scene, and they all gritted their teeth and entered the battlefield!

   Less than ten breaths, the sky-locking formation is at least 50% stronger than before!

"Yingtian Academy, Shenmu Family, Shenbei Family, Bingxue Temple, Zunzong Sect, Dust Elemental Realm, Tianzi Academy, what are you waiting for, especially Yingtianxue Temple, Shenmu Family and Bingxue God The palace is the most top-level Taoism, do you want to see the world of Xuanhuang shattered!"

  Mo Sheng's eyes moved, and he swept through the rest of the Taoism, his expression solemnly snorted!


   None of these people came to move!

   "Ire you a native of Xuanhuang World, do you want to betray Xuanhuang World?"

   The Mon people are also cold!

   "Master Duanmu of Yingtian Academy, now is involved in the life and death of the Imperial Realm, you are a disciple of Kong Sheng, and also the deputy palace master of Yingtian Academy, what are you still hesitating about!"

   Legalist Han Sheng's eyes moved, and he stared at the vice-master of Yingtian Academy!

   "Although... the young master brother Beihai may have died in the hands of the young master, but the master did not show up and did not pass the law, so Yingtian Xuegong will not participate in this matter for the time being."

   Mr. Duanmu glanced at Chen Zheng and responded to the Three Saints.


  You Beihai is dead!

  Isn't the previous retreat closed?

Hearing this sentence, the people in the university palaces were all surprised, and the two major arrogances of Yingtian Xuegong, Kong Xinghe and Lu Qiankun, looked at each other, and they felt a moment of sorrow. It is no wonder that there has been no news of the visit of Brother Beihai. Now! Listening to the meaning of Master Duanmu, it seems that he still died in the hands of the mysterious young man. Fortunately, he didn't provoke this person, otherwise he will definitely be gone!

   "Yingtian Xuegong is known as the First Academy of Xuanhuang, Kong Sheng is the first saint today, the apprentice was killed, even the courage of revenge is gone!"

  Mo Sheng coldly said!

   "Everything complies with Confucian law."

  Duanmu responded with a deep complexion, apparently unexcited, he would not move without seeing the law, and the disciples of Yingtian Xuegong would not move.

"Humph!" Mo Sheng snorted coldly, his eyes moved again, and stared at the warship of the God Eye Family: "This time, the ancestor of the God Eye Family came this time. The God Eye Family is one of the oldest families in the Xuanhuang World. Does the realm protect this realm!"

   "All the family of God Eyes obey the decree of Chen Zu!"

   Xiang Hengtian ignored Mo Sheng, only worshipped Chen Zheng, the warship moved, and fell behind Chen Zheng, clearly showing his position.


  Chen Zu?

  The family of God Eyes actually stood in line with this young man!

In the Array of Locked Heavens, the people of all major roads stunned, the faces of the Three Saints sank, and at the next moment, the coming of the Beast Family, the Ice and Snow Shrine, and the Only Sword Sect were all moved, falling behind Chen Zheng. !

   "Every family of gods and beasts abide by the ancestors of Chen Zu!"

   "Only respect the Sword Sect all follow the ancestors of Chen Zu!"

   "Ice and Snow Shrine all obey the ancestors of Chen Zu!"

   Three sounds!

   Sounded in unison!

   are Shen Lian, the head of the Divine Beast family, Qin Rouge, the Holy Lady of Ice and Snow Palace, and Mo Jiu, the sole Sovereign of the Sword Sect!

   "Everything in the Southern Beginner's Palace complies with Chen Zu's law!"

  In the battlefield between the main roads, Shang Tianyang, with the people from the Palace of Southern Beginners, also fell behind Chen Zheng!


   The bitterness swallowed the Devil Buddha smile, and flew over, behind Chen Zheng! On the side of the Tianzi Academy, Gao Xianshu's ancestors did not move, and Jiang Jiang also fell behind Chen Zheng!

   "Master, we support you!"

   Jiang Zhixiao girl shouted at the back of Chen Zheng!

   "Shaolin's life was saved by Chen Zu, how could he betray Chen Zu."

   At this moment, a person also moved, and fell behind Chen Zheng, this person is Du Shaoling, in addition to Confucius and several sub-sacred, the only recognized monk who mastered the Taoist Word!

this moment!

   The three holy faces became extremely ugly!

The monks of the Daoist monks in the Array of the Heavens have also sunk at this moment, because apart from the three families of Meng, Mo, and Fa, their Daoist ancestry cannot be compared with those of the Divine Eye Family, the Ice and Snow Palace, and the Divine Beast Family. Not at all a level!

right now!

   The only thing you can count on is Array of Heaven!

   If there is no sky lock formation!

   The ancestors of the family of God Eyes are enough to kill them!


   This time!

   Mysterious light flashes!

   Two figures appeared!

   "Zhuang Sheng!"

   "Ancestor Qiankun!"

   As soon as these two figures appeared, they exclaimed in an instant, because the strongest Asian Saint Zhuang Sheng came, in addition to Zhuang Sheng, there was also an ancient ancestor of Qiankun. It is said that the mystery is extremely mysterious, and working together with Zhuang Sheng can fight saints!

   "Zhuang Sheng Qiankun Please enter the battlefield!"

  Mo Sheng groaned and opened his mouth to drink!

"Oh!" Zhuang Sheng did not respond. Qiankun ancestor chuckled, and his figure fell to Chen Zheng's side, followed by a faint sentence: "Laozi has been with Chen Zu for at least a hundred years. What are you, and I want to order Laozi !"


   Qiankun ancestor followed this young man!

  Amazing people from all the major lines in the battlefield!


   This time!

   Zhuang Sheng moved!

  Zhuang Sheng also fell on the side of Chen Zheng!

"Qingyunjie met Chen Zu. At that time, Chen Zucai was the first infant to cultivate. Now, at most one year has passed. Chen Zu is already a ninth-order Xuanxian, and his fighting power is terrifying. The ancestral practice for one year is really emotional."

   Zhuang Sheng sighed softly.


  Zhuang Sheng once met this young man!

  Zhuang Sheng also stood on the side of this young man!


That is why ah!

  The people in the main line of the sky lock are completely dumbfounded!

   "Hey! The plan has failed. The Array of Heaven cannot be improved. You three are angry!"

   It was also at this time that Jiang Zhixiao's eyes swept the Three Saints, hehe smiled and asked him, the three Saints' faces were instantly green!

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