Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1512: Mysterious fire world!

In front of Dalongyuan!


The abolished Three Saints were dumbfounded by the people who had locked the sky in the past, and the hands behind Chen Zheng who had seen Chen Zheng also froze for a moment, but they were not so dumb, but they were all silent!


too fast!

The ancestor Xuanhuang blew himself up!

The ancestor Xuanhuang swallowed the majestic mana deprived by the Battle of the Heavens, and his breath climbed to the extreme of the half-walk ancestor, and was wiped out!


This is too fast!

"Xuanhuang saint...I can't afford to look at myself too much. The mysterious world connected under the big dragon abyss, half of the trail ancestors want to go in one step, but it's just whimsical."

Chen Zheng casually flew into Dalong Yuan with Mo Xinhuaguang.


What... what is this?

San Sheng saw this scene for a moment, and looked at it at the moment, only a bitter smile.

"Ooooo, why won't the master take me in the future!"

Jiang Zhi froze for a moment, and then some grievances shouted that Gao Xianshu could only shake his head when he heard it.

"I don't know what kind of world is connected under Dalongyuan. The Xuanhuang Saints have been deployed for thousands of years, also for the mysterious world."

Xiang Yin whispered.

"Half-walking ancestors even went to death to death. I will stay outside and wait for Chen Zu to return."

Xiang Hengtian groaned.

"Sister and sister, are we also waiting for him outside?"

In addition to Qin Rouge, Su Mengxue and Qi Yun also came to the Ice and Snow Shrine. Qi Yun couldn't help but open the mouth. To be honest, she also wanted to go under Dalong Yuan to see what secrets are hidden in the world.

"Fire... let's wait."

Qin Yanzhi showed his thoughts and nodded gently.

"Unfortunately, we are too weak to qualify."

Wen Beast sighed.

"You just wait."

Ancestor Qiankun smiled.


Mr. Duanmu, Yingtian Xuegong opened his mouth, his face suddenly changed, and he took the man with Yingtian Xuegong away. The others glanced at it, guessing that Kong Sheng had responded, so the talent of Ying Tian Xue Gong hurried back.

"When Chen Zu returns from the connected world under Dalong Yuan, he should go to the Holy Beast Realm. I am still a little worried about the old gluttons."

On Shen Yue's shoulder, gluttonous little black said aloud.

Shen Yue didn't respond, looking at Dalong Yuanzhong at the moment, also wondering what kind of world Dalong Yuan is connected to.



This is not the wind!

This is a boiling flame!

All eyes are red!

Red is not blood!

Red is flame!

"A newcomer, a newcomer!"

"Foreign guys, it seems that both of them are Xuanxian! Wait a minute, why are they so weak, and wait a second, how can Xuanxian also be able to withstand the fire of the red lotus! These two guys are weird, and they don't seem to be ordinary people. !"

"Hee hee, that guy looked at me and must have been attracted by my beauty. I deserve to be the most beautiful one in the Fire Spirit!"

Among the flames, several fire spirits flickered with the flames, looking at Chen Zheng and Mo Xin. These fire spirits seem to be slap-sized, and their appearance is not much different from that of human women, but their bodies are almost exactly the same, as if they were specially selected or originally created according to a certain proportion.

"Hey, hello, are you Xuan Xian falling in love with me? Don't fall in love with me. It's dangerous to fall in love with me!"

The narcissistic fire spirit flew in front of Chen Zheng, smirked at Chen Zheng between the flashes, and flew away again.

"You are narcissistic."

Chen Zheng replied.

"Huh! What is narcissism, but I am the most beautiful fire spirit! You guys are not honest at all, obviously love me at first sight, and deliberately pretend not to care at all!"

The narcissistic fire spirit snorted.

Chen Zheng smiled and made a move, three figures appeared, it was Red Lotus, the Holy Rhinoceros Saint Lingying Song and the Spirit Rhinoceros Holy Tree Spirit.

"Master, what kind of world is this? Hey, who is this little girl, is the host newly recruited?"

As soon as Guren saw Chen Zheng, he immediately rubbed it up. He hugged Chen Zheng's arm for a while and looked at Mo Xin curiously.

"Chen Zu."

The song of the Holy Rhinoceros Holy Lady Ying Chen salutes Chen Zheng. At this moment, she is surrounded by green grass, blocking the roast of the fire of the red lotus.

"Here is...this is the mysterious fire world where I and Taishi went to the sky. I didn't expect that after so many years, the old has come to this mysterious fire world! Hmm? What are these creatures, this mysterious fire world? Isn’t that the only creature in it?"

The Spirit of the Holy Tree glanced at the moment, with a great deal of emotion. When he saw those flashing fire spirits, he was slightly surprised. He remembered very clearly that when he and Taishi God entered this mysterious world, there were no other creatures except the mysterious woman.

"Huh? You old man has come to this world? There is indeed a mark on your master. You are like us, but you are not so easy to see the master!" The narcissistic fire spirit swept away. Guren Yingge glanced at the Spirit of the Holy Tree with a look, and looked at it and said: "Now you want to see the master, you can only destroy the other eight teams that come in this time or push them back, otherwise you Not qualified to see the owner!"

"Eight teams...isn't Xuanhuang Great World Dalongyuan one entrance?"

The Spirit of the Holy Tree is stunned again.

"The host opened some more doors in order to do some experiments. You are all white mice! Wait a minute, you may not understand what the white mouse means, then the girl kindly explained it to you. The so-called white mouse can be understood as Spirit pet, spirit pet used for various tests! What do you mean by these two words, should you all understand?"

The narcissistic fire spirit raised his small head and said.


The spirit of the holy tree understands, but this world has changed too much with the world in his memory, and at this moment he could not help looking at Chen Zheng.

"This area is full of red lotus fire. Red lotus, you swallow them all."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


The narcissistic fire spirit raised a brow with several other fire spirits.

"it is good!"

Guren nodded and swallowed her mouth. All the fires in this area were swallowed by her instantly!


Less than three interest time!

Red lotus breath skyrocketing!

Behind the red lotus phantom emerged!

The ghost image of Red Lotus emerged!

In the distance, there was another red lotus fire!

All poured into Red Lotus!

"Master... Red Lotus seems to be a bit overwhelmed..."

After the red lotus, the red lotus phantom took a breath and also got touched her stomach.

"You... you swallowed the red lotus fire of the first day, and of course you will hold it! I really can't see it. Your girl was originally a red lotus body! There is this girl, Your team has a chance to meet the owner!"

固幺赽劽奇奇novel fiction|w~w~w.

The narcissistic fired for a moment, then hummed.




Almost at the same time!

Dozens of figures arrived in an instant!

All eyes stared at Chen Zheng and others indifferently!

"This is another team. Now that they are in line, let's directly divide life and death!"

The narcissistic fire spirit glanced, said casually, and retreated with several other fire spirits!

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