Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1514: Gensen Ganzou!

"She seems to be the body of Red Lotus"

Guren felt something and looked at the woman in the air whispering at the moment. The power of the red lotus in her body is crazy, there is a fear between the restlessness, and in addition to the fear there is a wave of dissatisfaction and unwillingness, as if to ask her to fight the woman.


Guren is very clear!

That woman can kill herself with just one thought!

This woman is more terrible than any creature she has seen before!

"I can't even devour this initial fire, and no one is qualified to see her." The woman swept the crowd with a faint smile, and paused for a few more glances as she swept the red lotus. It seemed that she saw through the red lotus' physique at a glance: This girl has a chance, but the body of the red lotus has not grown up, but there is only a little chance. Huh? How can you girl stand beside this Xuan Xian like a maidservant, this Xuan Xian?"

And when she looked at Chen Zheng, the beautiful face was slightly startled.

"Go back to God Phoenix Sky, although this son is a mysterious fairy, but the combat power is extraordinary. By the way, there is a master's slave next to this son, and this world should be learned through the mouth of that slave. The presence."

The narcissistic fire spirit quickly opened his mouth and said something.


"A Xuan Xian?"

"This kid is just Xuan Xian, how strong can the means be against the sky?"

The monks of the other seven teams also glanced over and looked at Chen Zheng. Their brows were slightly wrinkled, and the Taoist princes all showed displeasure. Because they know that the status of the mysterious woman who appeared is very unusual. Perhaps it is on the same level as the master of this mysterious fire world. If the boy of the Xuanxian Realm is selected by the mysterious woman, then he and others may have no chance.

"Shen Huang Tian, ​​no matter how strong Xuan Xian is, it is impossible to sustain a quarter of an hour in the initial fire. Since the fire spirit has changed the assessment rules before, I think the adults will certainly not change the rules at will, but still have to follow the rules. "

A Daozu thought, and bowed his head slightly to the woman.

But the woman did not respond. The woman looked at Chen Zheng at the moment, the brighter her eyes, the more she suddenly smiled at Chen Zheng: "There is a lack of plaything around this palace, you will stay with me as a plaything in the future, what day will you wait for this palace You're tired of it. Leave if you want to leave. This palace can guarantee that you can at least become a half-step leader when you leave this world."


There is no plaything around!


Is this **** phoenix naive to this mysterious fairyland kid?

The other seven teams heard this sentence, and their faces were all sinking, especially the few Taoist ancestors. Among the people who thought they came this time, only they were the most qualified to see the Lord of this world!


right now!

This mysterious woman actually accepted that mysterious fairyland kid!

"She doesn't have any special hobbies like toys or candles"

Beside Chen Zheng, Honglian blinked.

As for the Spirit of the Holy Tree and the Song of the Holy Rhinoceros Holy Lady, they are silent at the moment. To be honest, I really did not expect that this mysterious woman would suddenly say such a sentence that Chen Zu should be left beside him as a plaything and only after being bored. Will let Chen Zu leave.

Mo Xin was cold from start to finish, staring at the mysterious woman at the moment.

"You God Phoenix Sky seems to have fallen so badly."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and responded.


The narcissistic fire spirit frowned slightly, and quickly gave Chen Zheng a glance, meaning that this **** Huang Tiantian was a terrible creature he couldn't afford, and you guys had better not talk nonsense.

And the monks of the other seven teams heard it, and their eyes lighted up instantly. In the dark, the kid didn't have any respect for Divine Phoenix Sky. There seemed to be a hint of ridicule in his tone!

So good!

If this kid angered Divine Phoenix Sky!

Will definitely be obliterated!

"This palace is indeed in a state of decline. You seem to look down on this palace. Listening to your tone seems to know the origin of this palace, and knows that this palace has some disrespect for this palace. This palace is more and more interesting to you."

The woman looked at Chen Zhengshu again, and suddenly smiled mysteriously. Before everyone had recovered, the woman turned into a red awn, and suddenly fell into Chen Zhengmei's heart!


What does this mean!

Is this to forcibly take this Xuanxianjing kid as a plaything!

The other seven teams of monks froze for a while, and several Dao ancestors looked down again. What they wanted to see was that the Xuanxian boy angered God Huangtian, and then was ruthlessly wiped out, but God Huangtian seemed to be more and more interested in this boy!

A few Dao ancestors, is it not enough for a Xuan Xianjing kid to be fun!

"the host!"

Guren exclaimed!

Mo Xin, Yingge and Holy Tree Spirit are all staring at Chen Zheng now!

"How can Lord Huang Tian Tian be so active, is that kid really so fun?"

The narcissistic fire spirit showed doubts. Lord Huanghuang Tian came to this world only in the last thousand years. Although he does not know the specific origin, he can certainly come from the same place as the master, and he does not whisper the master.

In the past millennium, it is not that no other creatures have entered this world. There are some so-called arrogants of heaven, but Lord Huang Tian is too lazy to look at it. Today, when I saw that mysterious guy, I felt like I was posting it. ?



A red awn flew out of Chen Zhengmei's heart!

Chimang turned into a palace girl!

At the moment, his hair was distributed, and his clothes seemed to be a little messy, and he looked at Chen Zheng in a panic!


Everyone only glanced at it, and they were extremely shocked. In the short time just now, what happened to the two people's spirits, this should not be possible!

"You you you" woman stared at Chen Zheng and shouted several you, and took a deep breath at the next moment to calm herself down: "This palace is going to trade with you, this is a rare opportunity for thousands of years, this is also her waiting Opportunity! No wonder she said that she was waiting for someone, and it was you who was waiting! This palace is going to wake her up now, this palace can’t wait anymore!"


The voice has not completely dropped!

The woman turned into a red awn rising into the sky!


A few fire spirits, seven other team monks, Chen Lun and Mo Xin beside Chen Zheng, all looked at Chen Zheng with doubts at this moment.

Just now!

In the end what happened!

What is the deal that the mysterious woman said!

Why should the mysterious woman say can't wait!


All are fans!

"Then you can't do anything to Lord Huanghuangtian?"

The narcissistic fire spirit recovered and blinked at Chen Zheng for a while.

"Am I that kind of person?"

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

In fact, he didn't move from the beginning to the end. It was Shenhuangtian who had just forcibly entered his Yuanshen, and the little doll was uncomfortable. The two played in his Yuanshen, although this God Huangtian was very big and the peak state was strong. After making a little doll, but now the state is falling, and in his Yuanshen, he will have a tie with the little doll.

As for why the woman panicked, she saw the universe cantilever. As for the transaction mentioned by the woman, Chen Zheng has also guessed.

"I can't see the Lord of this realm, and you don't want to see the Lord of this realm!"


A Dao ancestor suddenly rose violently and rushed to the center of the red Daotai. He used the secret method to force the initial fire and squeezed the initial fire towards Chen Zheng!


The narcissistic fire spirit is ancestor suddenly broke the rules, but at this moment it can't resist the first fire, and can only watch the first fire blast toward Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and then swallowed the initial fire with a mouthful of mouth, lifted up in his right hand and grabbed the Dazu happily, and only heard a loud sound, the Dazu ancestor burst into blood mist on the spot!


What did you see!


What did this kid do!

The monks of the seven teams were instantly shocked!

At the moment there is a voice crying crazy in my heart!


Xuanxian killed Daozu!

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