Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1529: Ruthless and fierce!

Its owner!

   Isn't that the human race!

   So the Kirin clan found out that the clan was a reincarnation of an ancestor in the heaven, but in fact that clan was not that simple. The clan was the reincarnation of the souls of the first holy court who had never heard of it!


   seems to be the founder of the original Holy Court!

  This... this is too shocking!

  The patriarch of the Wan tribe speculated a lot of things in an instant, which was already shocked. At this moment, the body spirits were shocked! So, just now, Kirin made this first Holy Court reappear in the world, still so arrogant, and said that he would get no inheritance. In fact, the human race that Shi Kirin mocked was the reincarnation of the original Holy Court founder!

   lying trough!

   No wonder!

   No wonder Shi Qilin was bombarded as soon as he entered!

  Isn't this the flood that washed the Dragon King Temple!

   "Master... This little cold sister seems to know you?"

   beside Chen Zheng, Zhengyue looked at the blood-clad cold-faced woman curiously.

At almost the same time, the cold-faced woman in blood armor looked over and sighed after seeing Chen Zheng for a moment: "In the beginning, you buried the original Holy Court with your own hands, and we were all buried in the dust of history. This animal is today Using strange tools to make me wait for the world to reappear, I felt your breath as soon as I opened my eyes. I actually didn’t want to come out to meet you, even if everything I gave you was given."


  What does this mean?

   Could it be that there is a gap?

   Everyone showed doubt.

   "In the beginning of the Holy Court... I basically forgot all things about the First Age, how many heavy identities I have, how many apprentices I have received, and what I have done, I don’t remember."

  Chen Zheng opened his mouth, and at this moment his voice was somewhat ethereal.

  Blood armor cold face woman fell into silence.

   "The ancestor quickly urged the black axe, the black axe has great magical power, and can suppress the blood armor and this woman!"

   At this time, the old unicorn of the unicorn clan shouted at the dull beginning unicorn!

   "Yes! Black axe! I still have a black axe! This black axe is a deity in the gods, there is a black axe, I am not afraid of you, the so-called first holy court goddess!"

  The middle-aged man who was transformed by Kirin woke up and immediately urged the black axe to release the supernatural power. Only when the black axe was sacrificed, the cold-faced woman in the blood armor swept indifferently and then heard a clatter!

   The black axe shattered!


The face of the middle-aged man transformed by Shi Qilin fell into a dull moment, and this was also the dullness, his flesh disappeared, and suddenly he came back to God. Yuanshen wanted to ask for mercy, but it could not support the terrible invisible Divine prestige, just heard a clatter, and the Qilin Yuanshen shattered!


   completely dissipated!

   Deadly thorough!

   Nothing left!


The old unicorns of the Qilin clan had their legs softened and knelt down on the ground. At this moment, they looked at the cold-faced woman in blood armor, and seemed to want to say something. However, the cold-faced woman in blood armor only swept indifferently. Old Qilin was good, The rest of the unicorns, including the blood unicorns on the ground, are all wiped out!


   This is completely obliterated!


   Ten thousand patriarchs!

  Xingcha on Shen Yue several people!

  Cheng Yue next to Chen Zheng!

   This moment is very chilling!

   It's so cold!

   Very ruthless!

very scary!

   One shot is to kill!

   This blood armor cold face woman means really cruel!

The cold-faced woman in the blood armor wiped off the Qilin clan, her eyes fell on Chen Zheng's face again, and she shook her head after a long silence, and then said in a tone like seeing through everything: "You should not remember my name either Yes, my name is Zhuoxi, and the world calls me Goddess Zhuoxi. I said that everything I gave was given by you, including the name."


  The sound of the words fell!

  Blood armor cold face woman's figure becomes transparent and void!

   The other blood armor guards are now transparent and void!


   A flash of fairy light!

   The vast Scarlet Palace disappeared!


  The world changes instantly!

   Ten Thousand Beast Ancestor Mountain is back!

  The world where the ten thousand patriarchs are familiar is also back!

  Here is the sacred beast world of thousands of beasts!


  The Kirin family is gone!

  Originally, the Kirin clan occupied the Ten Thousand Beast Ancestral Mountain and regarded it as the new ancestral land, but at this moment, they could not feel any breath of the Kirin Clan! If it weren't for the cracked black axe on the ground, and the **** town monument in front of the Ten Thousand Beast Ancestral Mountain still exists, the heads of all the tribes thought that they had just had a dream, a really incomparable dream!

of course!

   At this moment, many people still feel that everything they have seen is fantastic!

   "Is the Holy Court still alive in the first place?"

   "Did you just regenerate the souls of a broken age?"

   "The black axe shattered and the supernatural power disappeared, so did the woman and the original Holy Court disappear?"

"Another point, in the end she is the creature of the realm, with a look that broke the black axe, obliterated the Shi Qilin, and the Qilin clan! This is also the Dao Zu, but if she is the Dao Zu, why doesn't Tian Dao appear? Expulsion!"

   "Tian Dao... I feel that Tian Dao would not dare to provoke her!"

   Various sounds!

   Soon everyone thought again, and his eyes moved, all looking towards Chen Zheng, his eyes were shocked again!

   It turns out!

   This human race is the real power!

  What started Kirin!

   The foot is completely incomparable to this human race!

  The gluttonous family is really shit!

   actually has a relationship with such a reincarnated power!

   "Which... can I see this sister in the future?"

   Zhengyue girl blinked.


  Chen Zheng replied, the seven colors of light flashed out of his eyebrows, and the black axe fragments were swept away. He lifted his right hand and grabbed the blood-colored town monument, which was also collected by him.

"Your Mightiness......"


   "Predecessors of the Holy Beast Realm will be the people who talk!"

  The patriarch of the Wan tribe saw Chen Zheng looking at Wan Beast Zu Mountain, some eyes lit up, and shouted at Chen Zheng for a worship!

However, Chen Zheng just smiled a little, and turned into a streamer, and entered the Mountain of Ten Beasts. The girl of Zhengyue hurriedly followed up, and the stars were on Shen Yue. Several people hadn’t recovered Also sent into the mountain of thousands of beasts.

"what should we do?"

   asked the head of the God Beast.

   "What can I do, I wait in the eyes of that human race, it is no different from the ants. I will either continue to kneel or go back to each house."

  The patriarch shook his head and sighed.

"A thousand beasts and ancestors...The Qilin family has been wiped out, and there should be no war. To be honest, I thought there would be a terrifying battle, but I didn’t expect the woman to kill Shi Qilin and her face alone. The Qilin family, that kind of creature is really terrifying. She wants to destroy all our families, I am afraid it is a matter of thought."

   There is also a patriarch who sighs.


   The sigh has not fallen!

   There was a loud noise in the world of Ten Thousand Beasts!


next moment!

   Another horror beast came out!


   The Patriarch of the Ten Thousand Tribes stared towards the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts!

   This stare!

   instantly dumbfounded!

   "Then... is that the legendary ancestor of all beasts?"

   "No... isn't it?"

   "Whether or not the ancestor of the beast, you can be sure that it is being beaten!"

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