Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1540: Cloud world promotion!


   The light from the sky doomed away!

   The female body in the air was shocked, and the dull pupils were flowing at the moment, and her eyes swept the upper and lower feathers. The upper and lower feathers only felt that they were seen through in an instant. There is no secret!

   "Princess Yushuang..."

   Xu Changsheng shouted.

   "Holy Spirit..."

   The woman looked over and said two words slightly.

"It's really Her Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness is back, Her Royal Highness remembers the past! Her Royal Highness, Chen Zu saved you, and Chen Zu is also the master of the Honghuang Collection received by His Highness, that is, the Holy Master! Princess Your Highness, Chen Zu is the holy teacher you mentioned today!"

   The virtual longevity is very excited.

"Chen Zu...Sage..." The woman listened, and then stunned slightly. She looked at Chen Zheng with just one glance, and looked at Chen Zheng with respect. Xuyushuang met with the holy master, and at that time, Yushuang had the chance to obtain the Honghuang Collection written by the holy teacher, and cultivated the "Tiantian Lu" in the Honghuang Collection, so that he could help the father of Yushuang build the holy court, and then make the Xiantian immortal The promotion of the dynasty to the celestial holy pilgrimage!"

   "Get up."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


  The woman responded, but she still respectfully worshipped her for three weeks before she got up.

   "I know that your physique is extraordinary, and the natural power is extremely simple. It is not difficult for you to return this cloud world to the world."

  Chen Zheng smiled.

"Let this world return to the world of thousands... This world should be degraded from a world of thousands, and it has the heritage of the world of thousands, and Yushuang has the ability to really upgrade the things between heaven and earth. This is not the case. Difficult. If the priest wants to see the promotion of this world at this moment, Yushuang will cast a spell now."

  Xu Yushuang thought for a moment, then nodded.


   Is this really coming?

  Do you really want Yunjie to be promoted to the big world?

The Yu clan was shocked, and there were many expectations in the surprise, because when the Yu clan was at its peak, it could actually be comparable to the top ancestors in other big thousand worlds, but later because the Yunzu fell, the cloud world degraded into the middle thousand world. Although Emperor Yu is still the master of the cloud realm, compared with the peak period, it is not a level!

"let's start."

  Chen Zheng smiled.


   Xu Yushuang responded again, and then his expression suddenly cleared, and his eyes closed suddenly, a divine pattern appeared at the center of his eyebrow, a divine pattern flashed at the next moment, a divine light soared into the sky and hit the sky dome directly!


   This moment!

   The cloud world is shocked!



   Above the sky!

   The dazzling light burst!




   This is not as simple as the cloud realm shock, but in the cloud realm, all the creatures perceive it, that is, the cloud realm is flying towards the sky dome, towards the bright divine light!

   This scene is like soaring!

   "It's getting bigger, the cloud world is getting bigger!"

   "We are flying into the sky, the whole cloud world is flying into the sky!"

   "The power of the fairy is skyrocketing, this... this is also amazing, how could it be so amazing!"


   More than up and down!

  It's the world!

   "My cultivation base is growing..."

   Feng Fei's eyes flashed with surprise. She was the feather emperor and the master of the cloud realm. At the moment, as the cloud realm was upgraded, her cultivation practice also increased, and I felt that it was so unreal!

   Wouldn't it be too easy to improve this practice!

"At the very beginning of the promotion of the Xiantian fairy dynasty as a holy pilgrimage, it was also the power of Her Royal Highness, and she survived the final robbery, otherwise the Xiantian fairy dynasty could not have been promoted to a sacred dynasty! It's the same as this, of course, this kind of power will be born when Her Royal Highness Princess practises the supplementary records of the ancient books written by Chen Zu!"

The eyes of the imaginary longevity gave birth to light, and at this moment he thought of one thing, that is, if Her Royal Highness not only helped the Yu clan to promote the Cloud Realm to the Thousand Worlds, but also helped the Emperor Yu to build the Holy Court, not only the Emperor Yu can get benefits, but also Her Royal Highness benefit!

of course!

   The most crucial point!

   This is repaying Chen Zu!

Even though Chen Zu now only has Xuan Xian Xiu Wei, Chen Zu's Xuan Xian Xiu's combat power is already comparable to that of Dao Zu. If Chen Zu Xiu recovers for all, then... even if the Xu Tian Sheng was erased at that time Horrible creatures, I am afraid they are not Chen Zu's opponents!

and so!

   As long as Princess Yushuang can be recognized by Chen Zu!

   Then Princess Yushuang no longer needs to worry about being chased or planned by that terrible creature!

  As long as Her Royal Highness is safe!

   Then everything is good!


  The cloud world is another shock!


   At this moment, the creatures in the cloud realm only felt like they had broken through an invisible enchantment, as if their eyes were widened ten times and one hundred times, they were all stunned! When this world student was inspired to realize that the power of the fairy spirit was more than ten times thicker than before, one by one showed ecstasy, no matter what happened in the cloud world, you can be sure that it is definitely a good thing!

  Because you can now take a breath of fairy power, it is comparable to the power of fairy spirits that used to **** ten mouths!

Above the cloud city of Yuzhong, Xu Yushuang's closed eyes opened at this moment, and the divine pattern at the center of his eyebrows was hidden in the Yuanshen. At this moment, he said to Chen Zhengyi: "Fortunately, it's not humiliating, Yunjie's upgrade has been completed, only jade Frost was resurrected, and mana wasted so much. I'm afraid I can't help guard the cloud world.

   Keep guard?

  Why keep guard?

  The feathers of the Yu clan showed up and down, and the next moment they all understood, and the promotion of a Zhongqian world to a Daqian world will surely attract prying eyes from other Daqian worlds or even Daqian world!


   The princes of all the great worlds may send people to investigate the situation!

  If it is discovered that this world has not yet been born a Then those Taoist unifications will definitely send tyrannical monks into the cloud world to compete for the chance of sanctification! Now in the cloud world, the heavenly sacred position is vacant!


   A high-level clan looked toward Feng Fei.

"The rest of the monks in the world of the Thousand Worlds have only one purpose to come to the cloud world, that is, they are competing for the destiny of luck and heavenly sacred place." At this time, Xu Yushuang's eyes moved, and he also looked at Feng Fei: "While other monks in the world of the Thousand Worlds have not yet When it comes, the Emperor Yu can take away the fate of fate first."





   She said it just now!

   Above the sky!

   Suddenly split a hole!

   I saw a dark warship bursting into the cloud realm!


   "Which world is this from?"

   "Weird Yinxie, is this the evil repair of the Buddhism gate of the world of Butoo?"

The feathers are all sinking in color, staring at the dark warship. If it is just an ordinary warship, it will not be so vigilant, but this dark warship is very strange, there is something that can not be said. feel!

   They are above the sky dome. At the moment, they are visible to the naked eye, but they can be explored by the Yuanshen, but they are as if they are air, as if they are just some kind of projection, not the body coming!

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