Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1551: Youdu Leihai

"Then... that forbidden device..."

It took a long time for the Jiang family head to be stunned and looked at Chen Zheng blankly.

"Let's go back first." Chen Zheng said casually, glanced at the huge phantom goddess standing in the fairy city, and smiled faintly: "Since the goddess has not returned, then go to Youdulei first Walk around the sea, Jiang Hua, please follow me."

"it is good!"

Jiang Hua's focus!


Fairy light flashes!

The two spun out of the Jiang family!

"This...I...this...what is the situation...what is the son...who was that little girl just now? God's favorite......."

In the backyard, only the whisper of the Jiang family head remained.

At the same time, in the city's main palace, listen to Yu Gongzi looking out of the city: "This is going to... The direction seems to be the direction of Youdu Leihai. Do you want to go to Youdu Leihai, Youdulei? Hai Ke is not that simple. The Shijia family is only ranked in the Lei Hai You You. The family with real heritage can not be seen by ordinary people. Even if the family’s heritage is not as good as that of the northern temple, it is almost the same. How much. I have come to wonder more about your identity. Generally, foreign monks come to our world, they are carefully clandestine, and they will escape into the second home market every half a month to avoid the search of the temple. You don’t seem to care at all."

Speaking of which!

Listening to Yugong suddenly stunned!

"Master has returned to me...Master has asked me to invite you to Cangqing Xiancheng!"

Then there was a surprise!

"It seems that I can only follow you to Leihai, you are the master, and I don't even give the face of the temple's mighty power, but let me invite you to Cangqing Xiancheng. Are you really a reincarnated master?"

With a whisper, Yuzi also disappeared silently.




Thunder and lightning!

Between thunderclouds!

There seems to be a huge thunder dragon looming!

This whole sea area was almost enveloped by thundercloud, and at a glance, the end was invisible!

"Yudu Leihai, the strong race is eligible to occupy a place in it."

Jiang Hua looked at the huge thunder sea in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a little bit. Jiang's family is still a bit of a status in Yingxian Xiancheng. However, in this quiet capital of Leihai, Jiang's family has no place at all. Not to mention the Jiang family, in addition to top-level Taoism, other denominational families, etc. in this world, Lei Hai has no status at all.

"I don't know much about Youdu Leihai. I just heard something. The Lei family should not be the real master of Youdu Leihai. The real master is a mysterious family."

Jiang Hua thought of something, and now said softly.


This is also the time!

A warship came across!

"This is... the Qingyue ancient ship in the Cangqing Fairy City, this is the warship of the Qingyue Shenjia. Although the Qingyue Shenjia is not a top-level tradition, it is much stronger than the Mingxian Mansion."

Jiang Hua frowned slightly, and secretly sent a message to Chen Zheng.

"A female Daojun and a male Xuanxian, are you both mentors and apprentices? But they don't look like mentors and apprentices, are you escorts? But this sister seems to be a perfect person, so neither of you should be a Taoist Lu." On the Qingyue ancient ship, a young man glanced at the capital Leihai in front of him, and then glanced at it, his mouth was extremely frivolous. After saying a few words, he looked at Jiang Hua several times, and then The twinkling eyes flashed in his eyes, staring at Jiang Hua: "This sister is going to Leihai Youyu. This time, the younger brother is going to Leihai Yuyou. If the sister doesn't want to abandon, you can go to the young ship of Qingyue. After the younger brother Qingyue God taught Wu Qianjun, the two should guess the younger brother's identity."

"Blue Moon God Son..."

Jiang Hua showed a look of surprise.

"Haha!" The young man saw this shock, and opened his mouth with a loud laugh. At this moment, he didn't hide his pride. After a moment, he smiled faintly: "What is Qingyue Divine Son, that is just the one that the leader gave me. The title is no more. At the age of fifteen, I was at the top of Dao Junxiu, and I was not qualified to be a real son of Qingyue. So my sister does not have to be stern, just treat me as a cute little brother."

Jiang Huan said nothing.

"Sister is going to sit on the younger brother's ancient boat, this time the younger brother is visiting the ancient family in the Leihai of Youdu on behalf of the Qingyue gods, sister..."

When the young man saw Jiang Hua not responding, he thought that Jiang Wei was scared by his identity. At this moment, he smiled and spoke again, but only halfway through his words, his brow suddenly wrinkled, because there were two huge warships in the thunderous sea of ​​Youdu. Made it out.


"Ancient house!"

There was a middle-aged man next to the young man. The middle-aged man saw the two huge warships, and his look changed slightly!

"Jiang's girl? Huh! You dare to come to Youdu Leihai!"

On the Shijia warship, a strong man swept over here. When he saw Jiang Hua, a face instantly became unbearable!

"This girl is from the Jiang Family of Yingxian City? Shi Qianjue died in the Yingxian City, right? This time, the ancient Shijia teamed up to go to Yingxian Xiancheng to find out the truth. , So your girl is here to beg for mercy?"

On the ancient warship, a man in a white robe swept over and smiled lightly.

"Um? Sister turned out to be the person who confuses the Jiang family in Xiancheng? The younger brother in the Jiang family in Xingcheng actually told the grandfather that the older sister Jiang seems to be in trouble. The younger ship in Qingyue can protect Sister Jiang. The younger brother has a small wish , That is to hope to become a companion with Sister Jiang."

On the Qingyue ancient ship, the young man's thoughts moved, and then he said just one sentence.



Ancient home!

The monks on the two warships stared at the young man!

Jiang Jiang's face is cold!

"Ancient Moon Boat?"

"A person who teaches Qingyue?"

The people of Leijia's ancient family have a frown, and they seem to be afraid.

"My name is Wu Qianjun, my grandfather is the leader of the Qingyue **** Wu Jiuzhan, and this time he is ordered by the grandfather of the leader to visit the family of Leihai in Youdu."

The young man nodded lightly, and there was a sense of pride in the invisible.


The Shijia strong man and the man in the ancient white robe hummed in unison!

The young man saw it and showed his pride, and seemed to enjoy the feeling of being in control of everything at this moment. He only reported his identity. This person from the Lei family and the ancient family did not dare to move, and the sister Jiang also immediately Want to give it a hug! These guys don't even know that Sister Jiang's physique is special. If he can become a fellow with him, then his physique can go further, and it is still the most critical step!

and so!

no matter what!

Also get this sister Jiang!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the induction between two special constitutions!

Today is my chance!

This is called Tianzhu!

The young man smiled secretly!

"While Mao didn't grow up, I thought about finding a you do it, kid."

At this moment, Chen Zheng opened his mouth, smiled slightly, and smiled softly.


Almost all eyes are on!

The small face of the young man on the Qingyue ancient ship also became cold!

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