Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1558: Thunder Pond

What happened?

Why did the lady explode!

Madam said just now that the secret method of the previous life was used to explore the young man!

Why suddenly screamed and exploded Yuanshen!

Could it be... this young man really has a long life!

But why did Xuan Xianxiu, the talent of longevity!

The Fu family was surprised and upset!


Fu Qifeng, the master of the Fu family, opened his mouth and was silent at this moment. Although the woman was nominally her wife, in fact he was only equivalent to that woman's chess piece! He, the Fujia head, can be abandoned at any time, just like before! Although feeling a little emotional, but this moment he is more relief!

"Your Mightiness......"

Fu Xuanlong, the ancestor of the Fu family, also opened his mouth, but he only shouted two words.


In the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, the source beast like a pug is now shaking and whizzing for a while, and it is already completely crawling on the ground.

"I came to Youdu Leihai, not to destroy your Fujia, I have no injustice with you Fujia. This girl is the body of the tenth good man, very suitable for me to be an old man as a disciple, waiting for Youdu Leihaizang After the secret was released, I asked someone to send this girl to my old friend."

Chen Zheng's eyes swept the Fu family.

"Everything follows... the arrangement of the son!"

Fu Xuanlong quickly responded, originally wanted to call the senior, but felt a little strange, so he called a son. As for the other Fujia children, their heads were all drooping at this moment, and all were silent.


They are very curious!

Does this mysterious son have a real longevity?

However, curiosity is curiosity!

They dare not ask!

The scene where my wife exploded the Yuanshen was just too weird!



A Fuhan Shenzhou sailed out of the Fujiazu land, ripped open the endless thundercloud, and plundered towards the deepest part of Youdu Leihai.

After half an hour.

"In front is the Great Leaping Pool."

On Fu Han Shenzhou, Fu Xuanlong stared at the front and lowered his voice.


Jiang Li, the girl in purple clothes, Fu Qingqing, and the pug-like Thunder Source Beast only looked at it, and instantly stayed like a wooden chicken, because the view in front is too terrible, Thunder Avenue is like a substance, that is black to purple God Lei, only one glance makes the soul tremble!

"Ten Thunder Dragon, don't you show up yet?"

Chen had no fluctuations in front, shouting casually at the top.



A dragon roar responded!

I saw a terrifying thunder dragon falling from the thunder cloud above!

Ten Thunder Dragon!

Not an avatar!

This is its deity!

"Ten Thunder Dragon!"

Fu Xuanlong raised a brow!

"Fu old monster!" Wancao Leilong stared at Fu Xuanlong, and the huge longan stared at Chen Zheng again: "Boy, kid, you swallowed this seat's avatar, this account book can be remembered clearly! Your kid thought that by cooperating with Mr. Fu, you would be able to enter the big annihilation mine pool, and you can unlock the secret of the big annihilation mine pool! Huh! This is not the same as not having joined forces with Mr. Fu. There was a vision in the Lightning Pool, which was at least ten times more terrible than before, so you kid is really unlucky, it’s not the right time! Haha! Hahaha!"


Chen Zheng shook his head gently.



What a pity?

Several people were shocked, did the son give up?

"Haha! You guys know it's a pity, don't you think that your kid has self-knowledge, and since I know it's a pity, I won't leave now!"

Ten Thousands Thunder Dragon laughed wildly.

"It's a pity that it's only ten times stronger. It would be better if it were one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times.

Chen Zheng shook his head gently again.


Several people on Fu Han Shenzhou's eyes widened when they heard it, and at the moment they understood what Chen Zheng said unfortunately but what they meant.

"Your kid!" Thunder Dragon stunned for a while, and then sneered disdainfully: "Your kid is still pretending to be like, the big annihilation Leichi is ten times stronger than before, and this seat can't even enter the outermost circle, if it is a hundred times stronger Even if the Dao ancestors are coming, I am afraid that they will be blocked in the outermost circle! As for being thousands of times stronger, not to mention Youdu Leihai, that is, this world has to be crushed into nothingness by the Thunder Pond! Who wouldn't **** brag, don't you just talk about it, you guys have grown into the Thunder Pond, and some kind of take that thing out today!"


The voice of the Thunder Dragon in Ten Thousand Tribulation has just fallen!

Chen Zheng stepped out in one step!

Instantly appeared in front of the Great Destroyed Thunder Pond!


The power of Thunder Avenue, which is like the substance of the Thunder Chi, has become extremely violent, and the power of the Avenue is a flurry towards Chen Zheng. It seems to be swallowing Chen Zheng!

"be careful!"

Fu Qingqing's small face changed and could not help exclaiming!

"Haha! You can find yourself dead, no wonder no one else, but you can die in front of the Great Leaping Pool, your boy is worth it in his life!"

Thousand robbery thunder dragon grinning!


next moment!

Chen Zheng opened his mouth and swallowed at the majestic and terrifying Great Destroyed Leichi, just in a flash, the Great Destroyed Leichi disappeared!



It completely disappeared!


Ten Thunder Dragon!

A few people in Jiang Han on Fuhan Shenzhou!



Where is the Great Destroyed Leichi!

Was the Great Destroyed Lei Chi swallowed by his son?

"It's a pity." Chen Zheng shook his head gently between several people's dullness. His right hand lifted up, and a thunder ball appeared in the palm of his hand. The thunder ball didn't seem to be big, but the power of the thundering thunder Avenue was the same as before. The power of Thunder Avenue is as terrible as Lightning Pool!


Thousands of thunder dragons opened their mouths, their throats stirred abruptly, and the huge dragon head snapped back, then their eyes moved, staring at the stone temple that was exposed after the disappearance of the Thunder Pond, and his eyes lit up, and a biting dragon After sweeping the tail, the stone temple was wrapped up, and the stone temple was forced to roll away!



No need to be shot by Chen Zheng!

The stone temple was a flash of lightning!


Immediately afterwards, I heard how the Thunder Dragon thundered, the Thunder Dragon's body twitched wildly in the air. The Thunder Dragon's body was long, and after a few convulsions, it shrank to a hundred feet!

It looks miserable!


On Fu Han's boat, Jiang Hua several people frowned, especially Fu Xuanlong. He waited for so many years, just to wait for this day, but at this moment, when the things hidden in the Thunder Pond appeared in the world, he only found that he was not at all. Inability to touch that thing!

"I don't believe me!"


The Thunder Dragon, which had been reduced to a hundred feet, once again rushed to the stone temple!



Only touched that stone temple this time!

Thousands of Thunder Dragon exploded on the spot!

The flesh exploded into nothingness!

Yuanshen is fragmented!

It can be said to be extremely tragic!


Jiang Li, Fu Qingqing, Thunder Source Beast, Fu Completely silent! Thousands of Thunder Dragon is not an incarnation but an ontology, but after touching the stone temple twice, the flesh is gone, leaving only the broken and broken god, and almost how much away from the fall!

Among the stone temples!

What is hiding in the end!

The stone temple is so scary!

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