Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1561: Ask for trouble!

"Yudu Leihai... seems not so terrible..."

On a cliff, listen to Yu Gong's brows slightly. He followed Yudu Leihai, but he didn't really enter Yudu Leihai. He waited for Chen Zheng to come out on the land. Before people waited, he felt the change of Yudu Leihai.

"Is it related to that one... Master asked me to invite that person to Cangqing Xiancheng, I don't know when that person will come out. Um? What is the situation... The visitor came to Ying Xiancheng and forcibly took Jiang, the owner of Jiang's family, upstairs...Why didn't my father stop it? Alas... Master such a powerful character, I should ask him to go Cangqing Xiancheng, this time his father could have formed a good relationship with that one. He missed this opportunity in vain."

Listening to Yugong's face suddenly changed, he heard the news from Yingxian Xiancheng and couldn't help sighing.


This is also the time!

Youdu Leihai!

Two figures emerged!


The person who had to wait for him came out from the sea of ​​Youdu Leihai!

Listening to Master Yu, he glanced up, and immediately greeted him: "This son, Xiao listens to the order of Master Cangqing Ancient Immortal, please invite you to visit Cangqing Immortal City! Enchanting Xiancheng, and taking Jiang Jiang’s father, who is the head of the Jiang family, so..."

"My father..."

Jiang Hua's face sank.

"Chopping the grass doesn't remove the roots, the spring wind blows and regenerates. I gave Mingxian Palace a way to live, and he jumped out on his own initiative, then it's no wonder that I was."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and Xianguang flashed away with Jiang Hua.

"Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, the spring wind blows again...Ah? Your Excellency wait for me!"

Listening to Yugong froze for a moment, Chen Zheng disappeared when he recovered, and he quickly shouted and turned away.


Cloudy quiet mountain.

Mingxian Mansion.

At the moment the patriarch's hall.

"Humph!" The Master of Immortal Mansion snorted and released the Jiang family ancestral magic weapon. He looked at him and stared at the Jiang family head who was imprisoned with mana: "This seat is waiting for your daughter. It is waiting for your daughter. And the boy came, the boy was a mysterious fairy, killing me to the right and left, and killing the mythical beast, the dragon of the dragon, the boy would definitely be able to unlock the seal of this magical instrument. After unlocking the seal, It’s not too late for you to kill you and that kid."


The voice just fell!

Turbid Mountain is a shock!

"A Xuanxian!"

"Xuanxian young man? It's him! It must be the young man who fascinated Xiancheng!"

"Let him enter the patriarch's hall!"

next moment!

A cry of exclamation sounded!



The gate of the patriarch's hall was opened!

Two figures fell in front of the gate of the patriarch!


The owner of the Jiang family looked at it and yelled in succession. They were Chen Zheng and Jiang Li.

"You just killed me and the enemies of the Mingxian Mansion and also killed the boy of the Mingdeng Dragon? Huh! The seat is waiting for you!" The Master of the Xianxian Mansion ignored Jiang Jiang directly and stared at Chen Zheng indifferently. The right hand lifted and pinched a tactic, only to see You Mang flash, the Sect Master's Hall became more isolated from the outside world.


The breath of the Lord of the Immortal Mansion is climbing wildly!

Suddenly there was an ancestor-level breath!

And its flesh flickered!

At this moment it turned into a kind of nothingness!

"This seat knows that you have extraordinary means, but in this patriarch hall of the Immortal Mansion, even if a saint comes, don't want to easily kill this seat! This seat may not be able to kill you, but you want to kill this Jiang family owner and Jiang family. Little girl is just a matter of thought!" The nihilistic master of the Immortal Mansion, staring at Chen Zhengyinxie, smiled: "I didn't want to tear my face, and I wouldn't go to the fairy city to catch people, but why do you kid kill The dark lantern is about to be used! This seat is not nonsense. This seat knows that you can unlock the seal of the Jiang family ancestor. You will unlock this seal and let the three of you leave!"

"Really unlock the seal of this thing?"

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"This seat does not hesitate to tear the face with the main palace of the fascinating city, just to get this magical instrument. They have come to this step. Can they be sent back to the Jiang family without unlocking the seal?"

The master of Xingxianfu cold drink.

"No regrets?"

Chen Zheng asked again with a smile.

"Sorry? In our piece of land, there are three pieces of gods, two of which are in Yingxian Xiancheng, one of them is hidden by the city mansion, and one is from the Jiang family! The Jiang family ancestor also had a powerful monk, and now it is in decline. If you can’t keep the magic weapon, then you should give it away! Of course, you don’t know about the magic weapon before. This is the secret revealed to you by the Emperor Xuan Emperor Tiangong Shaojiong. The magic weapon is more valuable than the sage. Even more mysterious, the God of Heaven has hidden the supreme mystery of the promotion of Taoist ancestors, do you think this seat will regret it and give up!"

The lord of Mingxian House sneered.

"The magic weapon of the gods of heaven...the mystery of the supreme ancestor of the Dao ancestor... If the magic weapon of the gods is so powerful, why the Xuan Emperor Tiangong Shaojiong Master will take the initiative to reveal it to you, instead of going to the Jiang family to take the Shang God What about the device?"

Chen Zheng asked with a light smile.

"Huh?" The Master of the Immortal Mansion raised an eyebrow, and then sneered: "Do you really think this is the problem? Lord Xuan Emperor Tiangong Shao Gong has long possessed the magic weapon, and one person can only have one It’s a magic weapon. The reason why the young palace master revealed this news to me is that he wanted me to help him get this magic weapon, so he could give it to the beautiful witch in the city of Liuyufu! He just wanted me to give him As a dog, why should I treat him as a dog, as long as I have the magic weapon, wouldn’t I be afraid of him! This seat has long been thoughtful, do you think that this seat can’t think of it, kid, you can’t hold this seat!"

"Then you are really clever. In this case, I will unlock the seal of this thing."

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and brushed at the dangling stone dagger at random. Several people in the temple instantly felt that something was broken in the stone dagger, and at the next moment, a cold force was released from the stone dagger. .


In an instant!

The interior of the patriarch hall of the Immortal Mansion was frozen!

"Haha! The terrible power of the avenue is worthy of the weapon of God. With this thing, this seat will definitely become the ancestor!"

The lord of Xingxian Mansion was ecstatic, raising his hand to the stone dagger was a scratch, but only grabbed an empty space!


The Master of the Immortal Mansion was stunned for a moment. It was also this stunned god. The stone dagger directly cut the patriarch's hall. The pavilion's hall shattered like ice crystals. Then a strange scene appeared, and the entire turbid mountain was frozen. Bingjing, the rest of the monks in Mingxian Mansion on the Cloudy Mountain, the ice sculpture was frozen at this moment!





A crackling sound sounded!

The rest of the monks under the patriarch's hall!

Those monks who were frozen into ice sculptures!

Instantly shattered into powder!


Jiang Hua and the Jiang family heads are in shock!


The Master of the Immortal Mansion is staring at Chen Zheng!

"Do you regret it? Unfortunately, it's too late to regret That thing is a forbidden device. When the forbidden device is unsealed, you must drink blood. Up and down in the Immortal Mansion is equivalent to being sacrificed. I have reminded you before After so many times, you just don’t believe it."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


The Lord of the Immortal Mansion is in extreme disbelief and unwillingness!

The flesh spirits are all destroyed in a breath!

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