Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1566: Because this is the murderer ancestor!

Wu Jiu Zen!

The leader of the Qingyue **** generation!

It ended so much!

Jiang Li was very moved.

"You!" Hanging figure froze for a moment, took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zheng: "It is still that sentence, my father is willing to sacrifice himself for the Qingyue gods! I admit that you are against the sky, ready You can break through the **** formation, and you can take my father from the dungeon, but you are not saving my father, you will only harm him! The temple in the north is the ancestor of the god. , In that world, that Heavenly Sovereign is the supreme being, do you understand!"


Chen Zhengdu was too lazy to respond to the dangling figure, and pointed at Wu Jiuzhan, who was imprisoned by chains. The thick chains instantly shattered, and then he shone a pale green light into Wu Jiuzhan. Wu Jiuzhan was like dead wood. The general flesh bursts into vitality instantly!


Fairy Masterpiece!

God light flows!

Wu Jiuzen was abolished to return!


"Master Lord...recovered!"

"This...this is too fast!"

On the top of the green mountain, the Qingyue **** monks saw this scene and were dumbfounded! The mysterious Xuanxian broke the gods array just now, which is already amazing. At this moment, this Xuanxian allows the headmaster to restore and repair. This method is even more incredible!


The most critical point!

This child doesn't seem to care about the northern temple at all!

This guy!

Who the **** is this guy!

"Open your eyes!"

"Master Lord woke up!"

"Master Bishop... this... there are now two Master Bishops..."

Wu Jiuzhan opened his eyes, then froze for a moment, then raised his eyebrows, and then moved his gaze to Chen Zheng, which was stunned again, and then he was silent!


What happened?

The leader does not seem to know this young man!

"Sure enough!" Seeing this scene from the hanging figure, his face was extremely gloomy: "My father didn't know you at all. You came to our Qingyue deity today. You made this out deliberately. The shackles on my body deliberately restore my father's cultivation, so as to provoke the northern temple! This is not to save us the Blue Moon Church, this is to hurt us, the Green Moon Church, your mind is really poisonous!"


"Is that true!"

"This is hurting us!"

The Qingyue **** monks heard it, and their expressions changed one by one!

"Father, it is not that the son is not filial and does not save the father, but the son knows that the father is devoted to saving the gods! Now this son has broken his father’s plan and is going to be trapped in a dire situation. If the elders of the northern temple come to ask questions, the gods may be true. It’s going to be destroyed! So father, there is only one way now, that is to ask his father to cast ancient immortals, burn the power of the source to forcibly seal this son, and then ask the elders of the northern temple to blame, and only then can the gods have a life! "

The eyes of the hanging figure moved, shouting at Wu Jiuzhan!



Only a slap in response to him!

Wu Jiuzhan slaps his hands!

This slap is so crisp!

This slap stunned the figure in the air!

This slap also stunned the rest of the monks of Qingyue God!

"Let's not say that Wu Jiuzhan recognizes this son, I only recognize one thing, that is, even if the disciples of the Qingyue God teach die, they will not kneel down and beg for life!"

Wu Jiuzhan spoke, and his voice was extremely cold!


The Qingyue monk shook his heads and lowered his heads one by one. Except for a few high-level leaders, the other disciples understood at this moment that the shackles on Master Master might not be planted by the elder Chu from the Northern Temple, Master Master. The shackles may be that the Moon God taught himself to be planted, and even his own man has sent the master to the dungeon!

"Wu Jiuzhan, you still have the strength."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


Wu Jiuzhan heard Chen Zheng's voice and looked at it at once, his face was just right!

"Father.......I did everything for the religion, I am for the religion to continue! Hundreds of years ago, the northern temple sent people to accept the religion, the religion had the opportunity to go further, but Father, you refused! You already have the saint's combat strength, you are not willing to kneel down to the temple, but we are different, no one of us can really learn that ancient immortal technique! You have longevity, we are so bad Far! So my father, everything I do is for the gods. This kid is just an outsider. He is here to harm us, and he is here to hurt you!"

Xuankong figure came back to the moment, shouted at Wu Jiuzhan!


This time!

In response to the dangling figure, there was only a slap indifferent!

This slap!

The fluttering figure flew directly into a blood mist!


The Qingyue gods were all shaking at the moment, and at the same time, they were full of doubts. Does the master do not know the young man? Does the master have any doubts about the young man? If the young man really has something else Pictured!

"Why! Father! Why is this! In the past so many years, you have not beaten me, this time because of an outsider, you not only beat me, but also ruined my body, and also abandoned my cultivation, why is that? !"


Yuan Ji, the son of Wu Jiu Chan, roared roaringly!

"Because this is the ancestor of the murderer!"

Wu Jiuzhan responded in a cold voice!


The ancestor of the murderer?


Who is the murderer ancestor?

Is the leader saying that young man!

The Qingyue **** monk is even more puzzled!


It seems that the young man is really an ancestor!

There is nothing terrible!

An ancestor only!

"The murderer ancestor..."

Jiang Huan uttered a low voice, and secretly said that this should be the first identity of the son in the past, but it can be heard from these four words, the son under this heavy identity will not be so elegant and easy-going, fearing that one shot is to destroy the ancestor. Send the super eradication!

"This murderer's ancestor really wants to exterminate the Blue Moon God Church, how could he wait until now, he can destroy the Blue Moon God Church!" Wu Jiuchan's indifferent eyes swept the Blue Moon God Teach the monk, once again coldly said: "What's more, this Blue Moon Immortal Gate was originally given to me by the murderer ancestor. If the murderer ancestor won the immortal gate, how could I get this immortal gate! In the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, I also received the favor of the ancestor of the murderer! Although I did not recognize the ancestor for the first time, but the ancestor recognized the ancestor as soon as he spoke, you know what nature I am, do you think Will I avenge my revenge! Besides, I really want to revenge my revenge, and the murderer ancestor can kill me easily! You fools, almost destroyed the Blue Moon God Church!"


Qingyue Xianmen even gave this to the leader!

The disciples of the Qingyue **** were aggrieved!

It turns out that the leader is not only related to this son!

Qingyue Xianmen still gave the master the master!

Why... how could this be!

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