Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1571: Emperor Xuan? 1 slap!

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Still not going?

Did not understand this sentence just now!

This time all understand!

Heaven is gone!


Was the Daoist Master invited Dao Dao to be scared away?

What is the situation of the Young Master?

Young Palace Master is stupid!

The Emperor Xuan Emperor Tiangong looked at the young palace lord. Although the young palace lord was still standing in the air, the whole person seemed to be frozen, his mouth widened and he stared at the young man of Xuanxian!

"What do you...want to do!"

The elder Hu Xianyi of the Xuan Emperor Tiangong, pondered for a moment, lowered his voice and asked, he had given up the idea of ​​hands-on. His big elder cultivation was of course above the young palace master, but there was only a premise that the young palace master would not use that That piece of heavenly implement! Just now, the Shao Gong took the initiative to use that implement, and even Tiandao was invited, but Tiandao was scared away by the young man in front of him!

If you take action, it is nothing but self-satisfaction!

"You...really destroy our Xuan Emperor Tiangong!"

Xuan Kuangzong came back to Shen Shen and asked Shen Sheng!

"I came just to see someone."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


See someone?

See who!

Xuandi Tiangong monk doubts!

"Who do you want to see!"

The Master of the Palace of the Palace took a deep breath and grasped the chemical pen in his hand, staring at Chen Zhengyi and asked!

"Your creation pen should initially be just a Taoist instrument, contaminated with the blood of a creature, and then have the so-called power of creation and destruction, so you know who I want to see."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"I do not know!"

The main face of the Shao Palace sank, and he shook his head without any hesitation.


Xuan Kuangzong thought deeply.

The elder Hu Xian changed his expression and murmured: "Your Excellency is extraordinary, and your combat power is unparalleled, but now you have seen Xuan Emperor Tiangong, except for Master Xuan Emperor. I came to see the palace owner, so I can take your lord into the palace."

"Your housekeeper is male or female."

Chen Zheng glanced over.

"It's a man."

Hu Xian replied.

"I'm not interested in him, and I don't want to see him." Chen Zheng listened and shook his head. He lifted his right hand and pointed it at the master pen of the Shao Gong master. His hand fell into Chen Zheng's hands.


The young palace master stared at Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng squeezed it easily, and the chemical pen turned into powder, almost at the same time, there was a flash of rainbow light in the powder, and then the rainbow light shot into the Xuan Emperor's Heavenly Palace!

"this is!"

"The Master Gong's fortune pen was crushed!"

"My God, why is this guy so scary!"

Xuan Emperor Tiangong monk shouted tremblingly!


The master of the palace was sullen and trembling, and his body was shaking. At this moment, he was burning in anger, but he didn't dare to start! Because he understands well, that is, even his master, it is impossible to ruin the creation pen so easily!

This guy!

Why is this guy so arrogant!

"Xuan Emperor Tiangong was originally the Rainbow Palace, and later replaced it. The owner of the Rainbow Palace was supposed to be a woman, right? It should be banned in the depths of the Heaven Palace."

Chen Zheng's eyes swept the few elders of the main palace of the young palace.

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

The Young Palace Master responded with a cold voice.

"I don't know what your Excellency is talking about." The Great Elder shook his head again and again, and paused: "Your Excellency came to our Xuan Emperor Tiangong, and there was such a big noise that the Master of the Palace should already know everything from outside. Your means of warfare They crushed me and waited, but it was not so easy to enter the Tiangong Temple, Master Palace Master... Um? See Master Palace Master!"

Just said!

The elders are happy!


A figure appeared silently and without interest!

"Meet Xuan Emperor!"

"Meet the palace master!"

"Meet Master!"

Almost at the same time!

The other monks of Shao Gongzhu, Xuan Kuangzong, and Xuan Emperor Tianzong also showed their joy, and worshiped those who appeared!

That's a man!

An emperor robe rolls without wind!

At this moment, it just stood in the air, and did not deliberately release any breath, but Xiao Tingyu only glanced at it, and knew that the Xuan Emperor and his master were the creatures in the same realm!


The Xuan Emperor of the Xuan Emperor Tiangong is a Taoist ancestor!

"Informing Master, this method is cruel, and it destroyed the disciple's fortune pen in the first place, and even forced away the heavenly path. The disciple is not the opponent of this person. Now only the Master can fight this person in the upper and lower palaces, so please ask Master for I will wait for the call!"

The thought of the Master of the Shao Palace moved to the emperor's robe again!

"I know what you are for, but I am guarding this heavenly palace on the order of Heavenly Venerable. You want to enter the heavenly palace to step over me first."

The emperor's robe opened his mouth, and his voice was extremely indifferent. As the voice fell, a monarch and emperor dharma appeared behind him. The emperor and emperor dharma appeared, and the disciples of Xuan Emperor Tiangong and Xiao Tingyu were pushed away by a powerful force. This area of ​​Tiangong Only he and Chen Zheng are left!

Xuandi Tiangong was completely blocked by this majestic force!


"The Palace Master is so strong!"

"The lord of the palace is really the Taoist ancestor, and he is really at the same level as Lord Tianzun!"

Those monks who were pushed away from the Emperor Xuan Emperor Tiangong, at this moment the pupils were burning and shining, admiring the man who looked at the emperor robe extremely!

"Master is the Taoist ancestor, and there are more powerful magic tools than the gods. I don't believe that this kid can bully the master like bullying me!"

The young palace master gritted his teeth!



next moment!

His face froze!

More than him!

The faces of the rest of the Emperor Xuan Emperor Tiangong were all frozen!


Chen Zheng only raised his hand and slapped it, and the emperor robe man was exploded. The emperor robe man's body directly exploded into nothingness. At this moment, there was only a broken Yuanshen hanging in the air!


This Nima!

How could this Nima!

Lord Palace Master is Daozu Realm!


Lord Palace Lord seemed to have failed to sacrifice even the magic weapon, and was slapped by that guy. Now there is only one broken Yuanshen, even if there is a line of vitality, but the combat power has been completely lost!

"I don't care about life and death. After I went in to see her, let her come to life and death."

Chen Zheng said lightly, his figure moved into the Emperor Xuan Emperor's Temple.


Xuan Emperor Tiangong monk, uncontrollable trembling at the moment, look at me one by one, I see you, what you want to say between the throat agitation, but you can't say anything at all! Their eyes moved, and they looked at the palace master again. The broken primordial spirit of the palace master was still in a daze. The palace master hadn't recovered yet!


Shao Gongzhu shouted with a broken Master God still had no response!

"Big...Big Elder...Let's escape. Let's escape. Let's escape to where he can't find. We can escape as far as we can!"

An elder shivered and shouted to the elder Hu Xian!

"Escape..." Hu Xian smiled bitterly, glanced at the elder, and then looked at Xiao Tingyu standing on Qingye. To tell the truth, at that instant, he was born and caught Xiao Tingyu Threatening the idea of ​​the terrible Xuanxian, but he realized that this area had been blocked by an invisible enchantment, and he could not escape even if he wanted to escape!

Not to mention!

What's more, the palace master's arrogance was slammed by the man!

Where can I escape, even if I can escape!

It is just a slap and thought for the man to kill himself and others!

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